Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bozos Going Bonkers

No, this wasn’t a comedy produced in Hollywood. For anyone who was paying attention this is what going on in Washington. Watching Barney Frank, Demagogue-crat extraordinaire from Massachusetts makes anyone who’s conscious really wish that state would just secede from the union.

On Fox News Sunday, he railed against AIG retention bonuses. Being anal retentive himself, he demanded those receiving bonuses be fired. His mental incompetence makes him unable to learn, or maybe it’s just that he never stops talking. Note to Frank: retention bonuses are paid when an employee completes his contract then is terminated afterwards.

AIG’s share of the bailout booty was $170 billion. The $165 million in bonuses is less than one tenth of a percent. But at least, $55 billion went to foreign banks. It was only when some in the media began discussing that issue did the bonuses become the “issue distract du jour.” Another tomfoolery created by class envy congressional clowns.

Like the attack on radio host Rush Limbaugh, liberals impugned Limbaugh by taking something he said out of context whining Limbaugh wants Obama to fail. Then, these same hypocritical liberals who wanted to lose the Iraq War claim Limbaugh is unpatriotic. Yet, Limbaugh only wants Obama’s socialistic policies to fail.

And Obama should fail in this one respect. That he’s only a one-term president losing in a landslide to a conservative candidate. In fact, I want him to lose support even among black Americans who realize that his racially tinged socialistic aims have made everyone worse off not better.

And concerning bonuses is Wal-Mart next since it gave $2 billion in bonuses to their hourly employees? That’s 12 times more than AIG’s, and liberals hate Wal-Mart so much it won’t matter that it didn’t get any bailout booty.

Anyway, “Distract-ocrats,” who approved the AIG bonuses in the first place, now act so “stunned” with their discovery. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) first denied then admitted that he put the amendment in the “Stick It to Us” bill. Dodd has done an about face committing practically political suicide. Now all his Republican challengers are ahead in the polls. Interestingly, why did he do this?

To protect “the one”, for O-bozo is up to his eyeballs in this scandal. His administration pushed those bonuses because he’s received campaign contributions, 2nd highest, from AIG along with Dodd, the highest, and Barney Frank. This trio couldn’t wait to reward this quid pro quo because they were probably expecting more kickbacks from the bailout booty.

And, Democrats are like scorpions. They will bite the frog carrying them across a river to even their own peril. No amount of money protects a lobbyist or a big business buddy when a Democrat’s political career is threatened. Not even when it’s done as a charitable act, CEO Edward Liddy came out of retirement to receive only $1/yr’ to fix AIG. His reward was a 3 hours drilling from congressional clowns.

While Republicans were shut out from crafting the stimulus plan, one still couldn’t resist putting his foot in his mouth. Charles Grassley (R-IA) proposed his solution for those getting bonuses. They supposed to say they’re sorry and then resign or commit suicide. He’s since retracted the suicide part, but only because he’s pro-life.

The problem here is that America has too many politicians who want to run every aspect of the people’s lives. Many can’t even run their own lives. If that’s scary enough, the fact that Democrats want to tax the bonuses at 90% is a direct violation of the US Constitution. For those needed a reminder, that’s the document that’s supposed to limit these fools.

In Article I, Section 9 specifically prohibits a “Bill of Attainder” or a legislative act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial. The 111th congress is the most unconstitutional ever. What is really sick is every time these bozos interfere professing to just be intervening they make matters worse.

Then they blame the free market and demand even more power. Treasury Secretary Tim Tax Cheat Geithner wants to rewrite contracts at will. O-bozo the supreme leader is firing CEOs, forcing Chrysler to merge with failing automaker Fiat (talk about fiat), and spending so much it will increase the deficit more than all his predecessors combined including Bush. In fact, O-banana is fast turning America into a banana republic.

Obama and his gulag gang, formally known as the Democratic Party, have accomplished in two months what was considered impossible up until recently. In a Rasmussen poll, Republicans now lead by 3 points over Democrats in congressional races. Yeah, it’s a small lead, but then his term has just started. Given enough time, the spread could actually exceed all the voter fraud that ACORN is creating using taxpayer money.

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