Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Golfing vs. Goofing Up the Gulf

Many conservatives criticize Obama for golfing too much. Why he’s already golfed more times than Bush did in his entire 8 years. Conversely, pro-regressives derided Bush relentlessly for golfing. So much so, that Bush basically gave up swinging a club.

But, Obama seems to swing quite often and sometimes even at golf that is. This in no way a cheap shot reference to the National Enquirer’s tawdry revelation of Obama’s secret rendezvous with gorgeous 35 year-old Vera Baker, who apparently was doing more than just cooking with the president. According to this tabloid that broke John Edward’s affair while his wife had breast cancer, in 2004 the then Senator Obama met with Baker at a Washington, D.C. hotel according to a limo driver.

Apparently, Obama wants to chase Tiger Wood’s record in more holes than one. Well, for someone who at bowling scores only a 32, his obsession with golf, where getting a high scores are so much easier, might be understandable. Still, many criticized the President when because of Iceland’s volcanic eruption he couldn’t attend the funeral of the Polish president went golfing instead.

But then there’s this little ole oil spill that happened in the Gulf April 20th. For the sake of any possible cave dwellers, on that faithful day an oil rig 53 miles from the coast completely blew up taking 11 human lives and is now spewing crude into the Gulf of Mexico. The administration’s response was to basically go on vacation. At least for Department of Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland, he and his wife left for the Grand Canyon three days after the leaks at the Deepwater Horizon pipeline were found.

The Obama administration has described Strickland’s trip as “work-focused” but the vacation, which included white water rafting obviously to check if boats still do float, has raised eyebrows as supposedly thousands of his employees worked to contain the spill. One anonymous government source has reported that some Interior Department employees believe it was “irresponsible” for Strickland to have gone on the trip, given the Gulf crisis.

What Strickland’s trip does show is an administration that was “Goofing up the Gulf” from day one. Obama didn’t even talk about the spill until April 29th then aggressively refuting claims that he didn’t respond rapidly enough using the obviously focused group phrase “from day one.” But when even a New York Timezerra editorial dares to write Obama should have acted sooner, this spill as many are beginning to ask could be Obama’s Katrina.

Why wasn’t the oil burn off as required by a 1994 law? According to Ron Gouget, former NOAA cleanup manager, the Obama administration had pre-approval and didn’t have to wait 10 days. Obama probably didn’t want CO2 released causing more global warming. Better to have globular warnings along the coast of Louisiana that’s wondering where the Feds are. And whether oil is burned or decomposes naturally, it’s a hydrocarbon and creates CO2 either way.

But, Obama’s failure goes beyond just not acting soon enough. After all he’s a busy man. He had a lot of trashing and bashing of America to do. There’s Arizonans and their immigration reform law that’s the same as the federal one.

There were banks and Goldman Sachs that was charged by the SEC, obviously taking a moment from downloading porn, with fraud on the flimsiest of evidence. In an unusual party line vote all three Democrats conveniently voted for these charges to hand Obama a bank scandal in time for debate on his bank takeover, er reform.

The fact that Obama can take over any bank for any reason with absolutely no oversight is all any socialist needs for reform. And it won’t matter if that bank or brokerage gave him campaign money like the $1 million Obama received from Goldman Sachs. Naturally, Obama isn’t giving any of the money back or away, and no one in the DNC sycophant media is demanding he does.

But, Obama’s campaign money has even dirtier as slick black oil in its connections, for it turns out that Obama of all politicians received the most money in the past 20 years from British Petroleum. And what did they get for their money? On April 6th, 2009 they got from Minerals Management Service (MMS) a “categorical exclusion” from doing an environmental impact study at Deepwater Horizon, the very rig that blew up just one year later.

So, Obama is right even before day one he made the fateful decisions for “Goofing up the Gulf.” That’s why Obama should instead golf all he wants. In fact, he should devote all his time to his pastime especially on January 20th, 2013 beginning in the afternoon. One term will be enough of his great change up the yin yang.

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