Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Quintessential Question

Walter Mondale was the last honest Democrat presidential candidate. In 1984, he looked Americans straight in the eye and said, “I will raise your taxes.” He lost in a landslide. The lesson that Democrats learned wasn’t to refrain from raising taxes. Instead it was to lie and promise disingenuous tax cuts. In 1992, Bill Clinton employed this very tactic.

After he was elected though, he implemented the largest tax increase in American history. Barrack Obama has voted at every opportunity to raise taxes. Even non-binding votes, proving he’s a dedicated tax raiser. Fellow Americans, fool you once, shame on the Democrat. Fool you twice, shame on you.

Okay, Obama promises he’ll cut taxes for 95% of the people. Since less than half actually pay income taxes, Obama is really only offering more income redistribution. Taking 5% of the peoples’ money to buy an election is vote buying at its most perverse.

In fact, Obama’s plan has already been tried and has already failed. The “stimulus” package of 2008 handed out $600/$1200 checks at a cost of $150 billion to the treasury. Well, actually, it was those pesky taxpayers who still want success that footed the bill. Handing their money to the middle class created nothing more than an economic short circuit.

For instance, light bulbs work when electricity flows through a filament. But if a short exists at the bulb’s base, current flows producing no illumination. The same occurs with tax rebates. Money is taken from small businesses without work being performed. No goods result from this governmentally forced movement of money.

People have extra money to spend, but with fewer goods to buy, inflation results. Another economic impact is that small businesses, the incubators of many new jobs, lacking the money to hire won’t, thus leaving more people unemployed.

Speaking of unemployment, nothing increases it like taxes, and Joe Biden recently declared that paying more is patriotic. Now there’s one thing worse than Democrats caterwauling that their patriotism is being attacked even when it’s not, and that’s when they define it. In Biden’s case patriotism isn’t winning a war that he voted in favor to start, no it’s paying confiscatory taxes. No Joe, that’s not patriotic; that’s just idiotic.

Still, Democrats whine that the Bush years have been a complete disaster. Unfortunately, many believe that given the current market. But, let’s examine the record a little more closely. Bush took office in 2001 with an economy already going downhill. Clinton had hidden it by over estimating corporate profits by 35%.

Then, 9/11 happened, which directly affected the American psyche. Many believed that terrorism was the future, and the terrorists certainly had every intention of making that so. Afterwards, the Dow Jones dropped over 1300 points in two weeks. In 2003, it finally hit a low under 7300 on Oct. 9. As bad as things are now, it still isn’t as bad as it was then.

During that time 2.5 million jobs were lost. Naturally, Democrats blamed Bush for the economic downturn. Instead, the terrorists caused the 9/11 recession by creating uncertainty. Businesses were just being cautious of an unknown future.

In 2003, Bush finally got a marginal tax rate cut. Afterwards, the Dow went over 14000 and 9 million jobs were created. Yet, Democrats still whined about the economy! Apparently, there were still income differences. For example, brain surgeons were earning substantially more than orderlies at hospitals, oh my!

Of course, 12 million illegals, who work well below market rates, Democrats perceive not as having an effect on depressing wages. Blaming Bush automatically for all problems, income disparity constituted at least in their minds a de facto recession.

Now, Democrats are the most anti-business, anti-wealth creation and anti-success orientated party in American history. So much so, the Communist Party of the USA no longer runs its own candidates. Instead, it instructs members to vote for Democrats since there are no significant differences anymore.

Since taking over congress in 2007, Democrats have implemented their socialistic policies, but because the Federal budget goes from Oct 1st to Sept 30th, America was spared briefly. Oct. 9, the Dow was the highest ever, since then it’s been dropping, and 750,000 jobs have been lost since February.

When Republicans controlled congress, the economy was better. Bush was still president, but he’s not a king, not an emperor. No matter what the leftist blogs say. Democrats capturing congress has been the only significant change. They totally control what passes.

Democrats profess that Bush is a moron, and they are smarter than God. If Bush caused the economic catastrophe, why didn’t they stop him? Democrats were either inept or possibly even devious. So Americans, ask yourself this quintessential question of the election, “Are you better off now than you were two years ago?”

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