Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Change That’s Totally Insane

Chrysler is in crisis, and hope at GM is dim. But, Obama’s in charge, appointing czars, who’ll redesign our cars. He’s switching CEOs like a man gung ho about a business he just dunno. After auto companies stealing, leaving many dealerships reeling, his idea of change is now revealing. And, it’s change that’s not only goes up the yin yang but also is totally insane.

At least, for those who own Chrysler or GM dealerships, they got to be wondering. After bailing out both of them, two of the big three, for the moment Ford has forgone any government money, but it’s only a matter of time before “CEO-bama” gets his trifecta and subdues them as well.

Anyway, dealerships all over the country got “Dear John” letters telling them their relationship with Chrysler was over. And like a love affair gone bad, there was no official rhyme or reason given for the termination.

Business could have actually been going well, but nevertheless the Obaminator says, “You are closed,” and there’s nothing anybody can do. It’ll be like his socialized medicine. When he says, “No care for you cause you’re too old,” that’ll be it with no other recourse.

Or maybe as some have discovered the criterion for closing the dealerships depended solely on whom they supported in the last election. Dealers who donated to Republicans were almost exclusively the ones being closed with the exception of one in Texas that donated only $200 to “campaign insane.” Next time buddy, pony up and donate more skin to the messiah.

And, some dealerships were forced to take more vehicles with assurances that they would not get stuck with them. Those unfortunate businesses will have cars that cannot be sold as “new” with a warranty, ultimately lessening their value. And it’s insane to do these closings because dealerships don’t cost the automobile manufacturers money.

As bad as it is for these Chrysler dealerships, Saturn, Pontiac and Saab have it far worse. Since Obama’s GM has decided to drop these lines, those dealerships are effectively in “Obamo-Limbo-Land.”

But, hey it’s not like they were going to sell that well anyway. For “O-madman” has even cut the advertising budget. So the selling side is sold short, while nothing is done to reduce the cost. All this was to preserve corrupt unions.

Obama said that he hopes GM and Chrysler emerge “leaner, meaner, more competitive,” while he avoided mentioning GM’s bankruptcy. Of course, he shunned that subject because GM bondholders rejected a deal, actually more of a steal where they’d have only gotten 10% on their money.

And, GM will probably need another bailout of $40 billion. Incidentally, according to a Rasmussen poll only 21% support this insane drain on the taxpayer while 67% oppose. Even as Dr. Obama talked about the health of the auto industry in a C-Span interview a day after another $four billion was pumped into GM, raising the bailout total to more than $19 billion.

However, the auto industry isn’t the only one suffering from the “Obamic” bomb. Since he and his fellow “Obamacrats” have demonized corporate jets, Cessna, which was actually planning a new plane, has canceled it since CEO’s have become fearful of being hauled up in front of congress to be given the “hypocritical” oath. Cessna has laid-off many employees as a result.

Oh, and the 25 police cadets in Columbus, OH that were saved with the “Stick It to Us” plan. Well, now if voters there don’t approve a tax increase, they’ll lose their jobs along with 275 other officers. So, those positions will just have to be subtracted from the 100000 or so jobs the “Obamagician” claims he rescued but can never quite cite how.

There’s also Las Vegas that has been Obamatized traumatized. More than 400 conventions and business meeting have been canceled since Obama decreed, “You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers dole.” Lucky, for the NFL that “Obamacane” struck after the big game was played.

Last, but certainly not all, the takeover of the American way of life continues with house passage of Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) Climate Change bill. This act won’t change the weather, but it will change living in America in ways that even its author doesn’t fully understand. For Waxman never actually read his own bill.

Finally, there’s the candid statement from Transportation secretary Ray LaHood. When describing livable communities, he admitted that people will be forced from their cars because “about everything we do around here is government intrusion into people’s lives.”

Well, that’s certainly change. Funny, liberals constantly rail against religion especially Christianity that can’t even suggest how people should live, but bureaucrats, who believe in a hoax, can and surely will.

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