Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hillary on the Hunt

Recently, “Secret-ary of State” Hillary Clinton, former predestined candidate for the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination, uttered in a question and answer session that the burgeoning debt was detrimental to national defense. Apparently, America can’t attack another nation and still expect that country to continue lending us money. Still, Hillary’s “lapse into reasoning” leads some to suspect that if Obama continues dropping in the polls, she may be positioning herself for another run for the office she covets most.

One of Obama’s smartest decisions (and it is probably his only one) was choosing for Vice President, Joe Biden. Biden is a true “gaffe-omatic” and a total nut-zoid who nobody in his right mind would ever want to be president. Even Democrats aren’t that crazy… Maybe? To be more precise, Obama’s VP decision is truly fateful in that he didn’t pick Hillary Clinton.

Some speculated that Hillary wasn’t chosen because she didn’t get along with Michele “my belle” Obama. Obama chose Biden even though Hillary on the ticket would have better unified the party. Well, it might have made those “birthers” happy. That’s right. Those pesky people who want to see Obama birth certificate (not necessarily on his forehead though) were all originally Democrats who strongly supported Hillary Clinton.

Hillary supporters were the original “birthers” who wanted to win regardless of repercussions. People like Attorney Phil Berg, who has tried to have his case heard in the US Supreme Court. Coincidentally, Justice Clarence Thomas admitted in congressional testimony that the court was evading the issue of presidential eligibility of non-naturally born citizens.

But, getting back to Obama’s forehead for a moment, dropping poll numbers and if Democrats lose big this November, Obama will be the first president to be a lame duck in his first term. Many Democrats would be out for the kill politically speaking that is, but some might want a kill literally especially if Hillary were the VP.

Oh, they’d never say it out loud, and if it ever happened, they’d reflexively blame some racist right wing tea partier without any proof whatsoever. Yet, secretly they’d thank whoever did it, for as Vice Hillary would immediately assume the mantel of leadership.

Since she’d be serving only the last half of Obama’s first term, she could be “officially” elected for another two full terms or the maximum of 10 years. At her age, that would practically make her dictator for life. And Democrats sure do love dictators like Cuba’s Fidel Castro and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and otherwise hate leaders who support liberty and freedom.

Obama could also have learned a lesson from Bill Clinton who chose Al Gore as his VP. When Bill was impeached by House Republicans, Senate Republicans became squeamish on his trial. They never even called one witness to testify against then President Clinton. Many pundits speculate that the reason was because polls showed Americans were against the impeachment. So, Senate Republicans were just trying to do the minimum constitutionally to dispatch what had become a political albatross.

But it also could have been Clinton’s VP, Al Gore, who had a reputation of being a global warming zealot. For Gore is also a nut with a mansion in Tennessee that not only used 20 times the national average in power consumption but also was made to look like the White House after his loss to George W in 2000. Senate Republicans had they convicted President Clinton would have made Gore President, and that possibility probably scared them to death.

Chris Matthews, Mr. “Obama Puts a Thrill Up My Leg” MSNBC host, postulated that the reason why women tea party candidates like Sharon Angle (R-NV) and Christine O’Donnell (R-DE) are doing well is that women are angry over Hilary’s loss to Obama and are “going genitally gung ho.” (Notice didn’t write “going ho” which would only have caused even more trouble genitally speaking.)

In his words, “There are an awful a lot of women that felt frustrated by Hillary Clinton's failure two years ago and I'm telling you it’s popping up, I'm hearing it anecdotally, I admit … these are women and they may be conservative women, but they are women nonetheless.” But, it’s a stretch that they’re voting for women who are Hillary’s polar opposite politically speaking.

Finally, there is a real reason for Hillary supporters to be angry. A website called with an associated documentary by Gigi Gaston details the many way that the Obama campaign did dirty tricks in the Democrat primaries to disenfranchise potential Hillary voters.

The website’s homepage claims that they are “Americans, not [just] angry liberals.” But, there’s this feeling from the site that they aren’t very happy, and they don’t plan on going away. Who knows, maybe they’ll become a “tea party” like movement in 2012.

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