Could it be that global warming is returning with a vengeance? One has to hand it to Jim Hansen, NASA’s climate head honcho. He has no hesitation for dishonesty. His latest whopper is reporting October 2008 as the hottest on record. Since his theory is dying, Hansen is now making last ditch efforts to prop up his hoax.
October was supposedly the hottest because Russia’s temperatures were 10 degrees above normal. But a curious phenomenon occurred there. Its October temperatures were exactly the same as September’s. What an incredible coincidence!
Two bloggers, WattsUpWithThat and Climate Audit, discovered the discrepancy. Actually, it’s more like blatant falsification. Afterwards, NASA updated their world temperature map not once, but twice! While Siberia cooled a little, new hotspots were popping up elsewhere. No explanations were given. Under Hansen’s control, there never are. Nevertheless, Hansen claims NASA’s data analysis and quality control are rigorous. Actually, they’re more like rigor mortis.
And, Hansen blames under-funding despite NASA’s $1 billion budget. Isn’t that always the excuse when government screws up? Yet, what’s really being said here is that NASA doesn’t have the money to falsify data in such a way that busybody bloggers can’t eventually decipher it.
The real rub is that most people will hear only that October was the hottest ever. Hansen knows that. The macaca media reports the litany, but only the alternative media covers the revelation that the headline’s a hoax. A much smaller audience will get that truth while many will remain ill informed, sort of like the 2008 election.
In fact, global warming has nothing to do with climate change. It’s politics that’s just an excuse to tax and control. When Barack Obama talks about creating 5 million green jobs, he means an army of bureaucrats marching around measuring everyone’s carbon footprint to determine what penalties to mete out.
“State of Fear,” a novel written by recently deceased author, Michael Crichton, was described by’s review as a “diatribe against global warming.” Yet, Crichton originally set out to write in favor of Hansen’s hoax. Crichton said prophetically, “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.”
No doubt, Earth is entering a cooling period, which may last for decades. “Reality challenged” alarmists will argue that massive warming is just being masked. This is possibly a valid argument. However, with grand assertions, good scientists should first eliminate all other possibilities. Natural variability exists in every system. Weather and climate are no exceptions.
For example, oceanic oscillations seem to modulate temperatures on a 60-year cycle, but temperatures in the 1930’s were warmer than the 1990’s that after a bug fix (by a Canadian no less!) to NASA’s data crunching algorithm. So, colder temperatures in the 1970’s enough to make weirdoes worried that another ice age cometh then, make them whine about warming now. And, the sun missing cycle 24 possibly indicating a significant irradiance drop could enhance the already natural cooling.
Surface stations could also have been severely corrupted. In the past locations were chosen that were outside the cities but close enough for monitoring. As cities grew, they encroached on many a station. An all-volunteer group,, is working to quantify this urban creep.
With almost half of the surface station surveyed, almost 90% have some corruption with 63% moderate to severe. Corruption includes artificial heating sources such as buildings, parking lots and even air conditioning exhausts.
Un-naturally, these stations all show substantial warming of at least 2.0°C. NASA’s adjustment is an insignificant 0.06°C. Undoubtedly, there’s substantial “man-made localized global warming,” but this phenomenon is of little import and really shouldn’t cause concern.
Unfortunately, verifying surface temperature data is apparently another job America’s space agency is unwilling to do. Since Canadians are pesky enough to fix NASA’s algorithms, maybe one, preferably illegal, should take over Hansen’s helm.
Finally, some studies have been done that estimate how much humans may have actually contributed to the Global Mean Temperature. Most indicate that it’s negligible, a mere 0.0022°C. That’s due to the fact that CO2 contributes so little to warming (water vapor is 95%), and man contributes so little (3%) to overall atmospheric CO2. Fretting about burning fossil fuels for a few more decades is like worrying that excessive toilet flushing will cause the next Noah sized flood.
Still, for shivering alarmists, who continue in their faith of CO2’s power, if the world cools too drastically, then one cure would be more CO2, maybe even substantially more. That’s why in this economic downturn a carbon creation credit company could be a great investment. This “industry” would sell carbon sources instead of carbon sinks. No stinking tree planting, just many trees chopped for what will be much needed warmth.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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