Leave it to Obama to throw gasoline on the fire igniting to only his surprise a firestorm. Of course, it’s Bush’s fault. On the positive side, property rights, a freedom Obama has only been undermining for the last 18 months, he seems to have rediscovered if only for a moment.
Compounding the issue and making sure it’s in the headlines for weeks to come, not to be outdone Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that all opposition to the GZM should be investigated. Only a complete idiot would think that then suggesting that investigating where the $100 million for building the mosque is coming from (actually a good idea) would then quell Pelosi’s initial idiocy. She’s someone who could even make a camel seem incredibly intelligent.
Of course, Democrats blame everyone else but themselves for the problems they create. The GZM was a local issue of the New York Port Authority. They apparently had no problem giving a mosque a green light while at the same time denying a Greek Orthodox Church a rebuilding permit. The church was damaged on 9/11 and has been waiting nine years for approval.
Yet, the Port Authority complained that the church, 24,000 square feet and topped with a grand dome, would be too large and the height of the proposed dome too high. They said it couldn’t rise higher than the WTC memorial. The proposed mosque will be 13 stories, far above the height of the WTC memorial. Interestingly, how they chose not to impose any height restrictions on it.
Because Obama stepped in camel’s crap again (another beer summit?), Democrats and their media operatives went into the usual attack mode, name calling. Opponents of the GZM are not only racist but also “intolerant.” The New York al Timezerra published an article, “Obama’s Mosque Tolerance Upsets Those Who Want a 'White and Largely Christian’
Leave it to the obsolete media, who in their minds are the only ones who understand journalism, to ratchet up the racist rhetoric instead of just reporting the news. Well, Islam is not a race, and as a religion many of its adherents are the most intolerant followers on the planet.
The “Ass-ociated” Press (AP) released an advisory memo ordering its journalists that they must immediately stop calling the controversy “The Ground Zero Mosque Story.” Instead AP recommends these possible titles “mosque 2 blocks from WTC site,” “Muslim (or Islamic) center near WTC site,” “mosque near ground zero,” or simply “mosque near WTC site.” Why not “Magnificent Muslims Just Want To Build Meek Mosque near WTC Yet Fear Massive Infidel Intolerance?”
What’s intolerant is that this mosque will be called the “Cordoba House.” For historically challenged pro-regressives, that’s the Spanish city where Muslims established their caliphate conquest in
Oh wait, Christians and Jews are forbidden to enter these cities and can be murdered by Muslims for doing so. Saudi Arabian road signs warn infidels of this overwhelming tolerance. But, it takes two for tolerance. In other words, tolerance is a two way street. If they aren’t going to tolerate
According to recent polls, one in five Americans believes Obama is a Muslim, and the numbers who believe he’s a Christian are dropping. Obama constantly praises Islam while at the same time denigrating Christianity. Still, many in the media portray “Muslim-ers” like the “Birth-ers” as being just one hump short of a full camel.
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