Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Obama’s Patriotism: Contradiction In Terms

Barack Obama gave a speech in Independence, MO about a subject that’s near and dear to many Americans, patriotism. The real purpose of the speech depends on the reportage. According to the macaca media, he was repudiating ex-General Wesley Clark who attacked McCain’s war record. Conservatives believe that Obama is inoculating himself against his many unpatriotic associations. True, but another goal was to warn McCain not to use his war experience.

No doubt Wesley is just an Obama oaf. Because he’s a general, Obama like all leftist erroneously believe a war record can be countered with a cadre of commandoes (ala swift boaters) denouncing it. Obama’s warning is. “If you McCain use your heroism, I will swift-boat bury you!” The only thing that Obama didn’t do in making his pronouncement was pounding a shoe on a table.

In fact, McCain’s heroism doesn’t automatically make him presidential, but what it speaks of is something even better. McCain is the son on a four star admiral, was shot down, imprisoned and severely tortured. But when given the chance to be released because of his father, he instead remained for the sake of others.

His decision speaks of something Barack has never had and never will: character. Which is exactly what a president needs, and given the many recent Democrat nominees lately, it’s a trait that liberals wholly dismiss.

McCain may not be everything conservatives want, but he’s no flipper flopper like Obama. For instance, the recent gun rights decision of the Supremes, Obama last year supported DC’s gun ban, but afterwards switched to agree with the Supreme Court’s 5-4 unusual constitutional “un-write.” The New York Al Timezerra wrote that Obama had always had that position, just another one of their typical bold face lies.

Yet, his switch falls exactly into Barack’s slogan of “Change we can believe in,” which more accurately would be “Belief he can change in.” Oh, Barrack believes in the 2nd amendment, he just doesn’t agree with it. He believes every one has the right to bare arms, but that local, state and probably even the federal government has the power to seize them just like New Orleans did after Katrina.

Then there’s free trade. Obama believes in it as well, but he voted against every free trade agreement he could. He’s in the grip of the unions that incidentally deny all the union jobs that would be created if Democrats would just allow drilling in ANWR and off the coasts.

Definitely, the macaca media is in Obama’s tank. Recently, the Pentagon reported that 15 of 18 benchmarks were satisfactory. But because Obama needs failure, most were mum. One exception was the AP. However, their narrative was that Iraq wouldn’t depend on who becomes president. This “no difference” approach was utilized after the Taliban was routed in Afghanistan. Yet, had Al Gore been president, Afghanistan would have been his enviro-mental quagmire.

Obama also believes in a baby’s right to life, yet he’s voted for the most extreme abortion position. In the Illinois senate, he voted against protecting infants born after a botched abortion. Again, the macaca media glossed over the whole story. They misconstrued his position and reported only two of his votes. They failed to report that Obama voted against it in committee, and as chair he even denied a simple up and done vote.

Liberals have been misconstruing ideology for quite a long time, especially patriotism. Undermining a war after troops are deployed is now supposedly patriotic. Why, it’s even more jingoistic than those who support them. And in that vein, Obama actually quoted Mark Twain who said, “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”

Well, conservatives have disagreed with how big government has gotten greatly exceeding its constitutional limits. But, no one questions that conservatives love America and only wish this nation the best. Conversely, liberals hate America, blame her for all the world’s problems and think America should get severely humbled.

However, there’s a better definition for patriotism. A patriot is someone who wishes to improve, benefit and make successful an organization. Certainly, those in the military defending a nation are patriotic. Starting and growing a business also improves a nation and should be considered patriotic even if the motive is purely for profit.

But, wanting a country to lose a war, denying the energy it needs to grow and wishing for God to damn it certainly won’t improve a nation’s status or that of its citizens. The question that should be asked is, “Would what this person believes or does lead to the demise of a nation if too many others citizens did similar.” That’s why liberalism is much more dangerous and detrimental to America than Islamofascist terrorism could ever be.

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