Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tea, Tea Everywhere, But Not a Drop To Drink

Witnessed on April 15th were gathering across the entire nation. There were about 879 in fact, with attendance that numbered from several hundred (little ole Lynchburg had 1200 to 1800) to tens of thousands. The total participants could have been near 1 million, which when considered that many took time from busy lives working and don’t usually attend political protests that number becomes even more substantial.

Unlike many rallies of the left, no one was paid or was force to attend. The tea parties were not “astroturfed” as Nancy Pelosi, Squeaker of the House, has asserted. Astroturf refers to the left’s common practice of importing fake protesters either with unionists getting the “day off” and told it would be a good idea they attend, busing by the boatloads school children and welfare recipients or just plain paying people to show up.

So, if the tea rallies were really financed by rich benefactors, why didn’t they provide better protest signs. Almost all were home made and carried many themes that were only somewhat related. One common saying was “T.E.A. Tax Enough Already,” which Obama naturally translates into “Tax Everything Absolutely.” But, my favorite was “Honk, if I’m paying your mortgage.” Sort of helps enjoin those who’ve been enjoying a free party all this time at someone else’s expense.

The tea parties were the one silver lining on a day that otherwise holds only black clouds for me. Just ask my wife. She says I’m just a bear at tax time. That’s because everything we do generate taxable events. That’s what the IRS calls them when taxpayers move their own money around. Sell a stock or mutual fund, pay some tax. Actually, have stock or mutual funds, pay taxes.

The government is worse than the mafia wanting a “cut” of every monetary transaction that occurs regardless of its purpose. Anyway, by the time I’m finished tabulating, we end up owing a substantial amount. It’s the result of living prudently saving money, which is now penalized by a system that is geared for those who lack personal responsibility and save nothing.

Hence, the mortgage meltdown caused by government dictating that banks must lend to those who in a million years could never pay it back. Technically, giving money away for housing creating toxic assets a.k.a. debts (Now, they’re legacy assets). Well, in the free market somebody eventually pays. Those with retirement funds in the stock market paid by losing half of what they were worth.

The rallying cry of the original tea parties was “Taxation without representation.” The leftist DNC media points out that the “right-wing” attendees of the April 15th protest do get representation. Why, they got to vote in the last election. They just lost. While that may be true, the taxation without representation slogan over simplifies the argument then and now.

The rebelling colonists did indeed have no representation being that King George was a monarch. But the colonists had no representation for years every since the New World was first settled. It wasn’t until England was going to impose an incredible increase on tea did colonists’ discontent really brew.

At that point, the no representation really kicked in. It probably seemed to the colonists that the monarchy would stop at nothing when it came to taxation. Why even to taxing rats in people’s homes. With no way to address it peaceably, the angry colonists resorted to the only means possible to stop the tax tyranny: Rebellion and Revolution.

If you think it can’t happen again, think again. In Oregon, the legislators are considering raising that tax on beer by 1800%. The current tax is already the highest cost in making beer. The new tax would effectively introduce prohibition all over again. Now beer may not be as universally “drunk” as tea was then, but taxes are being raised everywhere on everything absolutely. Even here in Lynchburg, city council actually voted 4-3 to raise property taxes in there troubling times. Well, get real, council.

The tea parties represent a working class angry at over burdening taxes and out of control spending that’s mostly not for stimulus. Instead the spending is for pet liberal projects and Democrat vote pandering schemes designed to eventually lock out responsible Americans to never be able to stop it electorally. Many are finally saying “Enough” and demanding a return to constitutional government.

For the US Constitution, a result of the abuses of power by the King of England, is the most anti-tyrannical governmental document ever created. The limitations contained within were specifically written to prevent what many perceive is happening today. The fact that Obama thinks supporting the constitution as subversive is just another sign that he’s the real threat to life, liberty and the republic.

Tom's Tomfoolery

I never took the time to congratulate Tom Perriello for unseating Vigil Goode from the 5th congressional district of Virginia. And I’m not going to now. The reason is not because a Democrat beat a conservative Republican. Instead it’s because of a commercial that Perriello produced and aired shortly before the election. It was a falsehood. I’m sure Perriello knew it. And he released it knowing that Goode would not have any chance to refute it.

In Perriello’s ad he accused Goode of supporting a 23% sales tax. Now, there’s a reason why in a court the oath is to tell the whole truth. While what Perriello said was factually true, it was totally false when compared to the full truth. Goode, in fact, supports the Fair Tax, which is a national sales tax, but it also repeals all income taxes. It evens reimburses families to the poverty rate of the sales tax. So the idea that the Fair Tax hurts the poor is absurd.

One advantage of the Fair Tax is that April 15th would no longer be a day of agony for many Americans. Never again would they have to divulge their personal financial information and so would be secure in their personal papers as intended by right in the US Constitution.

But, Perriello being a Democrat (i.e. socialist) believes that the government can and actually should investigate each American concerning his intimate financial details. And, who knows what else? As a progressive, he’s a good little obedient soldier for Pelosi and Obama, the axis of divas.

Now, Goode would personally return phone calls and answer the letters of his constituents. He had four offices located conveniently throughout his diverse district. While Perriello, on the other hand, has only two saving taxpayer money, of course.

But it’s not very convenient for the people he supposed to serve. Apparently, keeping in touch isn’t important to him. Well, progressive politician do believe that the people are stupid anyway. Besides he could never let constituents’ concerns cross with his dear leader Princess Pelosi.

During the campaign Perriello also did the usual undermining of Goode’s reputation portraying him as a tool of special interests. He ran an ad recalling an incident in 2006 where Goode had taken contributions from defense contactor MZM, the same company where Republican Randy "Duke" Cunningham was found guilty of accepting a bribe.

At the time, Goode was securing money for the company to build a military intelligence center in Virginia’s 5th District. The head of MZM was convicted of fraud, so Goode eventually gave the contributions to charity. There was no evidence that Goode had violated any election laws. But Perriello didn’t care and brought up this old innuendo anyway.

And Perriello gets loads of support from the DNC media. Like when they reported right before the election that Goode and his wife were thanked in the credits of a gay art house film and that Goode’s longtime press secretary, Linwood Duncan, had a role in the film. A brochure from the 2003 Toronto “InsideOut” gay and lesbian film festival even listed the telephone number of Goode's Danville office taxpayer-funded fax machine.

Goode said he intends to find out who was responsible and whether or not taxpayer money was spent on promoting the film, which he said he’s not seen. You got to admire the DNC media. They can track down the minutest innuendo on an opponent while completely ignoring Obama’s takeover of America.

In one debate, Goode mentioned ACORN and argued that the credit crisis was caused by government pushing loans to “people who are risky at best, and I do not support making politically correct loans over financially sound loans.” Perriello responded, “That is by far the scariest thing you will hear tonight. That isn't out of touch with the district; this is out of touch with reality.” The audience erupted into applause.

It is understandable why they laughed. Nobody in his right mind would lend to NINJNAs (no income, no job, no assets) and expect not to get into deep financial dodo, but that’s precisely what happened. And Perriello supports the continuation of this lunacy.

Perriello perfected misrepresentation while living in New York. Even though he only lived there two years, it was all he needed. He also supports the “Employee Free Choice” act. No surprise here, this suppression of the secret ballot is really only something progressive politicians could support.

Finally, Goode said when he left the Democrat Party (Yes, he was a Democrat) was that he didn’t want to be a member of a party that said one thing to the people in public and the opposite in private. Goode was controversial, but he always said what he believed. Conversely, Perriello all he knows is the diva double talk