Thursday, September 23, 2010


What a difference two years can make. During the 2008 presidential campaign, the slogans were “Hope,” “Change” and “Yes, we can.” But, after almost two years as president, Obama is having difficulty actually governing. With poll numbers dropping, Obama has put into overdrive what will be his strategy to win in 2010. Hence, his new campaign slogans are “Hope we can still blame Republicans” and “No, we can’t because of Republicans.”

This Labor Day, Obama stood in front of his union buddies and called for a $50 billion investment in long term infrastructure projects. This expenditure is finally the one we’ve been waiting for. The administration claims that this will finally “stimulate the flailing economy, create jobs and refill the exhausted highway trust fund.”

If the original $814 billion “Stick it to us” stimulus package didn’t do the trick, why should another $50 billion i.e. “son of stimulus” work. The administration claims that 3.5 million (or was that billion) jobs were either created and/or saved. Yet, the unemployment rate still exceeded the 8% that Obama promised would never go above if his “going deeper in debt” stimulus plan were passed.

What never seems to occur to Obama and his most non-business administration in history is maybe the stimulus caused more jobs to be lost than it gained. Even if it were one step forward, it has definitely been two steps back. Hence, that’s why people, who call themselves progressives, are really “pro-regressives.” It isn’t what you believe and how it makes you feel good that matters. It’s the results of those beliefs.

Undoubtedly, Government doesn’t spend money as efficiently as the private sector. If the government creates a job, it removes resources that could have created more jobs. One example is a recent Los Angeles audit where $111 million of stimulus money only created 55 jobs. It perfectly demonstrates that more government always results in less “real economy,” which is why another $50 billion will buy a cheap thrill but never a recovery.

Still, Obama will blame Republicans for not going with his ideas like a ham sandwich. Obama has to find a villain for his failures because blaming Bush no longer works. So, he’s trying to blame any Republican leader he can. House Minority Leader “Boogeyman” Boehner (R-OH), who hardly anybody knows, is now Obama’s bad guy who’s stopping Obama’s new stimulus that even Obama won’t call a stimulus. Only problem, Democrats have the majority in the House and not one Republican there can stop it.

Other Obama loser ideas include a $100 billion research and development tax credit, a hiring incentives package for small- and medium-sized business and a $42 billion small business package. Ron Bonjean, former communications director to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, says Obama is attempting a “hail Mary” pass.

Bonjean believes that Obama is throwing out ideas just to change the subject from his own failure. Obama knows that Congress has no appetite to enact a second stimulus. So, it’s all talk, a sham.

It’s not like Obama hasn’t perpetrated a few of those in his short tenure. One just occurred in Iraq. Obama made this big announcement that, despite Iraqis having difficulty forming a new government, the US has on time ended combat missions, and its forces have entered into an “advisory” role.

Yet, “former” combat solders are reporting that despite the name change, they’re going on the same old missions and doing the same “combat like” actions that they did before. Obama has the audacity to complain that his critics wouldn’t believe him even if he said the sky was blue or that there were fish in the sea. I have to admit I’d doubt those statements too given his record of “truth-less-ness.”

And most of Obama’s new stimulus isn’t even for the average American worker. Instead it’s for his union buddies. Just like a lot of things Obama does. In ObamaCare, unions with Cadillac healthcare plans are exempt from taxation while the rest of America will have to pay on top of their gross salary.

That’s what billions of dollars buys with Obama, for he has said, “I owe these unions.” But payback won’t be just jobs. It’s also filling up their coffers from all their campaign donations to Democrats. That’s right. They begged, borrowed and stole to get Democrats elected, and in return Democrats borrow and steal from taxpayers to reward unions. Obama wants another $50 billion for “union” infrastructure.

However, very little of the original $814 billion actually went to so-called shovel ready projects. Apparently, the only thing ready to shovel was manure. Yet, Obama complains that keeping Bush’s tax cuts will cost $700 billion, but that’s just letting the people who will do more real economic stimulus than the government could do even with 10 times that amount.

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