Tuesday, December 15, 2009

“Afghanis-nam:” Another Vietnam

Recently, Obama finally made a decision regarding a troop surge for Afghanistan. According to his administration, Obama was seriously deliberating and listening to all sides to determine exactly what to do. No other decision during his brief tenure has he taken longer to make. So, why were so many disappointed with his decision?

Even Obama’s ardent supporters on the fringe left were complaining. Michael Moore, 2004 Academy Award “Fakomentary” winner, whined that Obama didn’t decide for an immediate pullout. For Moron Moore, Afghanistan isn’t even the good war.

As far as he’s concerned, the Taliban should be put back in power. Al Queda terrorist training camps should be reopened, and America should pay for restitution and compensatory damages. Yes, it was that evil Bush who made up the 9/11 lie where people died.

Other lefties, like CBS commentator, Bob Schieffer, had a problem with Obama’s timetable for withdrawal. This is from someone who only attacked Bush for never setting one in Iraq. Only now does Schieffer question the wisdom of timetables.

He should even if doesn’t fully understand the reasons. It’s not just that the mission probably wouldn’t be accomplished in 18 months, or the Islamo-fascists would just be dormant for that time. It’s that they probably wouldn’t and instead threaten anyone who dared to collaborate with the infidels.

Then after the Americans left and returned to relative safety, the terrorists would just massacre with extreme malice all those collaborators. So, setting an arbitrary timetable not only encourages the terrorists, but also discourages any Afghanis yearning for freedom.

And, they wouldn’t be dithering as Democrats like Senator Durbin “the Turban” blather. It’s just wonderful how former VP Dick Cheney has found one word “dither,” that accurately described Obama’s indecisiveness on Afghanistan, to get under many a Democrats’ skins.

Also, Democrats only complain about open ended commitments as well as the costs involved when it comes to fighting wars of liberation in foreign lands. Yet, they fret not when it concerns the “War on Poverty” that’s been an open ended commitment for over 40 years here in the US.

This “war” has only cost the American taxpayer over $8 trillion. Of course, Democrats don’t mind spending money when it’s buying them votes from their faux compassion, or in a better word, “crap-passion.” Maybe, if Afghanis and Iraqis voted in US elections, Democrats i.e. Commie-crats would finally support these open ended commitments like the ones the US made after WWII with troops still in Japan, Germany and South Korea.

Democrats don’t complain about troops in those countries, but Afghanis and Iraqis need to know that America will not leave even if the situation gets rough. They know the terrorists won’t leave. Al Queda and the Taliban aren’t discussing any timetable for themselves. Osama bin Laden won’t ever say, “Fellow jahadis if we don’t have a radical Islamic state here in 18 months, we be outta here.”

In fact, terrorists will stay as long as it takes until their jihad is won. Even Afghanis who live in the stone-age know that. So, why can’t Democrats? Lately, Democrats seem to have forgotten even how to win a war. Let’s not forget that Vietnam’s fate was pretty much sealed under the Democrat presidency of Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ).

He along with his Democrat cohorts forced US troops to use rules of engagement with the enemy that practically made it impossible to fight them effectively. For example, if US troops were fired upon, instead of just returning fire, they had to call headquarters to get permission to fire back. No other war required this inanity, and no other war did the US lose.

Unfortunately, Afghanistan under Obama’s command is heading to exactly the same fate. US troops routinely come under fire and are refused America’s superior air firepower if they just happen to be too close to civilians. Terrorists can pin American GIs down to slaughter them while they must read captured terrorists their Miranda rights. These rules are the main reasons why US casualties have risen dramatically on Obama tenure who only blames Bush for Afghanistan’s backward slide.

Another recently incorporated rule restricts night raids on Afghanis. Now the terrorists are safe when the sun goes down. These rules are turning what Democrats called “The Necessary War” into just another meat grinder that will destroy the lives of many soldiers as in Vietnam.

So, I was wrong about Obama. During the election, I stated that he would be another Jimmy “the Peanut” Carter. In fact, I said he would be Carter’s second term, which America was fortunate enough to have never experienced. Unfortunately, Obama is far worse. He has become the second term of LBJ that Johnson himself, who chose not to run for re-election, didn’t even want to impose on America.

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