Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Loony Liberalism

The title is an obvious redundancy of terms for liberals are naturally nutty, but the messiah especially seems to have no limit to his madness. Like his decision to release the enhanced interrogations methods that kept America safe. For the sake of transparency, Obama told the terrorists all the in and outs of what CIA agents could and did do.

Liberals just love to create fanciful concepts and assign value to them even when there is absolutely no evidence of that worth. Now, it’s “transparency,” which until recently was a bad thing when fighting a war.

Liberals profess with an unshakable belief that since America revealed all, our enemies will stop hating us. Liberals claim that our “torture” was a terrorist recruiting tool while never considering that releasing our techniques could incense them even more.

Actually, Al Queda instructs its recruits that if captured to lie about being brutally beaten. So, it wouldn’t matter whether interrogators used harsh language or spoke in gentle cooing sounds. Once released, they’ll still tell fanciful tales of infidel mistreatment.

Transparency won’t stop that, and the information will be used to better train terrorists to withstand questioning. Former VP “Darth Vader” Cheney claims that the redacted parts of the released documents demonstrated clearly that the enhanced techniques prevented attacks. But, Obama doesn’t want that side to be revealed.

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden along with other officials echoed Cheney’s assertion and added nothing was gained from releasing interrogation policy. It would be like FDR deciding for transparency sake to reveal to the Germans America’s plans for the invasion of Europe.

Maybe, transparency would have made Germans less likely to shoot American soldiers on the Normandy beaches. Hardly, instead the Nazis would have used the information to mount an effective counter attack rendering D-day a grand failure. In fact, General Eisenhower had two speeches. One for a successful invasion, the other in case it failed. For even Eisenhower great general that he was couldn’t guarantee victory.

Last spring Obama sent 21000 more troops to Afghanistan. He should have had a solid strategic plan for them to win there. Like when Bush sent his troop surge to Iraq.

General Petreus was implementing a new Iraq War strategy. It worked despite liberal prognostication to the contrary. Yet, Obama for the sake of transparency should reveal any strategic plan he has for Afghanistan. Maybe, the terrorists won’t become offended because more infidels are defiling a Muslim country. Hardly!

In all reality, Obama’s Afghanistan plan has already failed because he prematurely let the Afghanis alone run their elections. His hands-off policy instead resulted in widespread fraud that could eventually undermine the civilian government. Of course, what else could be expected from an ACORN acolyte?

Now, Obama doesn’t want to follow his hand picked general’s plan. General McChrystal is pleading for 40000 additional troops. Until recently, Obama has only met with McChrystal once. Kind of reminds of another national security challenged president Bill Clinton who only saw` his CIA director James Woosley twice during his tenure.

Obama did meet with McChrystal while in Denmark for a whooping 25 minutes taking valuable time from his failed Olympic bid. Whatever happened wasn’t good because they’ve been trashing each other ever since. McChrystal actually started criticizing Obama before that meeting.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) recently uttered something reasonable, which is rare for a Democrat. She said, “I don’t know how you put somebody in, who is as 'cracker jack' as General McChrystal who gives the president very solid recommendations and not take those recommendations if you are not going to pull out.”

However, Obama isn’t comfortable with “victory” in Afghanistan, the supposedly good war. He said it wouldn’t be “like Emperor Hirohito … signing a surrender [sic] to General MacArthur.” Incidentally, neither Hirohito nor MacArthur participated in the Japanese signing.

But, the media doesn’t care that Obama is historically challenged. It also oblivious to his indecisiveness in sending enough troops and his silly rules of engagement that are jeopardizing the lives of troops stationed there.

Don’t worry though for Obama has identified the real enemy, Fox News, the only network not worshiping him. His administration whines it’s too conservative. No doubt liberals hate conservatives while revering Islamofascists. This seems really loony. And, it is!

Unfortunately, their misplaced hatred threatens every American. Maybe, in order to get liberals to hate terrorists, “right-wingers” should recruit jihadis to run for elective office. Liberals hate conservatives precisely because sometimes they win elections, keeping liberals from their divine right to power.

But if jihadis won elections, then liberals would start loathing terrorists instead of conservatives. The ultimate objective is to get an American hating jihadi as president who would then do irreparable damage to this nation of infidels. Oh wait, that appears to have already happened. Never mind.

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