Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lash of the Lame-men

Recently, the History channel aired “Clash of the Cavemen,” a program on early man. The story takes place in Europe 25000 B.C., which is in the throes of the last ice age. Two species of primitive man, Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal, struggle to survive and often clash with one another.

The Neanderthals lacked the ability to think and speak in abstract terms while Cro-Magnons could, and they eventually became the forerunners of all humanity. Still, the program theorized that Neanderthals went extinct not at the hands of the Cro-Magnon, but by some disease that may have transferred between the two species. Ultimately though, science still can’t fully explain why Neanderthals didn’t make it at all.

However, another theory is maybe they didn’t die out after all. Instead, they were absorbed into the human race to eventually become members of the modern day Democrat Party. Still lacking any capacity for abstract thinking, they mask this with shallow talking points and a smug arrogance of un-enlightened narcissism. This political species will be henceforth scientifically known as “Liberathals.”

When President Bush gave a speech in commemoration of Israel’s 60 years of existence, he mentioned how appeasement did little to stop the tyrants of the WWII era from immersing the world into a global war. In fact, agreements like the one Neville Chamberlain reached with Adolph Hitler resulted not in the prevention of war, but the selling out of a key ally and a further emboldening of a tyrant and the aims of his evil empire.

Have liberathals learned anything from this horrific historical event? Lacking abstract thinking of cause and effect, apparently they have not. Instead to cover up their inability to connect the dots, they accused Bush of acting inappropriately on foreign soil. Barack Obama and a host of other Democrats lashed incoherently like babies who didn’t like being told that they really weren’t the prima donnas of the world.

Never mind that many Democrats have journeyed overseas and said the most asinine things about this country and its president. Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Jim McDermott and a host of others have called Bush an out-right liar and far worse. Squeaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has gone to Syria to disrupt American troop supply lines even proposing an atrocity declaration on an event that happened 90 years ago just to anger Turkey, a key American ally.

John Kerry, failed 2004 presidential candidate who served in Vietnam, haughty and forever rabid at losing to the likes of “W,” is still vying for the “lamest loser of them all” award. He compared Obama’s willingness to meet with Iran’s wacky terrorist supporting leader who wants to nuke Jews (recently, referring to Israel as a stinking corpse) to Ronald Reagan meeting with Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev.

The only thing that liberathal got right was Reagan did call the Soviet Union, “The Evil Empire,” which liberathals had an absolute hissy fit when he did. But Reagan never met with a Soviet leader until his second term. At Reykjavik, Iceland, Reagan actually got up from the table and left the negotiations over a little thing called missile defense, and liberathals had another hissy fit. They just knew “Star Wars” (their derisive term) would never work even though recently it successfully shot down a satellite to avoid impacting a populated area.

According to CBS News Correspondent Wyatt Andrews, Reagan won the Cold War because he waged it so aggressively, and he employed much more than just “tough diplomacy,” whatever that means. Reagan instead created “Trust but Verify” useful when making agreements with untrustworthy regimes to deal with the fact that they are inherently dishonest.

Unfortunately, liberathals Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton couldn’t abstract that and in 1994 negotiated the “Agreed Framework” with North Korea, which promised them lots of stuff including nuclear reactors if they would just give up their more atrocious atomic ambitions. Apparently, they began violating this agreement 10 minutes after Carter left, but America didn’t discover their mischief until 2002 when Bush pressed them. In the lamest of all possible acts though, fellow liberathals gave Carter the Nobel Peace prize anyway.

Finally, there’s the liberathals’ lamest belief of them all, “Win without war.” As a matter of fact, they feel they have evolved beyond war like behavior, and they have absolute distain for the military believing no one but the ignorant and uneducated enrolls in an all-volunteer force. Author Steven King recently joined John Kerry in professing this mistaken idea.

Actually, most military personnel are highly intelligent and are eager to defend American freedoms. Conversely, most liberathals would never ever join the military instead feeling like it’s so beneath them. In reality though, this “superiority complex” is really just masking a more primitive emotion they’ll never admit, and that’s cowardice.

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