President Obama’s commencement speech at Notre Dame caused great controversy. At issue was the fact that Obama is supposedly pro-choice, and Notre Dame is a catholic university that should be pro-life. Some were critical that Obama was given an honorary degree. Some complained that Obama should have never been allowed to give a speech there in the first place. So much so, they suggested the university be renamed, “Notre Shame.”
Father Richard McBrien, a professor of theology at Notre Dame, supported the decision to honor the president saying on Fox News Sunday (5/17), “Father Jenkins, our president, has made it very clear that the honorary degree and … to address our graduates in no way suggests support for all of his positions, including … abortion and … embryonic stem cell research.”
But he also said, “There are other positions he has taken … immigration or poverty … which are entirely consistent with Catholic social teaching.” Okay, so the Pope is a socialist now. And, when did helping the poor become a government mandate to take over the private sector?
So, basically according to McBrien, Catholics believe in Obama’s “share the wealth” policies. Wonder if he will continue to agree after Obama puts Catholic charity out of business by eliminating the charitable tax deduction.
And does Father McBrien agree that illegals should be allowed to pour across the border, receiving free services and taking jobs that if the truth be known aren’t ones Americans don’t want, but simply can’t get because employers hire illegals for far cheaper. Maybe, it’ll only be a problem for him when illegals take professorships at Notre Dame.
Yet, Father McBrien most idiotic comment was, “If we required 100 percent agreement with the Catholic Church’s official teaching … we would then not have any politicians of either party.” But, Obama’s beliefs on abortion do not fall within societal norms.
Most people fall within the pro-life to pro-choice spectrum. Pro-life may allow abortions in cases of rape, and pro-choice may allow abortions beyond the first trimester. But, Obama is an extremist for he strongly supports partial birth abortions, a hideous procedure where a baby is turned around to the breach position, head crushed. Then has his/her brain sucked out.
Obama even sponsored a bill in the
Yet, even pro-choice is somewhat extremist allowing murder simply because a baby hasn’t survived the birth canal. For pro-choice is just a nice way to say pro-death. For if pro-choice is so essential for freedom’s sake, why was the
Essentially, the problem with abortion is that somebody’s gotta die. That could be eliminated if after a fetus is removed, it’s instead incubated as technologically feasible to full-term like preemies. Yes, it’s a woman’s body, but at the umbilical cord starts another body that shouldn’t be removed until there’s reasonable expectation of being kept alive.
Abortion insurance could be available to cover the high costs. Unfounded mandates popular with limousine liberals shouldn’t be required of hospitals, which would just defray the expenses elsewhere.
And, if abortion weren’t murder, why do so many pro-choice supporters profess that it should be rare? Or condoms should be passed out at schools like condiments, so sexually crazed kids can avoid abortions. Abstinence education may not necessarily be more effective, but it works every time it’s tried.
While that’s a trite expression, it’s true. Only one person has ever been naturally pregnant without sexual relations, the Virgin Mary. And, unless God is planning for Jesus to return as a human sometime soon, it’s a feat never to be repeated.
Ultimately, individuals must choose. It’s like telling kids not to do drugs whether it’s “Just say no” or instituting full rehab rights, it comes down to refusing that mysterious white powder when peer pressure is at its height. That’s why Sarah Palin’s daughter got pregnant even though her mother is staunchly pro-life.
Finally, no contraceptive is 100% effective especially condoms. If kept in a wallet, micro tears form even if left in the package. And, if every contraceptive device known to man were used simultaneously, there’s still a chance albeit small of failure. So, anything else other than teaching abstinence is like learning in Driver’s Ed to run red lights. A driver may get through many unscathed, but once is all it takes to get T-boned.