In Perriello’s ad he accused Goode of supporting a 23% sales tax. Now, there’s a reason why in a court the oath is to tell the whole truth. While what Perriello said was factually true, it was totally false when compared to the full truth. Goode, in fact, supports the Fair Tax, which is a national sales tax, but it also repeals all income taxes. It evens reimburses families to the poverty rate of the sales tax. So the idea that the Fair Tax hurts the poor is absurd.
One advantage of the Fair Tax is that April 15th would no longer be a day of agony for many Americans. Never again would they have to divulge their personal financial information and so would be secure in their personal papers as intended by right in the US Constitution.
But, Perriello being a Democrat (i.e. socialist) believes that the government can and actually should investigate each American concerning his intimate financial details. And, who knows what else? As a progressive, he’s a good little obedient soldier for Pelosi and Obama, the axis of divas.
Now, Goode would personally return phone calls and answer the letters of his constituents. He had four offices located conveniently throughout his diverse district. While Perriello, on the other hand, has only two saving taxpayer money, of course.
But it’s not very convenient for the people he supposed to serve. Apparently, keeping in touch isn’t important to him. Well, progressive politician do believe that the people are stupid anyway. Besides he could never let constituents’ concerns cross with his dear leader Princess Pelosi.
During the campaign Perriello also did the usual undermining of Goode’s reputation portraying him as a tool of special interests. He ran an ad recalling an incident in 2006 where Goode had taken contributions from defense contactor MZM, the same company where Republican Randy "Duke" Cunningham was found guilty of accepting a bribe.
At the time, Goode was securing money for the company to build a military intelligence center in
And Perriello gets loads of support from the DNC media. Like when they reported right before the election that Goode and his wife were thanked in the credits of a gay art house film and that Goode’s longtime press secretary, Linwood Duncan, had a role in the film. A brochure from the 2003
Goode said he intends to find out who was responsible and whether or not taxpayer money was spent on promoting the film, which he said he’s not seen. You got to admire the DNC media. They can track down the minutest innuendo on an opponent while completely ignoring Obama’s takeover of
In one debate, Goode mentioned ACORN and argued that the credit crisis was caused by government pushing loans to “people who are risky at best, and I do not support making politically correct loans over financially sound loans.” Perriello responded, “That is by far the scariest thing you will hear tonight. That isn't out of touch with the district; this is out of touch with reality.” The audience erupted into applause.
Perriello perfected misrepresentation while living in
Finally, Goode said when he left the Democrat Party (Yes, he was a Democrat) was that he didn’t want to be a member of a party that said one thing to the people in public and the opposite in private. Goode was controversial, but he always said what he believed. Conversely, Perriello all he knows is the diva double talk
Here's a YouTube video that exposes T.P.'s dishonest TV ad:
Here's a short video that exposes TP's Fair Tax TV ad:
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