Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Day Diversity (Should Have) Died

On November 5th an "Islamofascist" terrorist attack was perpetrated on unarmed soldiers at Fort Hood, TX. There, the truth was expressed. Many find it difficult to say a Muslim extremist, who was as overt as he could be with his radical beliefs, was simply ignored by those who should have done something. Yet, because of political correctness (PC), they did nothing. So, 13 soldiers, 14 counting an unborn baby, are dead who would have probably been alive had PC died instead.

But in this age of PC, many segments of society had an almost comical reaction to this atrocity. In the sycophant media, Chris Matthews, MSNBC Hardball, should actually be called “Oddball” after its host, wondered whether Nidal Hasan contacting Al Queda should be considered dangerous. At one point, Matthews emphatically questioned, “It’s not a crime to contact Al Queda, is it?”

Bob Shaffer, CBS Morning News, speculated, “It’s looking more and more like he [Hasan] was sort of a religious nut. Islam doesn’t have a majority [of religious nuts]. The Christian religion has its full helping of nuts, too.” Note, this quote of Shaffer’s isn’t exactly what he uttered. Removed are all the repeating of words, “er’s” and “you know’s” that every high paid professional pundit puts in his pontifications.

Now to the idiocy of what Shaffer actually said. First, Hasan isn’t just a religious nut. He’s a deliberate terrorist just like the ones who perpetrated 9/11. Not only did Hasan allegedly yell “Allahu Akbar” before commencing his slaughter fest, but he also had on his medical business card the letters SOA, which means “Soldiers of Allah.” Apparently, every aspiring jihadi has this on his stationary.

He even gave a PowerPoint presentation at an environmental health seminar just a year ago titled, “Why the War on Terror Is a War on Islam.” Okay, many liberals i.e. pro-regressives believe exactly the same. But, Hasan argued that Muslims should “stand up and fight the aggressor,” and he didn’t mean Al Queda or the Taliban. Instead he meant America. Okay, many liberals believe exactly the same.

But back to Shaffer for a moment, it’s his reference to all those jihadi Christians, yeah the ones that fly airplanes into abortion clinics, that’s most offensive. Actually, one guy kills an abortion doctor and the media treats it like the messiah’s been murdered. It’s interesting that Christianity get tarred whenever one Christian acts out of line, but when a Muslim kills, liberals worry profusely that Christians will act out of line.

When it comes to the radically religious, Islam has an estimated 10% that can go jihad with 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide that’s easily over 100 million potential Hasans. But, the sycophant media isn’t worried about them. Instead, they worry about Christians going jihad.

Newsweek Editor, Evan Thomas, cringes that Hasan is a Muslim because it just inflames all those fears. What fears? Did murderous riots by Christians become common place after the Fort Hood massacre? After 9/11?

And when a Muslim murders en masse, he’s reflexively forgiven. Also, it’s non-Muslims that are at fault. CBS Anchor John Roberts has supposedly heard stories that when a Muslim joins the military he’s harassed, pressured and made to feel un-welcomed.

Supposedly, Hasan’s car was keyed. Many non-Muslims have enjoyed this unsolicited car art, but there’s no Koranic verse commanding Muslims, “Allah say-eth that if car be marked ill, then okay infidels to kill.” Yet, Hasan did suffer severe discrimination. Why, the army promoted him to major even after he reportedly was proselytizing to patients, a big no-no for any other denominational mental health professional.

While Hasan never served in any war, some still argue that he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a form that’s “pre.” Maybe, PTSD is contagious, and Hasan caught it from his non-Muslim war weary patients. Another curse of the infidels! It certainly wouldn’t be that he sympathized with the terrorists and professed often how he worried being deployed.

Speaking of vexation, most worrisome was the reaction of those in power. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said that the 3500 Muslims in the military serve proudly. Really, how does he know this? Shouldn’t they be investigated to determine their true allegiance?

If America declared war on Canada (don’t laugh Obama is still president), it’d only make sense to review all soldiers of Canadian descent to discover those that might have a problem fighting in their native land.

Finally, the scariest quote of them all was from General Casey who worried that a greater tragedy than the Fort Hood deaths would be the loss of diversity. Well, what about diversity of thought? Not every Muslim will commit an atrocity, but not every Muslim won’t. General Casey, be open-minded enough to find out, “How many potential Hasans could there be.”

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