Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ready For Some R and R

One of the good ideas behind the new Republican slogan, “Repeal and Replace,” is that it’s just not repeal. It’s a good response to the sore throat Americans feel from having ObamaCare shoved down their gullets. Pro-regressives, who are exceptionally good at demagoging, would then claim that Republicans are running on just repeal. In fact, Obama is already doing this. One thing about pro-regressives, they’re completely blind to all ideas that won’t eventually wipe out the free market.

So, it’s almost “IRS-mas,” pro-regressives favorite time of the year, and for anyone who’s not Chairman of the Way and Means committee (Charles Rangel D-NY on a supposed leave of absence) or Treasury Secretary Tax Me Not Timothy Geithner, the regurgitation of personal financial information required every April 15th is well under way.

This national annual invasion of privacy never seems to disturb pro-regressives, who only become extremely bothered at government intrusions where terrorism might be thwarted. And, this year Americans get a bonus. The US Census goes beyond just how many live in a household asking income and race so government benefits can be better redistributed supposedly “equitably.”

But against working Americans, privacy violations are apparently okay, and pro-regressives defend aggressively their progressive tax and its progressive nature. They use class envy to stop the flat tax because even though a taxpayer pays more with every dollar, it’s still not enough.

And pro-regressives do love their income tax. So much so, there’s very little anyone can do to persuade them away of it. Try to cut taxes and the caterwauling of class envy becomes a cacophony. Elimination is totally out of the question unless pro-regressives could be convinced that a replacement has elements that would be devastating to the free market.

Pro-regressives would never consider the Fair Tax, even though they constantly argue for fairness, simply because it’s not intrusive enough into the privacy of Americans and it’s not progressive enough for it is levied equally upon all citizens. Yet, it does have one facet that might just interest them.

The Fair Tax has a rebate, which reimburses each person up to what is considered the poverty level. If for a family of four the poverty level is $20000/yr, that family would get at 23% about $4600/yr. That’s a check every month of almost $400 from the government. Now one thing pro-regressives can’t get enough of is people receiving checks from Uncle Sam.

The Fair Tax means turning every American into someone on the dole without making them dependent or unemployed. Oh, wait. Pro-regressives might not like that. They fear independent people because they could vote the wrong way from their perspective. Pro-regressives have spent a great deal of time working on a dependable vote from their dependency class.

For it’s not about helping the poor. It is about helping them stay poor and giving them a sense of entitlement too. Consider Sharon Jasper whose life story is detailed in an Internet e-mail. According to this e-mail, she has spent all but one year of her life in Section 8, a Housing Choice Voucher program strongly supported by Democrats. It’s a shame that Democrats wouldn’t continue another voucher program sponsored in D.C, the one for school choice.

Sharon Jasper family legacy all started when her parents moved into Section 8 housing in 1949, but she like any doting parent just wants to pass on the lifestyle to her children, who she fears might have to get jobs to pay for things like utilities and deposits. Why, a parent’s worries never end!

A photograph of her sitting in an apartment shows a nice place complete with hardwood floors. In fact it’s been recently renovated. But she calls it a slum because of missing window screens, a leaky sink and a warped back door. Yet, nothing is as hard as having only a 60 inch TV that isn’t even plasma.

Her story is so incredible it’s hardly believable, and on snopes.com it was given a “multiple status” because some of e-mail’s claims were fabrications. What’s not is that she thinks her nice apartment is a slum or that she has a huge TV. Its photo was in a Times-Picayun newspaper article where Ms. Jasper is quoted saying, “I might be poor, but I don’t have to live poor.”

The newspaper account also includes outbursts she actually made at a city council meetings like, “I will not be treated as a slave!” and my personal favorite, “Back up and shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!” which could be the lyrics to an actual song. When coupled with Congressman Rangel and Treasury Secretary Geithner and a host of other politicians who don’t pay their taxes, it should be becoming increasingly difficult to continue paying ours.