Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Health Scare 2008

You’ve seen the commercials. Usually someone uninsured or under-insured speaks of his health care crisis. A hard luck story of a terminal condition yet treatment led to bankruptcy. The ad makes a final plea to call congress and demand that something be done.

Why? What’s congress going to do? Well, they could issue a spiffy plastic card to everyone that states the holder of such card is entitled to the best care possible, and if not, well care that’s at least as good as what Canadians are getting.

The problem is that Canada no longer has a national health care system. Instead they have what one Canadian described as a “confirmation you’re sick system.” It works like this. You feel sick, when you finally get to see a doctor, he says, “Yep, you’re sick alright! Take a number. We’ll get back to you in a few months.”

Even ardent believers are becoming opponents. One doctor, David Gratzer, admits that he “soaked up the belief that government-run health care was truly compassionate.” Of course, America’s health system “was unappealing: high expenses and lots of uninsured people.”

But that all changed when he walked into the Winnipeg ER. He found it, “overflowed with elderly people on stretchers, waiting for admission. Some, it turned out, had waited five days.” And the air was filled with sweat and urine. He turned his disgust into an investigation.

He discovered that 1.5 million Ontarians (12% of the population) cannot find a family physician. In Nova Scotia, a lottery determines who gets to see a doctor.

And every year polls show Canadians are getting more and more dissatisfied with their health system, the usual result of socialized medicine. I’d rather be bankrupted up to my eyeballs and get life-saving care, instead of “free” care that isn’t administered soon enough. For it’s better to be alive and in debt, than wait too long for free care and be dead.

The best health care solution would allow tax-deferred savings for routine expenses and would allow rollover if not used even into a retirement plan. Catastrophic health insurance would cover high cost treatments and could even be tailored to an individual’s risks. But, Democrats despise free choice and do everything they can to limit and eliminate it.

My brother just the other day informed me that the ever so friendly IRS changed health insurance regulations to screw up his insurance plan. He had a policy that gave him only catastrophic coverage with minimum benefits possible. The real benefit he wanted was the Health Saving Account (HSA) option. He could save money without any tax consequences paying for all doctor visits, prescriptions etc. with tax deferred dollars.

But now, he can’t get the HAS with his current plan. The IRS now requires one with a wellness program that provides $500 in benefits but costs $1100 more. Because of government, he’s forced to buy something he doesn’t want, and at an increased cost as well. Obama website states that “the insurance companies operate without rules.” Apparently, he must be smoking an illegal substance again.

The truth is that Obama is all for socialized medicine, but is smart enough not to openly advocate it just like the Clintons. Most people think his plan will provide equal access, which for socialism would mean that most people would have increasingly longer waits except for the ruling class. For instance, Ted Kennedy would never have to wait for a brain operation while Ted, your neighbor, might have to wait for Kennedy to be done using his. But even then, many would still get equal access even though it would be horrible.

But Obama’s plan is different. Since Obama’s church (former since he supposedly left it) believes in Black Liberation Theology (BLT), it follows a racist, Marxist and vehemently anti-American orthodoxy. Reverend Wright expressed himself so well with rants of “God D**n America” and “US of KKK.”

Above all BLT advocates correcting “White Privilege.” which means Caucasians have wealth only because they’re “melanin-ingly challenged.” It’s why Obama wants Supreme Court justices that will consider race but not the constitution when making decisions. Recently, Obama disagreed with reparations for blacks, saying (Aug 2, 2008), “The best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed.”

But just days earlier (July 30, 2008), he said, “African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.” Actually, Obama has professed that he will implement reparations i.e. “get-evenism” in his trillion-dollar expansion of government.

So, Obama’s health care will definitely have “affirmative action access.” Minorities will get a disproportionate amount of the new goodies doled out. And those that complain will in all likelihood be labeled racists.