As time transpires the more leftists prove they are “Living in a liberal la la loony land.” It will never occupy either a time or space except between the ears of their inner space. It’s what allows them to fully support a nominee who is wholly unqualified to serve on any court let alone the Supreme Court.
In Obama’s opinion, judging should be shaped by “empathy” as much or even more than judicial reason. Unquestionably, he has demonstrated that nominating a Supreme Court justice is simply above his pay grade. So much so, that he has totally disqualified himself from ever nominating another justice again.
Because his selection criterion means that a confirmed justice would automatically violate this oath from day one: “I do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
So, while Obama’s president, a selection moritorium should be imposed even if the number of members on the Supreme Court gets reduced sort of a reverse FDR who attempted to pack the court during his tenure. So, with Souter’s departure, eight is enough, and with one less liberal, it certainly doesn’t hurt.
In a speech published in the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal in 2002, current nominee Judge Sotomayor offered her own interpretation of jurisprudence. Being that she’s a member of “La Raza” which in Spanish means “The Race.” If this were a white men’s organization, liberals would never stop caterwauling racism.
So, she said, “Justice [Sandra Day] O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases.” But then she declared, “I am . . . not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, . . . there can never be a universal definition of wise.” Only a liberal would argue that wisdom can’t be defined.
But the statement that gets her into trouble, was, “Second, I would hope that a wise
For liberals believe that only typical whites can be racists. Not only has she echoed this statement many times, but racism affects her court decisions as well. One was Ricci v. DeStefano involving the promotion of white
The case, heard by a three-judge panel including Judge Sotomayor, the city refused to certify exams because minorities did poorly. So, 18 white including one Hispanic firefighters were denied promotions. They sued rightly charging discrimination.
After the three judge panel issued a brief opinion repeating the district court’s decision, Sotomayor‘s appeals court declined to rehear the case, an outcome which infuriated her colleague and fellow Hispanic Jose Cabranes.
In his dissent joined by five of his colleagues, Judge Cabranes criticized the horrible handling of the case. The “perfunctory disposition” of the opinion, he noted, “lacks a clear statement of either the claims raised by the plaintiffs or the issues on appeal.”
Judge Cabranes added the case were “worthy of review” by the Supreme Court, which may well overturn Sotomayor’s ruling. And in a case of poetic justice they may just do it during her confirmation hearings, not that liberals would notice.
While liberals argue loony concepts like the cycle of violence, which supposedly occurs when
If enhanced interrogation techniques helped al-Queda’s recruitment, wouldn’t a racist Supreme Court eventually swell KKK ranks? Consider minorities enraged by liberal group politics. They want reparations. They want affirmative action and worse to fix “white privilege.”
They even accept the dismissal of a case already won involving the new Black Panthers intimidating white voters at a
So, instead of working towards equal opportunity and justice for all, they insist on systematic prejudices to oppress another class of people. Gee, sort of like what happened in previous generations. Well, if that created this current “Get Evenism” mentality of minorities today why wouldn’t the reverse just create more racial unrest in the future?