Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Maybe, More “Change” Than Bargained For

Let’s say you go to a used car lot to help a friend find an automobile. But the slick salesman notices your wheels and says, “Have I got a deal for you!” Now, your car almost eight years old really wasn’t that bad. But the salesman like a siren constantly sings, “Yours sucks, but I got a vehicle that’s change. Change, you can believe in. Change, you really need.”

Well, before you know it, you got a “used car” that you haven’t test-driven. You don’t even know if it will get you off the lot. It could be a Cadillac or just a rusted out Yugo. For many Americans their vote was just that.

Many voters had their heads filled with “bad economic blues,” and decided anything would be better. But, was Bush’s economy so bad? FDR in his second term had unemployment at 25%, and Democrats consider him a great economic president. Maybe, that was Bush’s problem. His 4.6% was too low for them, not enough people on unemployment and welfare.

Was it just me, or did Obama’s election night speech seem eerily like that scene from the movie, “Jewel of the Nile,” where Omar, the magnificent, speaks to his sycophant followers from an elevated platform? Even some commentators of the macaca media referred to Obama’s speech alone on the stage as a “creepy cult of personality.”

Many voters, especially guilty white liberals, elected Obama based solely on the color of his skin. For them, it was just time to elect someone with more melanin even if he could be just a brown shirt with brown skin. They sincerely hope that he’ll govern responsibly. Hope, they’re right.

They aren’t bothered with his associations with racists, radicals and terrorists. And Obama’s proposal for a civilian national security force that would be just a powerful as the military doesn’t concern them in the least. Maybe, they’ll wake up when Obama calls it the Gestapo!

Some in the macaca media now admit that they really don’t know Obama. He’s an enigma to them. Weren’t they supposed to find out who he was? Maybe, we could get illegal immigrants to do journalism. Apparently, it’s another job Americans just won’t do.

That’s the 2008 election in a nutshell. Way to go electorate, you just elected America’s first Marxist president. Unfortunately, many don’t know what Marxism is. While others think Obama could actually make it work, and “Obamatons” really believe he’s going to pay their mortgages and put gas in their cars.

Obama is also America’s first immigrant president according to Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM). He actually admitted that on CNN. Obama could be a president violating the natural born citizen provision of the US Constitution. Here’s Richardson exact quote, “Obama being an African-American, an immigrant…” Richardson also repeated this assertion in Spanish.

Finally, Obama will be America’s most inexperienced president though his “judgment” is superior because he’d withdraw (i.e. surrender) from Iraq faster than anyone else. Historically though, what have America’s greatest heroes done in difficult wars?

When the Revolutionary War was going poorly, George Washington decided, that since the British were the world’s number one army, to sue for peace. He professed that the Declaration of Independence was a silly notion, and that he and his fellow countrymen would renounce it if the British would not lop off their heads.

Yet, that’s not what happened. Instead Washington secured America’s independence and became a hero.

Fast-forward to the Civil War, Abe Lincoln was fighting the South who in the beginning was kicking the North’s butt. Congressional Democrats, dubbed Copperheads (i.e. snakes, apparently not much has changed since then), were demanding that Lincoln sue for peace. Lincoln agreed and offered the South a succession of hostilities allowing them to continue their institution of slavery.

Yet, that’s not what happened. Instead, Lincoln won and secured his place as a great American president.

Fast-forward to WW II, the Japanese on December 7, 1941 attacked Pearl Harbor and over 3000 Americans lost their lives. The next day FDR spoke to congress and the American people. He wasn’t on TV despite any Biden’s gaffes to the contrary.

He said, “This attack is not a day that will live in infamy. No, it’s a day that America’s chickens are coming home to roost. We need to dialogue with the Japanese military regime and understand this attack from their perspective, listen to their grievances and learn how the American empire has wronged them.”

Again, that’s not what really happened. No, instead he inspired this nation to fight the war to an unconditional surrender. Although he did not live to see the war’s end, he’s still a great American president because his steadfast leadership eventually resulted in the defeat of our enemies.

Could Obama accomplish this?

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