The Obama-“Da” Strain
A question for my shrink, if I had one, would be, “Is it normal to want a bum out of office who hasn’t even been inaugurated yet?” Yeah, my honeymoon was over even before it began. Many conservatives in their misguided sense of fairness are willing to give Barack Obama somewhat of a chance. Why? Turnabout is fair game. Liberals never gave President Bush one minute of reprieve from their relentless attacks.
Obama, the one, has promised 2.5 million jobs by 2011. This is the messiah? “W,” the complete failure, created almost 9 million with his evil tax cut in 2003. If one is technically anal and most liberals are, Bush, the miserable, managed in his complete mismanagement of the economy to create 6.5 million new jobs which includes the 2.5 millions jobs lost at the beginning of his term.
Whereas, if the truth be known, were lost as a result of 9/11. Too many Americans need to be reminded. For it’s been so long ago, and we haven’t been attacked since. Also, there was the tech bubble crash that started under the previous administration. Not one job loss was ever attributed to Bill Clinton, the ex-pres, even though every job lost on Obama’s, the infallible, watch will be blamed on Bush.
And Obama, the magnificent, isn’t even promising new jobs. He’ll sort of count in his overall jobs number, those that were teetering on the brink of being lost forever except for his steely, resolved leadership. Thus, workers, still employed after Obama’s first term, should thank his righteous wind, or maybe just thank their lucky stars.
So, Obama, the miraculous, selected Timothy Geithner for Treasury Secretary, and the “Da” Jones skyrocketed 20%. Makes one wonder what investors were thinking. Doesn’t this guy Geithner lurk somewhere behind that Bailout Bust? A bill so over laden with pork passed in such an overly hurried fashion, hereto known henceforth as “a rush to whore.”
Geithner is also heavily involved in Citigroups’ financial difficulties, a bank tanking faster than the market. Yet, investors are hoping for any centrist hint in Obama’s, the mysterious, economic positions. Their irrational exuberance, as former Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, would describe it, makes them giddy on any pick not the Rev. Wright of economic policies.
But then again, nobody really knows because the macaca media did more vetting of Sarah Palin in two weeks than they did in two years on Obama, their “Da”-rock star. He could be at best FDR’s economics coupled with Jimmy Carter’s total appeasement foreign policy. At worst, he’s a Marxist that will fix the capitalist economy for good leading to mass famine, rampant corruption, out of control crime and, of course, those wonderful gulags.
Bill Ayers, unrepentant terrorist, in his book, “Prairie Fire,” which by the way was dedicated to Bobby Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, described what should be done to the 25 million or so people who just couldn’t accept the new socialist order. Why exterminate them. Makes one wonder what Ayers’ precise relationship with the president-elect is now, doesn’t it?
But hey, let’s be optimistic. Can you say “Da”-pression? Well, that’s exactly where America’s heading if the government doesn’t stop interfering with the economy. Democrats have already made a mess with the mortgage market, forcing banks through the CRA, the Community Reinvestment Act, to lend to individuals who couldn’t possibly ever repay. In their zeal to help the poor they’re succeeding at making everyone poorer.
Now, “Da”-mocrats are pushing stimulus packages out the wazoo, but they’re calling them “economic recovery initiatives.” No matter what the nomenclature, it amounts to nothing more than FDR’s “prime the pump” programs, which didn’t work. Insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result.
What Obama needs to do is what would be the last thing he would ever do: cut taxes specifically the marginal, corporate and capital gains. All when lowered would stimulate the economy by encouraging investment and risk taking. Activities suppressed when these taxes are too high.
Undoubtedly, Obama will let Bush’s tax cuts expire, which save middle class families from $1200 to $2500 per year. If Obama ever issues his rebate check, the recommended action would be for these families to cherish that check, clutch it close to their chest, then turn it over and sign the back, “Pay to the order of the US Treasury.” For it’ll only cover part of their increased taxes
But hey, Obama’s been all idle “Da”-lk. Though he may begin as a centrist, that doesn’t mean he isn’t planning a socialist takeover later. Even Lenin after the Bolshevik Revolution reverted to capitalism to rebuild a war-torn economy, but make no mistake it was just a stopgap measure until he was ready to march down that dark road to totalitarianism.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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