Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Vote “NObama”

Another week and Barack Obama has another mentor who’s apparently sprung another leak. How many crazy spiritual “uncles” can one candidate have until he loses all credibility as a viable aspirant for the presidency? The answer depends on whether he’s Republican or Democrat.

For John McCain (R-AZ), apparently one is sufficient, even though he’s never sought Pastor Heagy’s endorsement. Heagy said that Katrina was New Orleans’s punishment for embracing homosexuality. Incidentally, “Southern Decadence,” a gay festival, was scheduled days before Katrina struck where homosexual acts would have in fact been “on parade.” Perhaps, it’s just a cosmic coincidence.

However, McCain has never attended Heagy’s church, was not married by him nor ever called him a mentor. Still, his unsolicited endorsement is enough for the macaca media to propagandized “moral equivalence” to Obama’s ever growing list of demented mentors no matter how close their connection.

Even though McCain has so to speak “disowned” Heagy, liberals will forever wrap this canard around him ever time Wright’s diatribes are remembered. They’ll claim that McCain’s denouncement actually justifies their “talking point” of Heagy’s political liability. Liberals so love a circular argument.

So, when a white Catholic priest launched into a rant against Hillary claiming she, as well as many other white Americans, were crying over a black man taking her “white” entitled Democrat nomination, only then does Obama leave his church.

Apparently, only when Wright rails against whites from the pulpit, then it’s appropriate. But, when a supremely guilty white liberal disses another typical white person, why that’s going over the edge and Obama now feels the need to quit. And of course, his was an act of sacrifice and not “saving my proverbial political butt.”

Still, Obama claims that he’s the candidate of change, a politician who will bridge America’s racial divide. Yet, he couldn’t even change the racism of his own church. Wright has been preaching racial division for over 35 years twenty while Obama was in attendance. Not once did Obama say that he ever tried to persuade his pastor that his views were wrong or even too strong.

Obama was in a pivotal position with his close relationship with Wright. He, certainly had opportunities to explain to that indignant bigot, “Hey master pastor, I’m a Hominoid Hybrid. A mixed breed raised by a white family.” Instead Obama did the worst of all acts, the crime of complacency. In other words he did nothing.

But a leader doesn’t need a powerful position to accomplish great change. Martin Luther King, whose legacy is now being trashed by the very liberals who embraced him, never held political office. Yet, he was able to create a movement that transformed this nation. So when it comes to leadership unfortunately in that regard, Obama is not even capable of filling even one of King’s shoes.

Still, he’s the macaca media’s messiah. So much so, they keep on reporting that the Clinton campaign will soon be over. Notice how the macaca media reports more what they want to happen and not what’s actually happening.

Like the Iraq War where America is actually winning, benchmarks are met and enemies are asking for ceasefires. But it doesn’t matter because Obama and Democrats say and need Iraq to be a failure. Democrats are even trying to pass a law that prohibits the Pentagon from discussing the successes in Iraq.

So, Clinton is not out. As a matter in fact she hasn’t even started. Being no spring chicken, she most likely won’t get another chance. Already ahead of Obama in popular vote with Florida and Michigan included, she will not only continue her fight but could actually win. And if she doesn’t, she’ll probably sabotage Obama’s campaign covertly. Already, Obama’s star is falling, his support among whites that started high is tanking.

This puts Democrats in a pickle, basically one of their own making. Back in 2000 they caterwauled that Al Gore should be president. Gore supposedly won the popular vote albeit with a little voter fraud. Also, the Florida Supreme Court kept changing the rules after an election was held violating an 1873 federal law. This blatant disregard for rules has created a situation where both candidates can rightfully claim the nomination.

Liberals tolerate breaking every rule doing “whatever it takes.” Well, the next few months will show just how much Democrats can get along when two opposing sides will accept no compromise.

For Democrats have no principles except an absolute lust for power. They rejected Hillary because her high negatives made her seem unelectable. Now Obama’s associations are making him seem even more so. In the end, the super delegates will decide who they feel has the best chance of winning. Rules and voters will be damned because in the end there’s nothing democratic about the Democrat Party.

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