Tuesday, February 2, 2010

State of Delusion Speech

It’s been said, “There are lies, damn lies, and now there’s Obama’s last State of the Union speech.” Filled with blame for others, half baked ideas, hypocrisy beyond all hypocrisies, 68 minutes that not only made MSNBC host Chris Mathews forget Obama was black, but also made many Americans want to forget that they had voted for Obama in the first place.

For what president has ever criticized the Supreme Court in his State of the Union speech, and wrongly at that? Obama said of a recent SCOTUS decision, “Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open[ed] the floodgates for special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.”

Obama was so wrong that Justice Alito mouthed, “Not true,” no Wilson outburst here. Yet, that’s enough for the Obamaton media to make Alito the issue and not on the errors of their messiah. The Politico even published a story defending the anointed one: “White House: Obama is right on Supreme Court decision.” Oh, really?

What the Court actually decided was that “2 U.S.C. Section 441a,” which prohibits all corporate political spending, was unconstitutional. But, foreign nationals, specifically foreign corporations, are still prohibited, under “2 U.S.C. 441e,” from making any contribution in connection with an election or to any committee of any political party.

Easily verifiable is that SCOTUS hasn’t done what Obama accused. But Obama needs foes to focus Americans’ frustration away from his failures. In his speech ranting against TV pundits, he had an enemies list that would have made even Nixon jealous.

And when did Obama have a problem with special interests. Like all pro-regressives, he’s sees only the special interests specks in his opponents eyes, but not the huge political plank in his own. Trial lawyers and unions donate millions to Democrats. Special interests apparently aren’t special when they “Donate Dem,” and then get special tax breaks on their Cadillac healthcare plans under ObamaCare.

Even though corporations support Democrats and Republicans roughly equally, pro-regressives want practically 100% support. They don’t like it when their opponents can equally respond back and refute their lying.

For example, pro-regressives women’s groups complained about a Super Bowl ad sponsored by Focus on the Family. The ad was college football superstar Tim Tebow and his mother discussing her choice to not have an abortion contrary to her doctor’s advice. Luckily, she didn’t and ended up raising a Heisman trophy winner.

But, pro-death pro-regressives want the ad censored, whereas they could just create their own counter ad. Yeah, all they have to do is tell the stories of people who have had successful lives after they have been aborted. Oh wait, that might be a little difficult.

Other “lowlights” of Obama’s speech were proposing that all congressional earmarks be published on the Internet. Didn’t Obama make the same promise with congressional bills? Obama also went on a rather lengthy diatribe on how he cut taxes, but most of the “taxes” he cut were nothing more than distribution of the wealth schemes.

Oh, one faux “tax cut” taxpayers will soon discover. It was only their withholding that was changed in 2009. The tax rate stayed the same so while many workers got more in their paychecks last year, come April 15th they’ll have to pay it all back. The government that giveth also taketh away.

And Obama under the guise of an educational program wants to create the beginnings of two classes where student loans are automatically paid off in 20 years. But for those who choose a “noble” profession in government, it’ll be just 10 years. In socialist systems, the higher up one is in government the richer his standard of living, for socialism is really just a “Nouveau Monarchy”

So, why not give everyone a free college education. Obama last year took over the student loan program. He could just offer loans that nobody ever has to pay back. Free education, what could possibly go wrong? Pro-regressives did the same with housing, which only precipitated the biggest credit market meltdown in US history.

Before his speech, Obama expressed that he rather be a great one-term president than a mediocre two-term one. Many pundits joked that he forgot a third possibility, and he’s headed directly for it, and that’s a mediocre one-term president. Undoubtedly, Obama won’t be a great one-term president, but it would be great if he were a one-term president.

At a recent meeting of top Republicans, Obama said emphatically like the Elephant Man, “I am not an ideologue.” He forgot the word “just” as in “not just an ideologue.” As a pro-regressive he’s made his mark as the greatest “ideologue demagogue wannabe demigod.” Many Americans who voted for his “change” are now getting a severe case of buyer’s remorse.

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