Tuesday, September 8, 2009

“Sick-O Fancy”

Birds of a feather flock together. This trite phrase would be enough to sink any politician who associates with even one unsavory person. The media would just have a field day. But when it comes to Obama, there’s a vacuous void in their otherwise lackluster reporting. One that’s more than just mere sycophancy, it’s a “sick-O fancy.”

When “Lord Obama” establishes his dictatorship, and make no mistake, he is. Surrounding himself with radicals, one in particular is Czar Mark Lloyd, “Chief Diversity Officer” at the FCC who recently praised Hugo Chavez’s media takeover in Venezuela.

In his 2006 book, “Prologue to a Farce,” Lloyd called for an all-out “confrontational movement” against the private media. Hello, anybody awake at the DNC media, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN? Oh wait, they already bow to the messiah. It’s Fox News and talk radio that need to worry.

Another now “ex” Green Jobs Czar Van Jones is an avowed communist, anarchist and black nationalist who blamed America for 9/11, believes Bush was behind 9/11, actually signed a “truther” petition and called Republicans “A-holes.” What a great choice for bi-partisanship!

But, it’s his racist radicalism that takes the cake. Jones recently said that white polluters “steered” poison into minority communities. And illegals were sprayed with pesticides while working in the white farmers’ fields. Again, reviving the KKK one racist quip at a time.

And, let’s not forget Cass Sunstein, “Internet Czar,” who just wants the government to have the power to shutdown private computers.

Then, there’s Obama’s pledge to create a “Civilian National Defense Force.” (CNDF) According to a liberal SanDoggy10, it’s “not a police force here in the U.S.” Instead, it will be various specialists that accompany the military to dangerous areas. But, here’s Obama’s full quote in context at least according to SanDoggy10.

“And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Even in context, he’s scary. Yes, Obama is increasing the Foreign Service and the Peace Corps, but the CNDF is an entirely new entity. What’s even scarier were all the people cheering as Obama proposed his CNDF. Undoubtedly, they’re the ones who would be dialing his healthcare snitch line.

Where anything anti-ObamaCare is mindlessly reported. Failing with adults though, Obama must speak to the children at school. He’d actually proposed an assignment asking them what they’d do to help the “Dear Leader.” Would spying on recalcitrant parents have received an A+?

But, who are the extremists? Tea partiers, “birth-ers,” anti-ObamaCare mobsters, and anyone else challenging Obama. For example, the media is all too happy to smear Catherine Crabill, candidate for Virginia’s House of Delegates. What did she say so horrifying?

She said, “We have a chance to fight this battle at the ballot box, before we have to resort to the bullet box.” What did she mean by “bullet box?” According to the media, that completely ignores every Obamaton outburst, “if she and her forces of darkness are not successful through fair elections at the ballot box, she will resort to guns to get her way.”

But, there could just be another interpretation. This administration seems totally uninterested in fair elections. ACORN, which is under investigation/indictment for voter fraud in 14 states, is collaborating with the White House on the 2010 US census. And Black Panthers, who intimidated voters in Philadelphia, Obama had their convictions dropped.

According to Alan Keyes, former Republican presidential candidate, 2010 might be too late for redirection via the ballot box. What he and Crabill are saying only echoes what this nation founders would have said. Yet, when the media so readily labels anyone who speaks up against Obama’s agenda, it only shows how far they’ve gone in abandoning American ideals.

It’s unfortunate that the Republican Party has also abandoned Crabill, but they do because anyone who associates with her would immediately get tarred and feathered too.

Finally, Jesus may have foretold exactly who Satan is. In Luke 10:18 Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” While the New Testament was written in Greek, Jesus spoke Aramaic an ancient form of Hebrew. In Aramaic “lightning” is pronounced “Baraq” and “heaven” is “bama.” So, “lightning from heaven” in Aramaic would be “baraq o bama.”

It’s interesting that Obama took this name specifically. In high school he was Barry Satoro. Still, the “sick-O fancy” media will dismiss this satanic connection as just religious “kook-theory.” So, what will they call those who quote Luke 10:18? Probably, “Anti-Christ-ers.”

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