When liberals argue that
Did he lose American values? Isn’t Obama compared to
For instance, President Truman ordered the bombing of two Japanese cities,
Daily Show host, John Stewart, argues that since Truman didn’t detonate the first bomb 15 miles off shore, Truman was a war criminal! Stewart seems just a bit historically challenged. First,
And essentially, they only surrendered because they believed
Let’s define torture. For one man’s torture is another man’s turn-on especially in
One detainee in particular was waterboarded about a gazillion times. Actually, it was 183 but who’s really counting. Supposedly this was excessive, but that figure is only the number of times water was applied not the actual sessions of waterboarding. That was 15. Yet, what this really demonstrates is that EIT could be preformed on a terrorist many, many times, and he still lives to spill the beans.
Suppose Bush had chosen instead to torture detainees by forcing them to be passengers in a vehicle driven by that notorious drunk, Senator “Hiccup” Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Could anyone survive such a frightful experience more than once? An undeniable fact is less people have died being waterboarded than as a passenger of “Ole Tanked-Out Ted.”
Obama argues that the “core” question is whether EIT was even needed. Well, the terrorists didn’t talk until it was employed. Obama even praised Winston Churchill for never torturing Nazis. This is after Obama returned a bust of Churchill given during Bush’s tenure.
But, Churchill did torture Nazis in a prison called “the Cage.” The Brits interrogated over 3,500 Germans sometimes brutally. Even “The Free French” movement savagely beat Nazis with British complicity.
And didn’t Obama torture New Yorkers by authorizing a jet to fly low over
What’s really ludicrous is while Obama releases the “Gitmo torture photos,” he considered the fly-over photo classified.
And, didn’t Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel say, “Never waste a crisis?” Just imagine liberals’ reaction had Karl Rove uttered something similar. Yet, I’m tortured knowing this administration is exploiting every crisis to pass more of its leftist agenda.
Liberals constantly harp that Bush made
For if they felt an attack was imminent, they would be fully supportive of torture just to protect their own skins. Just ask House Squeaker Nancy Pelosi when she’s not lying. But, they’ll never give Bush any credit for defending this nation because they got “Bush on the Brain.”
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