Of course, Reid was a guy who declared the Iraq War and the surge a failure even before it was implemented. Naturally, he’s using the same liberal loony logic (intentional use of redundant terms) to arrive at his “Oil sickness” theory.
Oil is what has made modern life possible and so comfortable. Look at how people lived just 150 years ago. Much starker and harder, but according to Reid, “We’ve got to stop using fossil fuel.” But if nothing replaces it, then Americans can just start living in mud huts.
Where did Reid acquire the “knowledge” to make his grand pronouncement? Reid’s education includes degrees from Southern Utah State College, Utah State University, and George Washington School of Law. So, Reid’s no uneducated dolt, but he’s spent practically a lifetime in government. Thus, his “real-world” connections are highly dubious.
Like-minded to Reid, Barack Obama wants high gas prices because he believes “oil is bad.” Obama’s degrees are from Columbia University and Harvard, but he “knows” that Iraq is a failure and that Bush lacked judgment starting the war. Obama as president would withdrawal i.e. surrender as fast as he can. That is supposedly why he should be president. His judgment is second to no one. However, in Obama’s case no one seems to have a commanding lead.
For anybody can lose a war. It doesn’t take a genius with a high muckety muck degree, a 6-figure education; schooling where graduates pay beaucoup buckos to get “edumacated.” Unfortunately, many universities have become colossal towers of ignorance.
However, it’s not that professors lack intellect or have become stupid. Instead many have completely inoculated themselves from the real world. Universities also have had an explosion of majors that are geared to government bureaucracies while experiencing a significant decrease in scientific disciplines.
What Obama has learned from his expensive education (indoctrination if the truth be known) is the art of losing. However, great leaders are people who find a way to win. History is replete with heroes who muster the will for victory even when the situation looked bleak.
For instance, George Washington fought on when the minutemen were losing in that cold winter at Valley Forge. However, nowhere is anyone hailed as the “Great Capitulator.” No books have ever been written titled “The Great Retreat.” Though, Obama is rewriting the book on being the consummate politician.
His tap dance on Iraq after being asked many times if he would have supported the surge after it’s been successful was an example of someone who would be absolutely dangerous in a position of authority. His final reason was that he just wanted needed an issue to disagree with Bush.
But the politician that takes the cake for being anti everything is Nobel Prize winner, Al Gore. He’s actually an exception to being a highly educated dunderhead, for he’s a two-time college dropout. Quitting both divinity and law schools, Gore’s someone who failed with both God and the Devil.
Gore appears frequently for puff piece interviews that never ask him the tough questions. Still, Gore is a hero of sorts, for he’s completely carbon neutral. An example for how we all should live. It’s amazing considering that he consumes twenty times the power as the national average. How does he do it? Well, at his interview he gave some spiel about utilizing green technologies: solar cells, reusable water cisterns and a toilet paper recycler.
Ah, but he’s just being too modest. In reality, his real genius is his very own carbon credit company. Yes, Al buys all the credits he needs for himself from himself so he can drain the Tennessee Valley Authority dry of power and even frequently jet all over the world. He’s truly a model of how to preach the impossible and not practice it in the least, and still not feel like a hypocrite. Follow his lead, and you won’t go poor going green
Myself, I planted a tree to offset my carbon for my entire life. Some might think my ambitions for this one tree are too great to offset so much. But, I was confident this tree would do. Unfortunately, it died probably from the pressure of my expectations. Still, I consider it a viable offset because when it comes to liberals, it’s the intention that counts and never the hardcore reality.