Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Demolition Dem-enomics

Driving from Pennsylvania into New Jersey, the stream of cars backed up to pay the toll seems to go on forever. New Jersey is the only state where drivers have to pay to leave on practically every possible route. And with the highest taxes in the nation, visitors soon realize that whatever the toll at the border, it’s worth it. Leaving New Jersey is like getting divorced from a bad marriage; pay whatever it takes.

Actually, many vehicles in that routine daily traffic tie-up contain suburbanites returning home after a hard day’s work. However, to liberals these individuals are just scofflaws unfairly escaping the outrageous taxes of their “social justice” going ever more out of control. So with a wicked witch’s pledge of “I’ll get you my pretties,” they plan to raise gas prices until they squeeze the life out of American suburbia.

Apparently, housing and the property taxes that ownership entails in New Jersey and New York City are high enough that many endure waiting for hours in horrendous traffic just to get home. But Democrats with their constantly responding “Nyet” to new drilling will force many to finally give up the long commute. Who needs OPEC when there’s Democrats imposing an oil embargo from congress?

As many suburbanites no longer able to afford driving to work begin selling their homes, others are going to get stuck with homes they cannot sell in effect getting screwed royal. Forced to move closer to jobs, but unable to unload the big mortgage they will go bankrupt in record numbers making the current financial woes seem petty in comparison.

With suburban homes unlived in and left uncared for, “ghostubias” will form all over America’s landscape like forgotten Old West towns appearing as the gold ran out. This suburban plight will be just another success story for Democrats who have created urban blight with their free market unfriendly policies.

Democrats blame oil companies and speculators for America’s energy problems as a diversion to the real culprits, Democrats themselves, but their biggest lie is, “We can’t drill our way out of the crisis.” Yet, that’s precisely how they got America into this one. It’s like an old tale of a squirrel that partied his days away instead of gathering nuts like his fastidious comrades.

But, when as cold weather came, he became distressed and began thinking maybe collecting nuts would actually be a good idea, but then a pack of donkeys surrounded him and said, “Silly squirrel, you can’t gather nuts to solve your coming winter hunger.” Unfortunately, Americans have allowed far too many “demo-nuts” to collect in congress.

And the greatest nut of them all is Squeaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi who literally extinguished the lights and cut power. Last month forcing a recess and taking a long vacation while many Americans had to curtail theirs, Pelosi wanted to not only stop debate but also prevent a vote on drilling for new oil.

Republicans for their part refused to stop debating even when the lights went out. But Pelosi probably believed that the CO2 saved from her imposition of darkened democracy is enough to offset her inappropriate military jet flight back to California. But, there’s really no need for concern because whatever the fuel price, Princess Pelosi will fly on the taxpayer’s dime as much as she wants. Pelosi thinks her job is to save the planet, while she lets Americans suffer from her repressive rule.

In reality, Democrats shouldn’t have recessed because their precious off shore oil drilling ban will be lifted automatically on September 30th. When President Bush removed the executive order banning drilling, oil futures dropped significantly. So much for those evil speculators Democrats accuse of driving up the price.

So, Bush has actually accomplished more to lower gas prices (already evident at the pumps) than anyone else in America, and more than releasing oil from the strategic reserve could ever do. Bush dropped gas prices even before one drop was drilled proving that energy costs are extremely dependent on the party in control.

No doubt, Democrats if they win will act fast after the election to continue their embargo. But to win the election, Barack Obama and his Democrat cohorts have accused that support for oil drilling is just being political. If so, then why has Obama proposed limited off shore drilling as well? So, is this just a political stunt?

Actually, it’s just more Democrat demagoguery. Say whatever to get elected, then turn around and continue the same failed policies that never work every time they’re tried. But unable to gain control of suburbia like they’ve done with the inner cities, they’re just going to starve suburbanites of energy. Like an out of control wrecking crew demolishing the American Dream wherever it manages to flourish.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Its the new name for the debut marriage of Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden (D-Delaware), another dream team newly hatched from the DNC incubator. Unfortunately for Democrats, this egg was already cracked. Almost immediately, McCain had an ad where Biden admits McCain is more qualified to be president than Obama. In other words, even Biden believes that Obama is not ready for prime time.

And because of those statements, Biden was probably a poor “veep” choice, but he was picked because Democrats are concerned with Obamas inexperience, chosen because Biden adds that Washingtonian experience that Obama oh so lacks. Yet, when Obama was in Lynchburg, he claimed America has had an energy problem for 30 years, and McCain hadnt solved it with his 25 years in Washington.

However, Biden with even more time in Washington than McCain hasnt solved the energy crunch either. Biden though votes with the Democrats to deny America the energy it requires to have a growing economy. Going alternative would be great, but oil is whats needed now.

And, Obama has been in Washington since 2004. Funny, he forgets that he never made that anti-war vote in 2003, but he has been there for four years. He too hasnt solved the energy problem. Of course, how much can one accomplish when spending so little time there. In reality, Obamas only accomplishments are two memoirs (already?) and being nominated.

At the DNC convention, Democrats did their customary whining of the disappearing middle class. If so, its happening where Democrats run amok. Per capita incomes are lowest in Miami, Buffalo, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Cleveland all democratically dominated cities. Obama would bring this Marxist economics to the nation as a whole. So, as Democrats dissed Bush, they were really just crying about being shutout of the White House.

In his acceptance speech, Obama argues inanely that everyone is now adopting “his” Iraqi withdrawal plan. Maliki, Iraqs leader, General Petreaus, Bush and McCain have all mentioned removing US troops. But theres a subtle difference between Obamas plan and theirs. And its that subtlety that makes all the difference. Obama would leave even if Iraq werent ready. In fact, Obamas plan would already have the terrorists in control of this oil rich nation and sending jihadis to America.

Obama also claimed that the surge was wrong and would never work. So, why is he proposing the same failed policy for Afghanistan? Proposing to send two battalions or was that two brigades, Biden got it wrong in his convention speech, but the militarily challenged Democrat delegates never even noticed.

And make no mistake Hillary was furious at the convention. Her speech was the minimum endorsement of Obama that she could give. Merely saying this, “Im a Democrat; Baracks a Democrat. He believes mainly what you believe. So, maybe he should be president. But, if he wins, Ill be too old to run again. Unless McCains wins, and then I can argue that I should have really been the nominee in 2008.”

When Obama picked Biden, it came out fairly quickly that Hillary wasnt even vetted for veep. Most likely, Hillary released that information to further alienate her voters from joining the Bi-Bama camp. Then, McCain made the excellent choice of Alaskan governor, Susan Palin, a woman with an 80% approval rating. Now, each ticket will make history.

Considering that women constitute over half the population and 90% of blacks will vote for the Democrat ticket anyway, women voters are the pivotal block in what has been a tight political race. The Democrats normally adept at group politics have really dropped the ball.

All the Bi-Bama campaign could do after McCains veep announcement was complain the Palin had no foreign policy experience. She doesnt need it since shes not the top of the ticket unlike Obama. Obama as president can just ignore Bidens advice no matter how prudent. More importantly, Palin in her little finger has more experience and more accomplishment than Obama.

While Obama hasnt passed one bill in the US Senate, Palin has passed landmark ethics reform, reformed the state's energy industry and rejected wasteful pork barrel spending including the infamous bridge to nowhere. When oil prices increased state revenues, she returned them to Alaskans instead of creating more wasteful programs. As Mayor of Juno, she cut property taxes. Shes the ideal candidate, a vice thats nice, that will attract not only women but also conservatives, which McCain will need.

In his convention speech, Bill Clinton claimed that Republicans ridiculed his lack of experience in his 1992 presidential run, but Bill was Arkansas Governor for over a decade giving him executive experience, which Obama also lacks. Obama argues that Palin takes experience off the table, but serious voters wont buy that and in November will hopefully be voting Bye-Bye-Bama.