The Reverend Michael Pfleger, former Obama mentor at least until November, not only ranted against Hillary’s racism in his so-called sermon at Obama’s former church, but he also said something even more pertinent and much scarier. He preached that white people must pay for “white privilege” even if none of their ancestors ever owned slaves.
Pfleger, who’s very white, especially derided those who say, “Don’t hold me responsible for what my ancestors did.” With eyes closed swaggering around like he’s some sort of pulpit Stevie Wonder, he blathered, “But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors did.” Like every white person when born gets a cotton diaper made from 100% slave pickings.
Unfortunately, Pfleger flailed on, “Unless you’re ready to give up the benefits. Throw away your 401 fund. Throw away your trust fund. Throw away all the money that’s been put away in the company you walked into.” Seems Pfleger never had these “perks,” but like all liberals he’s not against others losing theirs.
So, Pfleger, supposedly a poor priest, wants reparations. His proposal for racial injustice is, “Unless you’re willing to give up the benefits then you must be responsible for what was done in your generation.”
Is he talking about my generation? There was no slavery. For instance, slavery, that Pfleger feels is America’s greatest sin, was long ago abolished. Still, if Pfleger feels America should make reparations, then I’m prepared to make a counter offer.
How about 329,000? Yes, the blood of that many whites simply spilled onto the ground.
Why 329,000? Was this figure just pulled from under my hat? No, that’s how many Union soldiers were killed in the Civil War. Eradicating slavery, like rescuing freedom from any oppression, was paid by the generation that abolished it. And, the Civil War wasn’t a black uprising. Instead it was among whites many who abhorred slavery.
But, if that isn’t enough for Pfleger and friends, then they’ll probably never be satisfied because this same bunch decries the 4000 American deaths in Iraq. Iraqis are notably non-white, so batting eyes at Civil War deaths would only expose another hypocrisy.
When the South’s losses are included, America’s bloodiest war is well over 600000 deaths. But since the South lost, its cost was even more. Most of the wealth that slavery created was destroyed. Near the war’s end, the confederate dollar collapsed. Plantations were ransacked. Atlanta burned. There simply weren’t any secret storehouses of cotton preserved.
And the South was economically a third world nation for 100 years afterwards. But Pfleger would certainly argue that as bad as it was for whites, blacks had it far worse.
Well, if someone should be held accountable, let it be Democrats. As a Republican, my party didn’t exist when the Three-fifths Compromise (slaves denied voting but were counted 3/5 for census purposes) was being engrained into the US Constitution.
The Republican Party wasn’t established until 1854 and specifically to abolish slavery. Twelve years later slavery was gone. Still during the war, Copperhead Democrats harped at Lincoln to surrender much like they do with Bush in Iraq.
After the war, blacks in the South voted and held public office. But when Democrats regained control, they created the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and grandfather clauses. They employed anything to deny blacks the vote and put them “back in their place.” Democrats formed the KKK to terrorize blacks. Conversely, Republicans created the NAACP to counter racism.
Eventually, Pfleger apologized. Actually, he did the “Democrat Dirge,” an apology not for what was said but for upsetting the un-enlighten. It’s employed whenever a Democrat says something totally offensive.
Pfleger’s apology included, “Their [Holy Trinity] live streaming had been down all day, and they didn't know whether it was back up... I regret the dramatization that I was naive enough to believe was just going to be kept among that church.”
But, Pfleger is lying. In the video, he concluded, “I don’t want to get you into anymore trouble. [joking] The live streaming just went out again.” He knew he was controversial and would be heard. Yet, in true liberal fashion, he blames America whining, “This is a dangerous time in America, the freest country in the world where you have to whisper your thoughts.”
Apparently, to liberals there’s something worse than a police state, and that’s being videotaped.
Finally, there’s a tide in this country, and it’s no longer towards equality. Civil rights have become more to get “mighty whitey.” It purports that whites obtain nothing through effort, hard work and sacrifice, but instead it’s “given” by virtue of their skin color. By that logic, it’s okay to take their 401Ks and everything else “stolen”
Help defeat “Guilty White Liberalism,” become a conservative and vote Republican, the 100% slavery free party.
Friday, June 13, 2008
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