Friday, April 16, 2010

The "Hopeless Healthcare Hotline"

Many are having trouble with Obama’s healthcare hijacking. Apparently, they’re too steeped in racist ideas like free markets. They just can’t pro-regress and believe ObamaCare will be like Christmas that it will drop premiums 3000%, save businesses tons of money or not completely take over medicine. Unfortunately, for them ObamaCare has become their ObamaScare.

Well, the Obama administration may soon have something just for them. Within secret chambers of the White House are rumors that a telephone will be setup which can be called anytime even at three a.m. A direct line where tea partiers, often erroneously accused of violence that never happens, can call to help alleviate their justified fears of the government takeover of eventually everything.

Obviously, they’re totally crazy even though Congresswoman Maxine Walters (D-CA) once said, “This liberal will be all about socializing, uh, uh… would be about basically about taking over the government running all of your companies.”

Now, this telephone link won’t actually reach a real person. The same administration that ignores the people’s wishes certainly isn’t going to have anybody listen to them. Instead when a call is received various recorded messages from influential Democrats will be replayed in order to inform the overly anxious caller of the real facts, which now should be known since ObamaCare has passed as Squeaker Pelosi has so noted.

One message could be from Congressman John Dingell (D-MI), senior Democrat in the House of Un-representatives, who on WJR radio (3/23/10) said, “When you’re going to pass legislation … it takes a long time … to put the legislation together to control the people.”

That “control the people” must have been a misstatement. He must have meant “care for the people.” Many people interchange those words frequently. Why, I can count on one finger the times that’s happened. Anyway after listening to “Ding Dong” Dingel, when Obamatons mock potential terrorist tea partier that ObamaScare is not a major infringement on liberty, well anyone after hearing Dingell’s message can laugh along with them.

Another message could be from Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), member of that snake pit since 1984, who said, “As I said before this bill is not complete. I used the analogy of a starter home ... But like every right that we’ve ever passed … we revisit it later on to enhance and build … and we will do that here surely.”

That was something the founders always did, repeatedly revisit the Bill of Rights, making so many additions that it ought to be called the House of Rights. On that rights note, here’s Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC) who said, “It’s the first civil rights act of the 21st century because every single person … will benefit … irrespective of station in life, gender, color whatever.” They’ll just have to wait four years and not be a taxpayer.

Notice how Democrats can just hand out rights like beer bongs at a frat party. It doesn’t matter the cost, the unfunded liabilities or the infringement on other rights. And, these continuous “re-righters” of the US Constitution can just as easily take away rights.

Many believe that tyranny always comes from a gun. But an overbearing government can deny healthcare, employment, housing whatever it controls to any citizen i.e. subject who criticizes it. For one cannot be independent or free from an institution he’s dependent.

But fret not. Democrats still regard the Constitution, right?

When Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) was asked which part of the Constitution authorizes a mandate for Americans to buy health insurance, he replied, “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this.” When reminded that he swore to uphold that vaunted document, he retorted, “I believe it says we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

When told that infamous phrase was from the Declaration of Independence, Hilarity Hare sniped, “Doesn’t matter to me. Either one.” Great, here’s another public school system success story. He’s totally arrogant yet has great self-esteem, completely rude and educated to complete stupidity, but ready to run the soon-to-be government healthcare system.

Remember Obama saying he wanted a “civilian army that is just as well trained and funded as the military?” He said this to a cheering crowd who never questioned why America needed this force it’s never needed before. Well, tucked away in the over 2,000 page healthcare monstrosity is a private health army to be trained by the military and be under Obama’s direct authority.

So, tea partiers can rest assured that their opposition to government healthcare will be awarded with Obama’s tour de force coming, strapping them in straight jackets and taking them to some undisclosed location probably never to be seen again. Because Obama doesn’t just care, he ObamaCares so much for the mentally ill like him.