Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Creationism Makes a Comeback

When I was young, I’d watch Carl Sagan’s PBS series, Cosmos. Sagan often alleged that dinosaurs just sprouted wings and began flying, never ever really explaining how. My father just hearing that claim would declare what bunk Sagan was spouting. I instead firmly believed in the theory of evolution and its explanation of how humanity got here.

However, even then evolution had problems. When Charles Darwin wrote his “Origin of the Species,” he didn’t know the universe’s age. Now, it’s estimated at almost 14 billion years. Although this may seem like a long time to humans who live an average of 80 years, in evolutionary terms, it’s like yesterday.

Darwin assumed that life evolving by random mutations though highly improbable with enough time becomes an absolute certainty. Sort of like, monkeys in a room full of blackberries (originally typewriters) will eventually produce Shakespeare’s entire works given time infinitum.

So, to deal with finite time, “Punctuated Equilibrium” was postulated where evolution has spurts of rapid change within long periods of relative stability. Darwinists admit that it’s more hopeful observation than actual theory.

Another problem is the fossil record. Darwin’s predictable progression, i.e. macroevolution, hasn’t yet been found. In fact, Dr. Colin Patterson, British Museum Senior Paleontologist and well-known fossil record expert, recently couldn’t site one example of Macro-Evolutionary transition.

However, these missing links are nothing compared to evolution’s heaviest shoe dropping. In 1998, Darwinists finally admitted that there’s no credible theory for the origin of life on Earth. In other words, the simple cell couldn’t develop here because this planet was never oxygen free. Oxygen while necessary for all life is a free radical and is destructive to cellular structures unless properly regulated.

Simply put; in an oxygenated environment a simple cell can’t survive. Not that cells are so simple. Instead, they are more complex than a Pentium processor. The odds that a cell would form by random mutations are so astronomical that one monkey writing all the works of Shakespeare in an hour is far more probable.

In a nutshell, Evolution is a theory in crisis. It actually takes more faith to believe it than to believe Creationism. Many Darwinists scoff at Creationism because they firmly believe that the Earth and the universe are much older than the 13000 years calculated from the Bible.

Yet in 2 Peter 3:8–9, Peter wrote, “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” Now, a day isn’t a thousand years, but it does suggest that God being omnipotent can also transcend time. Experiments have already proven Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, which states when an object approaches the speed of light, time dilates; seconds get longer.

Time can probably be compressed as well. In interpreting Genesis, readers shouldn’t be concerned with the timing of events, for God could have accelerated natural processes like a DVD playing at super fast forward.

Curiously, current scientific understanding corresponds eerily close to the Biblical text. From Genesis 1:2, “Now the earth was formless and empty.” Scientists believe that everything was contained within a single singularity. Elsewhere, without any underlying structures, the universe could be nothing but formless.

Then, God said that infamous phrase, “Let there be light,” the Big Bang. The Bible is actually more accurate than this scientific misnomer. It was neither big nor audible at the universe’s beginning. Still, light was expanding everywhere. When God separated the light from the darkness, he could have been forming the solar system.

When Earth was covered with water, it could have been the primordial sea. God created land as the crust cooled and plate tectonics produced unevenness. God created the sky with volcanoes spewing gases.

However, since the atmosphere was inhospitable, God created vegetation before animals because plants could remove toxic gases leaving mainly inert nitrogen and oxygen. Mankind is only now discovering that the best way to transform a planet is to plant it.

Once the atmosphere’s murkiness was eliminated, the sun, moon and stars could finally be seen. The Bible tells that God made these lights after he produced vegetation, but it could well be that He simply made them visible.

The Earth was finally ready for God to put various forms of animals beginning with the sea followed by the land. Last but not least, mankind was created supposedly 2 million years ago.

For a story just imagined by unscientifically inclined ancients, starting the universe bright and having man created last is quite a cosmic coincidence. Scientists may disagree with the sequence of Creationism, but no doubt with open minds they’ll eventually come to agree with it.

Finally, on the seventh day, God rested. He probably needed it. Wouldn’t you after doing 13.7 billion years of work in just six days?

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