Watching the macaca media cover what will probably be the norm of the Obama presidency, he and his merry gang will be defying, denying and outright lying. Most presidents enter office before having their first scandal, but Obama is different. He’s change with a capital “C.” In reality, he’s more of the same, definitely a whole lot more.
And, the media will help him all they can. I used to believe that reporters were just a bunch of liberals that having a natural distain for corporations were instead drawn to journalism to make a difference. But, this past presidential election has demonstrated that most of the media has actually been infiltrated by the Democrat National Committee (DNC).
So from this point on they should be called the DNC media, not the macaca media. They’re not a bunch of monkeys who are blinded by the lack of understanding that what they’re doing is wrong. Instead, they’re deliberately skewing the news to build up the Democrat Party while knocking down the Republican.
Still, many respected individuals just don’t get it. Like commentators Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg who on The O’Reilly Factor argued that the media outlets of CBS, ABC and NBC barely mentioned that the Illinois governor was a Democrat because Republicans are the party that advocates honesty. Therefore, these media outlets just like to focus on hypocrisy.
Well, if that were the case, they’d be equally eager to point out the Democrats’. For example, at their convention in Denver, an ABC reporter was filming powerful Democrats going into a secret meeting with rich corporate donors and was arrested for trespassing on a public sidewalk, and without habeas corpus! For a party that distains corporations and obsessively worries about the civil rights of terrorists, that’s enough to handle a herd of Republican hypocrisies.
But, the DNC media ignored the story because it wouldn’t help Democrats. It’s the same for the Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich hereto henceforth dubbed Blago. For if ever he goes, he’ll always be Blago.
Many print accounts never identified his party until the second page. AP specifically referred to the Governor’s title as “Gov.” at every instance. Though this abbreviation is appropriate, it was used even when there was enough space. Why? Maybe, it’s because “GOV.” is very similar to GOP, which the DNC media knows will confuse some into thinking that this scandal is Republican.
Although Blago is a Democrat, one might think he’s Gov. GOP from the way the DNC media is treating him. It’s either deliberate collusion or an amazing coincidence that they all went from he’s just a distraction to he’s delusional in complete unison. The “he’s crazy” angle was probably chosen just in case he decides to sing like the proverbial bird ratting out Demo-rats. Why, crazy people just can’t be trusted in what they say.
And, Blago doesn’t get the same special spousal courtesy like his good buddy Obama. Michelle his belle is off limits according to DNC media. Not so, with Blago’s, his wife gets attacked because her lingo would make a truck driver blush. Still, how she talks is irrelevant in this scandal of selling Obama’s senate seat.
Unfortunately, the investigation may have been revealed too soon that Blago won’t ever be successfully prosecuted. Who knows how many Democrats could have been snared as well. Did “Special Prosecutor” Patrick Fitzgerald reveal the investigation when it got to close to Obama’s administration? Rahm Emmanuel, his Chief of Staff, who talked with Blago 21 times has practically disappeared and may eventually appear on milk cartons.
Emmanuel could become Obama’s scapegoat who claimed that he’d never met with Blago even though he did three days after the election. Obama is deeply involved in this scandal. Yes, Blago did call Obama a dirty name but not because Obama was unwilling to make a deal. Obama instead wanted Blago to wait a few years for his payoff.
Another possibility is that Fitzgerald may have wanted to expose the investigation before Obama took office. Fearing, he could be fired in order to impede the investigation even though Obama promised to keep him on. Some argue that Obama wouldn’t dare. But Bill Clinton fired 93 of 94 US attorneys in 1993 to obstruct Whitewater. The DNC media that made a big deal over Bush’s firing of only 8, said practically nothing with Clinton’s.
More than likely, Fitzgerald exposed his investigation because the Chicago Tribune did so after promising it wouldn’t. Yet, when the paper’s editorial staff discovered that “Senate candidate #5” was Jesse Jackson Jr., they probably believed that the investigation would damage a Democrat deemed untouchable. So, they compromised it. Well, Blago was at least right about one thing, his demand that the Chicago Tribune editorial board be fired.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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