No doubt, Obama, with the most socialist senate record, is the ultimate taxidermist, but what he plans to skin to mere bones are nickelodeons. Obama will tax to death anyone with a “nickel on him.” Obama will raise the income, capital gains tax, federal gas tax etc. It’s actually easier to list what taxes he won’t raise to the hilt. So, here’s the list. … Done!
One thing change agent Obama has already changed is his “change” slogan. He’s already fulfilling his principal campaign promise. Changing positions as well as slogans, nothing is beyond change. For example, moving from the undefined “Change, we can believe in.” to “Change that works for you.” Probably, a more accurate slogan would be, “Change that works you over.” Because no doubt about it, Obama is a Marxist like most of his Democrat cohorts, he’ll vastly increase the government’s grip on the free market.
Bob Bechtel, Democrat strategist and unfortunately Fox News contributor, was recently discussing the economy with another man who’s apparently been too successful. But baby “Boo Hoo” Bob started whining about the other guy’s garb, in particular his five thousand dollar suit. Actually, what Bob was really crying about was that this guy’s success makes him feel like a loser.
Bechtel then claimed that “trickle down” is a myth created by Ronald Reagan and his merry band of neo-conservatives. Obviously, it didn’t work for him. Well, the phrase is sort of a misnomer. In a growing economy that raises the tide some boats will still sink. In Bechtel’s case, it’ll still stink.
Even with great economic expansion like Reagan’s 91 quarters of consecutive growth, working was nevertheless required to get ahead. But looking at Bob’s body mass, apparently all he did was belch beer during the 1980’s. Probably, the only thing trickling down ole “Belchtel” was junk food that dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin when he just couldn’t imbibe it all fast enough.
Yet, Bechtel is a typical class envy Democrat who decries success and the free market as inherently unfair. Liberals like him should be considered economic terrorists. They are the greatest threat to the economic viability of this country. One of their biggest harms they do is destroying the ability of businesses to make a profit.
Make no mistake, the takeover of
Reagan actually threw a monkey wrench in their grand plans. One of his greatest accomplishments was deregulation, and they in return hated his guts. For as rules and restrictions increase they raise the cost of doing business, and those costs are passed onto consumers. Democrats don’t want anyone to know this.
For instance, Democrats constantly threaten to impose “windfall profits” taxes on oil companies, which only will result in higher gas prices. But Democrats will demagogue them calling this practice price gouging. If Americans don’t see behind this scheme, Democrats will pass laws denying those “evil” oil companies the ability to pass on these extra costs.
As Democrats impose higher costs, oil companies must either sell gas at a loss or stop selling it altogether. Naturally, no company wants to lose money selling a product. Shortages will occur, but Democrats will again blame the oil companies. Then, Democrats will claim the oil executives are too evil and incompetent to continue running the energy industry.
Hence, government will have to take over. Some Democrats have already mentioned nationalization of the oil companies. If they succeed, Americans might as well cut off the top of their cars, put dirt in the interiors, and turn their vehicles into expensive planters because there’ll certainly be no gas to drive them.
Whatever the industry, nationalization always delivers the same result. Scarcity becomes abundant and the norm. The old