Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Republicans Get Scandals, Democrats Get Cover Ups
And, the media will help him all they can. I used to believe that reporters were just a bunch of liberals that having a natural distain for corporations were instead drawn to journalism to make a difference. But, this past presidential election has demonstrated that most of the media has actually been infiltrated by the Democrat National Committee (DNC).
So from this point on they should be called the DNC media, not the macaca media. They’re not a bunch of monkeys who are blinded by the lack of understanding that what they’re doing is wrong. Instead, they’re deliberately skewing the news to build up the Democrat Party while knocking down the Republican.
Still, many respected individuals just don’t get it. Like commentators Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg who on The O’Reilly Factor argued that the media outlets of CBS, ABC and NBC barely mentioned that the Illinois governor was a Democrat because Republicans are the party that advocates honesty. Therefore, these media outlets just like to focus on hypocrisy.
Well, if that were the case, they’d be equally eager to point out the Democrats’. For example, at their convention in Denver, an ABC reporter was filming powerful Democrats going into a secret meeting with rich corporate donors and was arrested for trespassing on a public sidewalk, and without habeas corpus! For a party that distains corporations and obsessively worries about the civil rights of terrorists, that’s enough to handle a herd of Republican hypocrisies.
But, the DNC media ignored the story because it wouldn’t help Democrats. It’s the same for the Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich hereto henceforth dubbed Blago. For if ever he goes, he’ll always be Blago.
Many print accounts never identified his party until the second page. AP specifically referred to the Governor’s title as “Gov.” at every instance. Though this abbreviation is appropriate, it was used even when there was enough space. Why? Maybe, it’s because “GOV.” is very similar to GOP, which the DNC media knows will confuse some into thinking that this scandal is Republican.
Although Blago is a Democrat, one might think he’s Gov. GOP from the way the DNC media is treating him. It’s either deliberate collusion or an amazing coincidence that they all went from he’s just a distraction to he’s delusional in complete unison. The “he’s crazy” angle was probably chosen just in case he decides to sing like the proverbial bird ratting out Demo-rats. Why, crazy people just can’t be trusted in what they say.
And, Blago doesn’t get the same special spousal courtesy like his good buddy Obama. Michelle his belle is off limits according to DNC media. Not so, with Blago’s, his wife gets attacked because her lingo would make a truck driver blush. Still, how she talks is irrelevant in this scandal of selling Obama’s senate seat.
Unfortunately, the investigation may have been revealed too soon that Blago won’t ever be successfully prosecuted. Who knows how many Democrats could have been snared as well. Did “Special Prosecutor” Patrick Fitzgerald reveal the investigation when it got to close to Obama’s administration? Rahm Emmanuel, his Chief of Staff, who talked with Blago 21 times has practically disappeared and may eventually appear on milk cartons.
Emmanuel could become Obama’s scapegoat who claimed that he’d never met with Blago even though he did three days after the election. Obama is deeply involved in this scandal. Yes, Blago did call Obama a dirty name but not because Obama was unwilling to make a deal. Obama instead wanted Blago to wait a few years for his payoff.
Another possibility is that Fitzgerald may have wanted to expose the investigation before Obama took office. Fearing, he could be fired in order to impede the investigation even though Obama promised to keep him on. Some argue that Obama wouldn’t dare. But Bill Clinton fired 93 of 94 US attorneys in 1993 to obstruct Whitewater. The DNC media that made a big deal over Bush’s firing of only 8, said practically nothing with Clinton’s.
More than likely, Fitzgerald exposed his investigation because the Chicago Tribune did so after promising it wouldn’t. Yet, when the paper’s editorial staff discovered that “Senate candidate #5” was Jesse Jackson Jr., they probably believed that the investigation would damage a Democrat deemed untouchable. So, they compromised it. Well, Blago was at least right about one thing, his demand that the Chicago Tribune editorial board be fired.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tale of Two Teachers
My second grade teacher represented the sunny disposition. Her reaction to the loss of money was letting her students intensively search the room. No book was left unturned so to speak. It was really fun sort of like an unplanned Easter egg hunt. Kids went everywhere with absolute enthusiasm.
Within a short period of time, the money was found, and I was the one who found it! As a reward, I received a bunch of candy. While the class watched a movie about earthquakes and volcanoes, I decided to share my candy with everyone. It was great watching all the building collapse and red hot lava flow down hills and roads.
But the best part was when the film was over. The teacher replayed it through the movie projector backwards. The film was even better in reverse. Buildings that were collapsed and in complete ruble in seconds became fully erect, and lava flowed uphill. All in all, at the end of the day the lost lunch money was not such a big deal and actually became a positive experience for the entire class.
When I got to third grade, it was a totally different story when lunch money went missing. The teacher, Mrs. Goetz, assumed that it was stolen. (It’s interesting how I remember her name and not the one of the really great teacher.) Yes, she believed at least one of her urchins plundered another child’s allowance. In her mind, there was a distinct possibility a potential gang of young hoodlums operated in her midst.
That probably explains why she meted out the punishment that she did. The entire class was denied after lunch recess. Now, imagine a bunch of third graders at the cusp of spring cooped up all morning learning and eating lunch. Then afterwards, sitting inside doing absolutely nothing while listening to other kids playing in wonderful warmth after a long, cold winter.
And this continued for an entire month. Finally, the culprit relented and admitted to the crime. Recess again was something to look forward. It was great going out to run and play. Unfortunately, that only lasted a few days. The perpetrator as it turns out hadn’t really committed the crime.
He was like the rest of us innocent cretins, but he got so tired of being indoors that any retribution given for stealing the money was better than being perpetually punished with recess denial. My only regret is that I didn’t think of it first, but then who knew at the beginning how long her hunt for the lunch money bandit would persist.
My second grade teacher spent less than an afternoon, and no doubt my third grade teacher would never admit that her method was a dismal failure. The money was never located even though many innocent children ended up being punished. Her insanity was expecting a solution even after it became quite obvious none was forth coming.
My second grade teacher was cool. She gave as one English assignment an essay on making a great wish. I wrote that I wanted to be in third grade. Little did I know what I was really asking. But, the teacher could have easily dropped my desire. Instead, she arranged to have me sent to fifth grade!
At the time I didn’t understand why the fifth grade, but after third and fourth grade, that was just the next great teacher. It was weird being with kids that were so much older. To a second grader, fifth graders seem so sophisticated. To my amazement I was able to follow along with some of their studies.
That’s because my second grade teacher allowed me to go at my own pace, which was faster than the rest of her class. I especially excelled in math completing the entire second grade math book while the rest of the class completed only about half. Anyway, I remember taking a spelling test while in fifth grade. I actually got a “C” which astonished many of the fifth graders.
I was in fifth grade for less than day. I actually got “homesick.” Still, it was a memorable experience. I never thanked my second grade teacher enough. I think I was really too young to fully appreciate what she had done. But after all my years in school, I finally realized that she was truly special because no other teacher did so much for me.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
“We the Proletariat?”
Before the enlightenment known as America, monarchial government ruled much of the world. There were basically two classes of people. The ruling class, these individuals justified their grip on power by believing they had a divine right and/or were given special leadership abilities. Why else were they born into their particular station of life?
The lower class was peasants. Not much was expected of them except to survive. Many farmed land owned by the nobility, which set the terms. In other words, the peasants were to just shut up and farm, thus having very little influence over their lives.
But, America changed all that. The Declaration of Independence recognized the individual as sovereign who has certain inalienable rights that being to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Actually, for the last right, property was almost inserted instead.
Still, “pursuit of happiness” allow individuals to take the ingenuity found within them and utilize it to whatever extent possible. It could lead to either boom or bust, but whatever the outcome, it’s entirely the property of the sovereign individual. These freedoms in effect unleashed the people to be the solvers of human problems that have been leading to a more perfect union.
America was a sharp departure from conventional wisdom of the day, which scoffed at the idea of common folk solving everyday problems. For instance, consider the everyday bugaboo of a stuffed up nose. Whether it’s an allergy or the common cold many suffer from this common sinus symptom.
Yet, America never needed a “Bureau of Stuffy Noses” to solve all the postnasal drip found throughout this land. No one needed universal nose insurance. Instead, a business Kleenex created disposable facial tissue, and the problem had a remedy. Other companies followed with even more solutions.
Thus, an abundance of products have been developed, which were once only ideas in someone’s head. Socialism only succeeds at keeping them there, unrealized. For the “dictatorship of the proletariat” would never allow an individual’s ingenuity to set him apart especially financially.
This may sound vehemently anti-communist, but in all honestly it’s not. It’s really anti stupidity. Socialism is the dumbest idea ever theorized. No doubt, Obama believes in this economic malfeasance, but what’s most disturbing is how fast America is descending into this pit even with Bush still president.
Under powers vested in the bailout bill, Treasury Secretary Paulson has been running around like a Super Santa Claus handing out bailout booty. Yet, Paulson’s giving criteria doesn’t include who’s been naughty or nice. Instead, he bases his gifts of graft on a combination of dealings, feelings and how much the CEO been stealing.
And enraged Democrats believe that one group that hasn’t gotten a fair share of your wealth is the deadbeats who didn’t deserve a mortgage in the first place. Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) has been drilling, not for any oil mind you, any treasury official who dares to testify in front of his committee that should, in fact, be committed. Simply put, he wants constituents who vote Democrat early and often to remain in homes regardless of how defaulted the loan.
Then, there’s the auto industry that’s too big to fail. Democrats want to save their union overlords that have strapped the big three with more non-workers than is sustainable. And it’s not just retirees with no co-pay insurance, but the job shops with thousands of extra employees receiving full compensation for doing absolutely nothing.
And the thought of America with a “car czar” is so bizarre, but this cabinet level “auto-ristocrat” won’t save this industry that’s been plagued with over zealous unionization. For car companies south of the Mason-Dixon line in states with “Right to Work” laws seem to have no problem competing in the marketplace.
But all that will change as soon as “Card Check” becomes law. Under the Employee Free Choice act, which is anything but, the secret ballot would be eliminated allowing thugs to unionize businesses regardless of contravening laws. Look on the bright side. In a few years, we’ll all feel we deserve a government bailout. Eventually, politicians will have nothing to hand out when everybody got his hand out.
Since socialism is slavery because government basically claims the economic output of its subjects, the productive will cease to produce because ingenuity is neither rewarded nor appreciated. As a matter of fact, it’s distained. And, success accumulated wealth will be appropriated (i.e. stolen) by the ruling class just like the monarchies of old.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Death of a Nation

Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law,
St. Paul, Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Democrats: 19 Republicans: 29
Square miles of land won by: Democrats: 580,000 Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Democrats: 127 million Republicans: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Democrats: 13.2 Republicans: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won was mostly
the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. Democrat territory mostly
encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of
government welfare..." Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty
percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's and
they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Maybe, It’ll Be Just a Bad Presidential Term
Well, at least it won’t happen on a Republican’s watch. Barack Obama, head honcho of the office of the president-elect (whatever that is), will either be the US president or “Lord of the Universe” by then. No doubt, Democrats will still be blaming Bush, still aimlessly proclaiming that he wrecked the world so much even Obama, the messiah, couldn’t fix it.
Even though Obama will have had almost 4 years and a Democrat congress for at least two, just see them blame Bush for ending all existence. If Republicans were smart, they would purposely lose the 2010 election as well. Then when the world ends, they could hold up their hands and say “Don’t look at us, we weren’t in charge of anything.” They also would have a great campaign slogan for 2012, “Democrat governance led to doomsday, vote Republican.”
Apparently, the convergence of doomsday prophecies is overwhelming or at least enough to make an hour-long program. There’s the ancient Mayan calendar, which finishes precisely in the year 2012. Those Mayans no wonder their civilization collapsed over 1000 years ago, they just didn’t plan enough ahead.
However, in addition to the “chronologically challenged” Mayans were also the medieval meditations of Merlin, who apparently concocted more than just potions, and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching. The program also included John in the Book of Revelation. Although the Bible has a slight disqualification, it tells that the exact time of Armageddon cannot be known beforehand.
But those other soothsayers haven’t this limitation and unbeknownst to each other have concluded the same conclusion, or at least interpreters have made the same coincidental interpretation without collusion to at least obtain this same conclusion. “The end is near, 2012 to be exact.” Couldn’t these guys have predicted something a little more useful, like when the stock market was going to rebound?
Yet, there’s more. St. Malachy, Irish Bishop and seedy seer if there ever was one, predicted the last pope. Less known but more pertinent to modern living is that he also foresaw when the last beer would be brewed. In actuality, he produced a list of all the popes that would be pooped out starting in 1143 with Pope Celestine II. All and all, he listed 112 popes. Pope John II who died in 2005 was the 110th.
The current one, the 111th, is Pope Benedict XVI, and he’s very old. Though 40 is the new 20 and 60 is the new 40, the eighties are still not a decade of rejuvenated spring chickens. So, Benedict’s days are very short, and there’s supposedly only one more pope, Peter the Roman, remaining.
During his reign Rome will be destroyed, which definitely wouldn’t be a good day for anyone who happens to be there at the time. Vacation packages to Italy in 2013 could very well become like buying really cheap Florida swampland. Still, it certainly within the realm of possibility that 2012 may just have the last pope reigning even if there’s not much left to reign over.
At the end of Malachy’s prophetic list is “Finis” or simply “The end.” No explanation is given afterwards. For all anybody knows, it could be just the end of his list, or it could be actually the finality of everything sort of the end of everybody’s list. For a seer of seers Malachy could have been a little more specific at what happens at “The End.” I mean do credits roll after a roaring lion or what.
And no doomsday convergence prophecy would be complete unless Nostradamus, a practitioner of medicine and part-time prophet provocateur from Provencale, France, weren’t mentioned. His quatrains of questionable quandary were published in 1555. Though these quatrains have been criticised as ramblings obtained under demonic influence, it’s under good authority his head never did a complete 360 like in the movie, “The Exorcist.”
In the past, there have been those soothsayers of doom who have foretold the end only to see their prediction come to naught. They’ve almost become like the boy who cried wolf too many times. When the wolf finally came, no one believed him. But with such convergence of gloomy predictions, it’s almost impossible not to believe. Yeah, there’ll still be those “doomsday deniers” who will continue to plan beyond 2012, but they will be ruthlessly ridiculed, at least until 2013 arrives
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Obama-“Da” Strain
A question for my shrink, if I had one, would be, “Is it normal to want a bum out of office who hasn’t even been inaugurated yet?” Yeah, my honeymoon was over even before it began. Many conservatives in their misguided sense of fairness are willing to give Barack Obama somewhat of a chance. Why? Turnabout is fair game. Liberals never gave President Bush one minute of reprieve from their relentless attacks.
Obama, the one, has promised 2.5 million jobs by 2011. This is the messiah? “W,” the complete failure, created almost 9 million with his evil tax cut in 2003. If one is technically anal and most liberals are, Bush, the miserable, managed in his complete mismanagement of the economy to create 6.5 million new jobs which includes the 2.5 millions jobs lost at the beginning of his term.
Whereas, if the truth be known, were lost as a result of 9/11. Too many Americans need to be reminded. For it’s been so long ago, and we haven’t been attacked since. Also, there was the tech bubble crash that started under the previous administration. Not one job loss was ever attributed to Bill Clinton, the ex-pres, even though every job lost on Obama’s, the infallible, watch will be blamed on Bush.
And Obama, the magnificent, isn’t even promising new jobs. He’ll sort of count in his overall jobs number, those that were teetering on the brink of being lost forever except for his steely, resolved leadership. Thus, workers, still employed after Obama’s first term, should thank his righteous wind, or maybe just thank their lucky stars.
So, Obama, the miraculous, selected Timothy Geithner for Treasury Secretary, and the “Da” Jones skyrocketed 20%. Makes one wonder what investors were thinking. Doesn’t this guy Geithner lurk somewhere behind that Bailout Bust? A bill so over laden with pork passed in such an overly hurried fashion, hereto known henceforth as “a rush to whore.”
Geithner is also heavily involved in Citigroups’ financial difficulties, a bank tanking faster than the market. Yet, investors are hoping for any centrist hint in Obama’s, the mysterious, economic positions. Their irrational exuberance, as former Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, would describe it, makes them giddy on any pick not the Rev. Wright of economic policies.
But then again, nobody really knows because the macaca media did more vetting of Sarah Palin in two weeks than they did in two years on Obama, their “Da”-rock star. He could be at best FDR’s economics coupled with Jimmy Carter’s total appeasement foreign policy. At worst, he’s a Marxist that will fix the capitalist economy for good leading to mass famine, rampant corruption, out of control crime and, of course, those wonderful gulags.
Bill Ayers, unrepentant terrorist, in his book, “Prairie Fire,” which by the way was dedicated to Bobby Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, described what should be done to the 25 million or so people who just couldn’t accept the new socialist order. Why exterminate them. Makes one wonder what Ayers’ precise relationship with the president-elect is now, doesn’t it?
But hey, let’s be optimistic. Can you say “Da”-pression? Well, that’s exactly where America’s heading if the government doesn’t stop interfering with the economy. Democrats have already made a mess with the mortgage market, forcing banks through the CRA, the Community Reinvestment Act, to lend to individuals who couldn’t possibly ever repay. In their zeal to help the poor they’re succeeding at making everyone poorer.
Now, “Da”-mocrats are pushing stimulus packages out the wazoo, but they’re calling them “economic recovery initiatives.” No matter what the nomenclature, it amounts to nothing more than FDR’s “prime the pump” programs, which didn’t work. Insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result.
What Obama needs to do is what would be the last thing he would ever do: cut taxes specifically the marginal, corporate and capital gains. All when lowered would stimulate the economy by encouraging investment and risk taking. Activities suppressed when these taxes are too high.
Undoubtedly, Obama will let Bush’s tax cuts expire, which save middle class families from $1200 to $2500 per year. If Obama ever issues his rebate check, the recommended action would be for these families to cherish that check, clutch it close to their chest, then turn it over and sign the back, “Pay to the order of the US Treasury.” For it’ll only cover part of their increased taxes
But hey, Obama’s been all idle “Da”-lk. Though he may begin as a centrist, that doesn’t mean he isn’t planning a socialist takeover later. Even Lenin after the Bolshevik Revolution reverted to capitalism to rebuild a war-torn economy, but make no mistake it was just a stopgap measure until he was ready to march down that dark road to totalitarianism.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
NASA: A Circus of Climate Change Clowns
October was supposedly the hottest because Russia’s temperatures were 10 degrees above normal. But a curious phenomenon occurred there. Its October temperatures were exactly the same as September’s. What an incredible coincidence!
Two bloggers, WattsUpWithThat and Climate Audit, discovered the discrepancy. Actually, it’s more like blatant falsification. Afterwards, NASA updated their world temperature map not once, but twice! While Siberia cooled a little, new hotspots were popping up elsewhere. No explanations were given. Under Hansen’s control, there never are. Nevertheless, Hansen claims NASA’s data analysis and quality control are rigorous. Actually, they’re more like rigor mortis.
And, Hansen blames under-funding despite NASA’s $1 billion budget. Isn’t that always the excuse when government screws up? Yet, what’s really being said here is that NASA doesn’t have the money to falsify data in such a way that busybody bloggers can’t eventually decipher it.
The real rub is that most people will hear only that October was the hottest ever. Hansen knows that. The macaca media reports the litany, but only the alternative media covers the revelation that the headline’s a hoax. A much smaller audience will get that truth while many will remain ill informed, sort of like the 2008 election.
In fact, global warming has nothing to do with climate change. It’s politics that’s just an excuse to tax and control. When Barack Obama talks about creating 5 million green jobs, he means an army of bureaucrats marching around measuring everyone’s carbon footprint to determine what penalties to mete out.
“State of Fear,” a novel written by recently deceased author, Michael Crichton, was described by Amazon.com’s review as a “diatribe against global warming.” Yet, Crichton originally set out to write in favor of Hansen’s hoax. Crichton said prophetically, “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.”
No doubt, Earth is entering a cooling period, which may last for decades. “Reality challenged” alarmists will argue that massive warming is just being masked. This is possibly a valid argument. However, with grand assertions, good scientists should first eliminate all other possibilities. Natural variability exists in every system. Weather and climate are no exceptions.
For example, oceanic oscillations seem to modulate temperatures on a 60-year cycle, but temperatures in the 1930’s were warmer than the 1990’s that after a bug fix (by a Canadian no less!) to NASA’s data crunching algorithm. So, colder temperatures in the 1970’s enough to make weirdoes worried that another ice age cometh then, make them whine about warming now. And, the sun missing cycle 24 possibly indicating a significant irradiance drop could enhance the already natural cooling.
Surface stations could also have been severely corrupted. In the past locations were chosen that were outside the cities but close enough for monitoring. As cities grew, they encroached on many a station. An all-volunteer group, surfacestations.org, is working to quantify this urban creep.
With almost half of the surface station surveyed, almost 90% have some corruption with 63% moderate to severe. Corruption includes artificial heating sources such as buildings, parking lots and even air conditioning exhausts.
Un-naturally, these stations all show substantial warming of at least 2.0°C. NASA’s adjustment is an insignificant 0.06°C. Undoubtedly, there’s substantial “man-made localized global warming,” but this phenomenon is of little import and really shouldn’t cause concern.
Unfortunately, verifying surface temperature data is apparently another job America’s space agency is unwilling to do. Since Canadians are pesky enough to fix NASA’s algorithms, maybe one, preferably illegal, should take over Hansen’s helm.
Finally, some studies have been done that estimate how much humans may have actually contributed to the Global Mean Temperature. Most indicate that it’s negligible, a mere 0.0022°C. That’s due to the fact that CO2 contributes so little to warming (water vapor is 95%), and man contributes so little (3%) to overall atmospheric CO2. Fretting about burning fossil fuels for a few more decades is like worrying that excessive toilet flushing will cause the next Noah sized flood.
Still, for shivering alarmists, who continue in their faith of CO2’s power, if the world cools too drastically, then one cure would be more CO2, maybe even substantially more. That’s why in this economic downturn a carbon creation credit company could be a great investment. This “industry” would sell carbon sources instead of carbon sinks. No stinking tree planting, just many trees chopped for what will be much needed warmth.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Explaining our tax system with beer
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers,' he said, 'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beers by $20. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.'
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?' They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay. And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before and the first four continued to drink for free, but once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings. 'I only got a dollar out of the $20,' declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, 'but he got $10!'
'Yeah, that's right, exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got TEN times more than I!'
'That's true!' shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!
'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something very important....they didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, accountants and lawyers, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes DO get the most benefit from a tax reduction. They also PAY more than the rest. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
And remember people: the top wage earners, those who earn $250,000/year and up, make up ONLY 5% of tax payers, YET THEY PAY 60% OF PERSONAL INCOME TAXES. That means us 95% pay only 40% of taxes.
David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Michigan State University
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Obama’s Diary: Election Entry Excerpts
Entry: Election Night
What a win, what a win! Let the true socialist revolution begin. Americans won’t know what hit them. Let the spreading of the wealth start happening, except mine, of course.
Entry: Wednesday after election.
I’m still so ecstatic. I made so many promises I can’t keep track of them all. Many think I’m going to pay their mortgages and put gas in their cars. Some even think they’re getting a tax cut of $5000. That’s a real laugh. They really don’t know my plans. I’ve never supported a tax cut in my life.
It’s amazing what one can promise when having no intentions of ever keeping them.
Entry: Thursday after election.
Rahm Emanuel will be my chief of staff. The media will portray him as bipartisan, but I know he’s the ideal “Pit bull politician” that I’ll need to whip congress into compliance.
Entry: Friday after election.
I’ve talked with my lawyers and they told me that I can’t be a senator and the president simultaneously. I guess I’ll resign from the senate then. Note to self: don’t forget to eliminate congress as an effective legislative body later. I really like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s method of getting dictatorial powers. I especially like his leader for life idea.
Entry: Sunday after election.
I’ll meet with Bush tomorrow. I’ll use my technique that I describe in one of my memoirs of acting non-threatening around white people. He’ll drop his guard, and then I use something he says against him. Even though the election is over, I just can’t resist the chance to demonize him one more time.
Entry: Monday after election.
I met with Bush today. He’s a nice person, but rather naïve. I’ll leak that he wanted a quid pro quo. He’d approve an auto industry bailout if I ratified CAFTA. I wouldn’t approve CAFTA in a million years because I don’t believe in free trade. Besides my comrade Hugo Chavez is against it. He hates Columbia and its capitalism. Viva the revolution!
Entry: Tuesday, Nov 11
I must form my governing team, but I don’t want anyone with detrimental baggage. I want the application to specifically ask whether prospective staff members could have anything potentially embarrassing to my administration.
Maybe, I should expand that to associations with terrorists, racist reverends and Islamic radicals. No, that would look somewhat hypocritical. I argued that associations didn’t matter during my election. Like heck they do, I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.
Entry: Wednesday, Nov 12
Also, I must ask employees if they own guns, and families, friends and anyone they’ve ever met. Wait, that’s a little extreme the “ever met” part, scratch that. But I don’t want any gun clingers. I may believe in the second amendment, but I don’t want anyone but my people with guns.
I talked with Joe Biden, my man for the assault weapons ban. He’s willing to push legislation to eliminate all concealed gun carry laws nationwide. I want America to be totally gun free, and then my national civilian defense force can operate with little resistance.
Entry: Thursday, Nov 13
I really hate Fox News especially Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh too. I can’t wait to re-impose the Fairness Doctrine. Come June, AM radio will be nothing but cooking shows. I want to expand government control of the media till only Keith Olbermann can be watched. Maybe, that’s a little too drastic. I don’t want to over-reach. I’ll wait until later on that.
And with my truth squads, free speech will be just a notion of the past. Fairness Doctrine, I love that Orwellian terminology. That reminds me. I want Card Check ASAP. My union buddies are clamoring for the elimination of the secret ballot. Without that hindrance, they’ll be able to threaten non-union scabs until practically every employee in America is paying dues to their union boss masters.
Entry: Friday, Nov. 14
Bill Ayers interviewed on Good Morning America. Now, he’s a close friend, but I wish sometimes he’d just shut up like before the election. Yammering “Politics of fear,” how am I going to nominate him as Secretary of Education if he’s giving interviews reminding everyone that associations don’t matter?
I’m thinking of making Hillary Clinton Secretary of State. One problem is that she’d be in line for presidential succession. Sure, there are three people in front of her, but even she wouldn’t dare to eliminate them all like Vince Foster. Or would she?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Maybe, More “Change” Than Bargained For
Well, before you know it, you got a “used car” that you haven’t test-driven. You don’t even know if it will get you off the lot. It could be a Cadillac or just a rusted out Yugo. For many Americans their vote was just that.
Many voters had their heads filled with “bad economic blues,” and decided anything would be better. But, was Bush’s economy so bad? FDR in his second term had unemployment at 25%, and Democrats consider him a great economic president. Maybe, that was Bush’s problem. His 4.6% was too low for them, not enough people on unemployment and welfare.
Was it just me, or did Obama’s election night speech seem eerily like that scene from the movie, “Jewel of the Nile,” where Omar, the magnificent, speaks to his sycophant followers from an elevated platform? Even some commentators of the macaca media referred to Obama’s speech alone on the stage as a “creepy cult of personality.”
Many voters, especially guilty white liberals, elected Obama based solely on the color of his skin. For them, it was just time to elect someone with more melanin even if he could be just a brown shirt with brown skin. They sincerely hope that he’ll govern responsibly. Hope, they’re right.
They aren’t bothered with his associations with racists, radicals and terrorists. And Obama’s proposal for a civilian national security force that would be just a powerful as the military doesn’t concern them in the least. Maybe, they’ll wake up when Obama calls it the Gestapo!
Some in the macaca media now admit that they really don’t know Obama. He’s an enigma to them. Weren’t they supposed to find out who he was? Maybe, we could get illegal immigrants to do journalism. Apparently, it’s another job Americans just won’t do.
That’s the 2008 election in a nutshell. Way to go electorate, you just elected America’s first Marxist president. Unfortunately, many don’t know what Marxism is. While others think Obama could actually make it work, and “Obamatons” really believe he’s going to pay their mortgages and put gas in their cars.
Obama is also America’s first immigrant president according to Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM). He actually admitted that on CNN. Obama could be a president violating the natural born citizen provision of the US Constitution. Here’s Richardson exact quote, “Obama being an African-American, an immigrant…” Richardson also repeated this assertion in Spanish.
Finally, Obama will be America’s most inexperienced president though his “judgment” is superior because he’d withdraw (i.e. surrender) from Iraq faster than anyone else. Historically though, what have America’s greatest heroes done in difficult wars?
When the Revolutionary War was going poorly, George Washington decided, that since the British were the world’s number one army, to sue for peace. He professed that the Declaration of Independence was a silly notion, and that he and his fellow countrymen would renounce it if the British would not lop off their heads.
Yet, that’s not what happened. Instead Washington secured America’s independence and became a hero.
Fast-forward to the Civil War, Abe Lincoln was fighting the South who in the beginning was kicking the North’s butt. Congressional Democrats, dubbed Copperheads (i.e. snakes, apparently not much has changed since then), were demanding that Lincoln sue for peace. Lincoln agreed and offered the South a succession of hostilities allowing them to continue their institution of slavery.
Yet, that’s not what happened. Instead, Lincoln won and secured his place as a great American president.
Fast-forward to WW II, the Japanese on December 7, 1941 attacked Pearl Harbor and over 3000 Americans lost their lives. The next day FDR spoke to congress and the American people. He wasn’t on TV despite any Biden’s gaffes to the contrary.
He said, “This attack is not a day that will live in infamy. No, it’s a day that America’s chickens are coming home to roost. We need to dialogue with the Japanese military regime and understand this attack from their perspective, listen to their grievances and learn how the American empire has wronged them.”
Again, that’s not what really happened. No, instead he inspired this nation to fight the war to an unconditional surrender. Although he did not live to see the war’s end, he’s still a great American president because his steadfast leadership eventually resulted in the defeat of our enemies.
Could Obama accomplish this?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dichotomy of Decision
Indeed, if atheists are right, then everyone who’s ever lived will eventually end up nowhere in a state of non existence sort of like liberals who are perpetually stuck in a logic dead zone. But in all reality, believing in God is a “nothing to lose” proposition. Christianity in particular bases salvation on simply accepting Jesus Christ, God’s son, as a savior.
Salvation can best be illustrated in a truth table. One possibility is God’s existence, the second is whether one believes in him or not. If God doesn’t exist, it won’t matter what one truly believes. The same celestial worm ridden eternal earth nap awaits everyone regardless.
If God does exist, the fate of the believer is different from the non-believer. The believer gets eternal life in heaven while the other gets to find the many ways a pitchfork can pierce bodily orifices. Yeah, hell is a pretty bad place. Well, it is hell.
And God supposedly doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. If that’s so, then why doesn’t he just reveal Himself making his existence undeniable? In that way, he could make it such a no-brainer even by the standards of the most ardent of atheists. Obviously, God has another motive. Now, no one can presume to know the mind of God, but inferences can still be made on what he’s thinking.
For instance, God remains largely hidden because he just might want to differentiate the doubters. He presents a world where one can make a case for either possibility like when Jesus was crucified. Jesus did not die alone, which is an interesting fact in itself. From a worldly perspective, God should have wanted his only son to get the entire crucifixion spotlight so to speak in order that his death would be set apart from all others.
But for God, nothing is by accident. Earth is really a planet that’s a “planned net.” Everything here has a purpose and connections that God deliberately put. Nothing is here by coincidence including everyone who lives and who has ever lived.
Thus, God wanted two thieves, i.e. common criminals; to die with the lamb that was saving the world. Obviously, neither of these thieves were an angel. But like Jesus both were condemned to death and would also be dead in a matter of hours. To say their options in life were rather limited at this point would have been a great understatement. Both had essentially nothing to lose when their crosses were raised.
As Jesus was dying the doubters from their worldly perspective questioned, “If he is the Son of God, why doesn’t he save himself?” Even one of the criminals joined in the chorus of insults. But the other thief rebuked him and then asked Jesus to remember him when he reached the kingdom.
Where upon, Jesus immediately promised, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus never asked him what crimes he had committed. “Wait brother, depends on what brought you to the cross?” What he had done was of no consequence concerning his place in God’s holy place. Still, no one can prove whether this thief is in heaven or not, but there’s no doubt the other one’s not.
Yet, the thief that believed risked nothing more than his accepting Jesus as the Son of God. He certainly wasn’t going to return to his family and hear them laughing at his sudden silliness. In reality, this same decision faces everyone whether it’s a few seconds or even several years away. And if one is generally a good person, accepting Christ is easy because living a life of loving one’s neighbor is technically half the battle.
And heaven is worth technically everything that one has. Take it from someone who’s been to heaven, Jesus. What it offers far surpasses what’s here on earth. When Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days, food for him would probably have been an orgasmic experience. Even if he had been presented with tree bark and grass as North Koreans eat, these un-delectable delights would likely have tasted better than any gourmet meal possible.
Yet, even though Jesus was offered the best of everything this world has, he rejected it all in favor of dying the most horrible death imaginable. For Heaven and getting as many people there who are willing to go was worth that much to Him.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thug-ocracy II?
These amendments removed key underpinnings of our republic. While the 17th allows election of US senators by popular vote making them as susceptible to rampant populism as house representatives, it’s the 16th that gave Americans the really raw deal. It allows the income tax, originally denied in the US Constitution. With this power, congress sets the level of slavery each American must submit.
But Wilson went beyond undermining the republic. Wilson closed down many newspapers and magazines, and he also employed a citizens’ squad, 250000 storm troopers strong. His American Protective League were badge-carrying goons who assaulted people in the streets, made mass arrests, spied and did illegal searches.
Under Wilson’s reign of terror, one woman mentioned she liked Lenin and got six months in jail. One man refused to stand for the national anthem and was shot. Another who didn’t sing the anthem was beaten badly. Wilson brought America to the closest it’s ever been to a totalitarian state. Alas, historians don’t dwell on Wilson as tyrant instead dismissing his terror on his “reactionary” subordinates.
So, what relevance does Wilson have to the current election? Well, history could be repeated. During the “Democratic” Convention, Denver police arrested Asa Eslocker, an ABC News producer. At the time he was filming Democrat senators leaving a super secret private meeting with their super rich VIP donors at the Brown Palace Hotel.
Police refused to present Eslocker with any charges. A cigar-smoking sergeant put his hands on Eslocker’s neck, then twisted his arm behind him while putting on handcuffs. And another threaten Eslocker with “You're lucky I didn't knock the f..k out of you.” Eslocker’s supposed crime was trespassing on a public sidewalk.
If Eslocker had been a terrorist, he’d have gotten much better treatment. More importantly, the macaca media would have made a huge fuss especially since he’s one of them. But since Democrats not Republicans were involved in denying an American citizen his habeas corpus, their silence was deafening.
Then there’s Brian, a graduate student, who in the People’s Republic of Vermont asked an Obama campaign table about his advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brian claimed that Brzezinski helped create Al Qaeda. But the Obama supporters weren’t willing to listen, which is their right, even though the principal purpose of their table was for public dialogue.
Once Brian realized that he had entered an intellectual free zone, he moved on or so he thought. Instead, the Obama fanatics called the cops. Two policemen chased him, ordered him to the ground. When Brian cried for help, police ordered him to shut up or be tasered. Apparently, that’s the new Miranda, “You have the right to remain silent or be tasered.”
He was handcuffed, jailed, and held for 35 hours, then brought before a judge in shackles. Brian’s supposed crimes were resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.
Then there’s Jessica Hughes of Texas who got a call from the Obama Volunteers of Texarkana. After telling the woman, “No, I don't support him. Your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the state senate to let little babies die in hospital closets,” two Secret Service agents arrived at her home.
Apparently, the Obama Nazi heard a death threat against her messiah. The agents accused Jessica of saying, “I will never support Obama and he will wind up dead on a hospital floor.” And they threaten Jessica that if she didn’t cooperate, they’d talk to her associates. Wait, I thought associations didn’t matter.
Jessica rightly concluded, “Someone high in the ranks of a campaign working for a man who may be the next President of the United States of America felt comfortable bringing the force of the Federal Government to bear on a private citizen on nothing but the word of a partisan volunteer.” And that should make every American uncomfortable.
Finally, St. Louis’s KMOV reported on Obama’s Missouri truth squad, although many are being formed across the country. Their supposed purpose is “to refute any false information spread about Obama.” But Russell Kinsaul found that, “The Barack Obama campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.”
Kinsaul discovered that Missouri’s squad has prosecutors and members of law enforcement. They include St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer and St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch. All are Democrats, and all of them seem willing to repeat Wilson’s thuggish tyranny all over again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Health Scare 2008
Why? What’s congress going to do? Well, they could issue a spiffy plastic card to everyone that states the holder of such card is entitled to the best care possible, and if not, well care that’s at least as good as what Canadians are getting.
The problem is that Canada no longer has a national health care system. Instead they have what one Canadian described as a “confirmation you’re sick system.” It works like this. You feel sick, when you finally get to see a doctor, he says, “Yep, you’re sick alright! Take a number. We’ll get back to you in a few months.”
Even ardent believers are becoming opponents. One doctor, David Gratzer, admits that he “soaked up the belief that government-run health care was truly compassionate.” Of course, America’s health system “was unappealing: high expenses and lots of uninsured people.”
But that all changed when he walked into the Winnipeg ER. He found it, “overflowed with elderly people on stretchers, waiting for admission. Some, it turned out, had waited five days.” And the air was filled with sweat and urine. He turned his disgust into an investigation.
He discovered that 1.5 million Ontarians (12% of the population) cannot find a family physician. In Nova Scotia, a lottery determines who gets to see a doctor.
And every year polls show Canadians are getting more and more dissatisfied with their health system, the usual result of socialized medicine. I’d rather be bankrupted up to my eyeballs and get life-saving care, instead of “free” care that isn’t administered soon enough. For it’s better to be alive and in debt, than wait too long for free care and be dead.
The best health care solution would allow tax-deferred savings for routine expenses and would allow rollover if not used even into a retirement plan. Catastrophic health insurance would cover high cost treatments and could even be tailored to an individual’s risks. But, Democrats despise free choice and do everything they can to limit and eliminate it.
My brother just the other day informed me that the ever so friendly IRS changed health insurance regulations to screw up his insurance plan. He had a policy that gave him only catastrophic coverage with minimum benefits possible. The real benefit he wanted was the Health Saving Account (HSA) option. He could save money without any tax consequences paying for all doctor visits, prescriptions etc. with tax deferred dollars.
But now, he can’t get the HAS with his current plan. The IRS now requires one with a wellness program that provides $500 in benefits but costs $1100 more. Because of government, he’s forced to buy something he doesn’t want, and at an increased cost as well. Obama website states that “the insurance companies operate without rules.” Apparently, he must be smoking an illegal substance again.
The truth is that Obama is all for socialized medicine, but is smart enough not to openly advocate it just like the Clintons. Most people think his plan will provide equal access, which for socialism would mean that most people would have increasingly longer waits except for the ruling class. For instance, Ted Kennedy would never have to wait for a brain operation while Ted, your neighbor, might have to wait for Kennedy to be done using his. But even then, many would still get equal access even though it would be horrible.
But Obama’s plan is different. Since Obama’s church (former since he supposedly left it) believes in Black Liberation Theology (BLT), it follows a racist, Marxist and vehemently anti-American orthodoxy. Reverend Wright expressed himself so well with rants of “God D**n America” and “US of KKK.”
Above all BLT advocates correcting “White Privilege.” which means Caucasians have wealth only because they’re “melanin-ingly challenged.” It’s why Obama wants Supreme Court justices that will consider race but not the constitution when making decisions. Recently, Obama disagreed with reparations for blacks, saying (Aug 2, 2008), “The best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed.”
But just days earlier (July 30, 2008), he said, “African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.” Actually, Obama has professed that he will implement reparations i.e. “get-evenism” in his trillion-dollar expansion of government.
So, Obama’s health care will definitely have “affirmative action access.” Minorities will get a disproportionate amount of the new goodies doled out. And those that complain will in all likelihood be labeled racists.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Quintessential Question
After he was elected though, he implemented the largest tax increase in American history. Barrack Obama has voted at every opportunity to raise taxes. Even non-binding votes, proving he’s a dedicated tax raiser. Fellow Americans, fool you once, shame on the Democrat. Fool you twice, shame on you.
Okay, Obama promises he’ll cut taxes for 95% of the people. Since less than half actually pay income taxes, Obama is really only offering more income redistribution. Taking 5% of the peoples’ money to buy an election is vote buying at its most perverse.
In fact, Obama’s plan has already been tried and has already failed. The “stimulus” package of 2008 handed out $600/$1200 checks at a cost of $150 billion to the treasury. Well, actually, it was those pesky taxpayers who still want success that footed the bill. Handing their money to the middle class created nothing more than an economic short circuit.
For instance, light bulbs work when electricity flows through a filament. But if a short exists at the bulb’s base, current flows producing no illumination. The same occurs with tax rebates. Money is taken from small businesses without work being performed. No goods result from this governmentally forced movement of money.
People have extra money to spend, but with fewer goods to buy, inflation results. Another economic impact is that small businesses, the incubators of many new jobs, lacking the money to hire won’t, thus leaving more people unemployed.
Speaking of unemployment, nothing increases it like taxes, and Joe Biden recently declared that paying more is patriotic. Now there’s one thing worse than Democrats caterwauling that their patriotism is being attacked even when it’s not, and that’s when they define it. In Biden’s case patriotism isn’t winning a war that he voted in favor to start, no it’s paying confiscatory taxes. No Joe, that’s not patriotic; that’s just idiotic.
Still, Democrats whine that the Bush years have been a complete disaster. Unfortunately, many believe that given the current market. But, let’s examine the record a little more closely. Bush took office in 2001 with an economy already going downhill. Clinton had hidden it by over estimating corporate profits by 35%.
Then, 9/11 happened, which directly affected the American psyche. Many believed that terrorism was the future, and the terrorists certainly had every intention of making that so. Afterwards, the Dow Jones dropped over 1300 points in two weeks. In 2003, it finally hit a low under 7300 on Oct. 9. As bad as things are now, it still isn’t as bad as it was then.
During that time 2.5 million jobs were lost. Naturally, Democrats blamed Bush for the economic downturn. Instead, the terrorists caused the 9/11 recession by creating uncertainty. Businesses were just being cautious of an unknown future.
In 2003, Bush finally got a marginal tax rate cut. Afterwards, the Dow went over 14000 and 9 million jobs were created. Yet, Democrats still whined about the economy! Apparently, there were still income differences. For example, brain surgeons were earning substantially more than orderlies at hospitals, oh my!
Of course, 12 million illegals, who work well below market rates, Democrats perceive not as having an effect on depressing wages. Blaming Bush automatically for all problems, income disparity constituted at least in their minds a de facto recession.
Now, Democrats are the most anti-business, anti-wealth creation and anti-success orientated party in American history. So much so, the Communist Party of the USA no longer runs its own candidates. Instead, it instructs members to vote for Democrats since there are no significant differences anymore.
Since taking over congress in 2007, Democrats have implemented their socialistic policies, but because the Federal budget goes from Oct 1st to Sept 30th, America was spared briefly. Oct. 9, the Dow was the highest ever, since then it’s been dropping, and 750,000 jobs have been lost since February.
When Republicans controlled congress, the economy was better. Bush was still president, but he’s not a king, not an emperor. No matter what the leftist blogs say. Democrats capturing congress has been the only significant change. They totally control what passes.
Democrats profess that Bush is a moron, and they are smarter than God. If Bush caused the economic catastrophe, why didn’t they stop him? Democrats were either inept or possibly even devious. So Americans, ask yourself this quintessential question of the election, “Are you better off now than you were two years ago?”
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tied To The Teleprompter
Now that the election is in its prime time, the previous three years were just warm-up, Obama wants so much to limit mistakes his campaign has virtually tied him to a teleprompter. One can almost hear the late Ann Richards, former Texas Governor. Infamous for the silver spoon in Bush I mouth that ended up a silver foot in hers when Bush II took her governorship away, she’d say, “Poor Obama, he should have been born with a silver teleprompter in his mouth.”
So it’s Joe Biden, Obama’s veep, who’s providing the comic relief of the ticket. Recently, Biden requested a paralyzed man confined to a wheel chair to stand up. Who does he think he is, the messiah? Only Obama can heal the fainting, or in other words, those that have lost the ability to remain standing because they simply can’t handle being in Obama’s omniscient presence.
Biden also said that a leader must know what he talking about in order to instill confidence and then gave the example of FDR after the 1929 crash went on television to explain his solution for that economic calamity. The two obvious problems here are that FDR wasn’t president at the time, and TV hadn’t yet gone beyond just a novelty.
This statement should be forever known as the “Two footer,” two huge gaffes after a qualification that completely demonstrates the speaker totally lacks it. Biden accomplished the placing of his two feet into his one large mouth so fast that Guinness logged it as a world record. And Biden is supposed to be the experienced one of the Bi-Bama ticket!
Biden also explained to an enviro-weenie that America should not have any coal power plants and that China, which is building two a week, is killing Americans with theirs. Thus, America must give its clean coal technology to China and shouldn’t be able use the technology herself. Coal miners should make note of Biden’s little outburst. Apparently, their jobs don’t factor into his future energy universe.
But wait there’s more. Biden actually criticized an ad produced by the Bi-Bama campaign! The ad attacked John McCain’s inability to use a computer. It implied that he’s just a technologically challenged old fart that shouldn’t be president because he could never e-mail a dictator America’s acceptance of his surrender terms. Never mind that McCain’s war injuries make it difficult for him to type.
Later, after spending some quality time in Obama’s wood shed, Biden recanted. He claimed that he finally viewed the controversial ad and that it was appropriate. If true, it proves once again Biden has no trouble opening his mouth and talking about something he knows nothing about.
Then, there’s Biden’s saying that Hillary Clinton would have been a better veep pick. Lucky for Biden that Bill Clinton sort of admitted that Hillary didn’t want the job because she just loves all the freedom she has being a senator. Yeah, right. Everyone knows except liberals that what Bill says is about as truthful as mud is clear. So, maybe Biden should have a few extra bodyguards just in case.
What Biden utters is more hilarity than anything else. If he were a Republican, the macaca media would have totally discredited him. They lampooned Dan Quayle (Bush I’s VP) for spelling potato wrong even though it was a teacher who misspelled it. Quayle just didn’t want to embarrass her.
Conversely, Obama, being closely tied to his silver teleprompter, is speaking more precise, yet what he says is still inane anyway. When McCain announced he was suspending his campaign, Obama responded that a president should be able to do more than one thing at a time, so he was just going to keep campaigning.
A financial crisis akin to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor at least according to Warren Buffet, an Obama economic advisor, and Obama just wanted to continue fundraising. Let America’s epitaph be, “Obama’s campaign churned while America’s economy burned.” A president should direct his full attention when a problem reaches epic proportions.
Finally, Obama should have realized that he should have suspended his campaign first. He’d have gotten only accolades, instead of his move being called a stunt. And Republicans would have never derided him as the deal breaker. But the real reason Obama resisted was being so tied to his teleprompter it was just too difficult to get it surgically removed, and then quickly reinserted.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
More Macaca Media Madness
And that’s after helping him get the nomination. At least, that’s according to Governor “Fast Eddy” Rendall (D-PA) big time Hillary supporter. He saw first hand how the media picks a side and defends it at all costs while attacking the other side with a vengeance. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate, is finding out the audacity of the macaca media attack machine.
For instance, according to liberals conservative women should remain barefoot and pregnant. Many UIMO (“un-biased” in mind only) media hacks argued that Palin with five children, one Down syndrome, and a 17-year old pregnant daughter is just too busy with family life to be vice president. Maybe, Palin should even resign as governor obviously overwhelmed with too much accomplishment.
It’s amazing how fast the pattering press can get Palin’s tidbits in print. “
And, the article mentioned that Palin’s husband got a DUI. However, it was in 1986, which wasn’t disclosed. When asked directly why, the
It was then that I wished IT or Impact Television had been invented. IT technology would allow a viewer to throw something at his TV like a tomato, a rotten egg or even a fist that would not break the screen, but instead impact the idiot on the other side.
This loser masquerading as an objective editor knows that his magazine is sold at checkout lines all over
Conversely, Joe Biden like Obama gets a pass. No one in the media questioned his family life after his wife died and left him with two children and whether it impacted his ability to be a senator. Only conservative talk shows even mention his super-sized compound probably worth more than all of McCain’s houses combined. No, he’s just simple Joe taking the train every evening.
While riding home, maybe he’s thinking about his family. His son, Robert Hunter Biden, and brother James Biden are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and investor of millions. The macaca media has been mum on this scandal that’s been playing out in the New York State Supreme Court since 2007. And Obama pushed $3.4 million in earmarks to a lobbyist who just happens to be Biden’s son.
The media biases news sometimes by what it doesn’t disclose. Like NBC, when they report a political issue, they give the Republicans’ side first omitting much of their argument. Then, they give the Democrats’ side countering totally the weakened Republican one. Recently, they’ve removed hosts Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann from front line political coverage because of their overtly liberal bias. David Gregory is their replacement. The problem is he’s similarly biased. He’s just better at hiding it.
And, the macaca media continues ignoring Obama’s growing list of anti-American associations. It took them 18 months to report Reverend Wright’s rants. When they could no longer cover it up, Obama gives one speech disowning his mentor, and they crooned, “It’s the Second Coming of the Gettysburg Address.” At least that’s Chris Matthews’ description, “A literal thrill up his leg.”
Finally, Obama has a “new” association. Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, activist Muslim, asked that a recommendation letter be written for Obama (age 25) to attend Harvard. Al-Mansour has extensive Saudi connections and is a staunch enemy of
No, Obama generates no thrill up my leg. Instead, he makes my heart tremble.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Demolition Dem-enomics
Driving from Pennsylvania into New Jersey, the stream of cars backed up to pay the toll seems to go on forever. New Jersey is the only state where drivers have to pay to leave on practically every possible route. And with the highest taxes in the nation, visitors soon realize that whatever the toll at the border, it’s worth it. Leaving New Jersey is like getting divorced from a bad marriage; pay whatever it takes.
Actually, many vehicles in that routine daily traffic tie-up contain suburbanites returning home after a hard day’s work. However, to liberals these individuals are just scofflaws unfairly escaping the outrageous taxes of their “social justice” going ever more out of control. So with a wicked witch’s pledge of “I’ll get you my pretties,” they plan to raise gas prices until they squeeze the life out of American suburbia.
Apparently, housing and the property taxes that ownership entails in New Jersey and New York City are high enough that many endure waiting for hours in horrendous traffic just to get home. But Democrats with their constantly responding “Nyet” to new drilling will force many to finally give up the long commute. Who needs OPEC when there’s Democrats imposing an oil embargo from congress?
As many suburbanites no longer able to afford driving to work begin selling their homes, others are going to get stuck with homes they cannot sell in effect getting screwed royal. Forced to move closer to jobs, but unable to unload the big mortgage they will go bankrupt in record numbers making the current financial woes seem petty in comparison.
With suburban homes unlived in and left uncared for, “ghostubias” will form all over America’s landscape like forgotten Old West towns appearing as the gold ran out. This suburban plight will be just another success story for Democrats who have created urban blight with their free market unfriendly policies.
Democrats blame oil companies and speculators for America’s energy problems as a diversion to the real culprits, Democrats themselves, but their biggest lie is, “We can’t drill our way out of the crisis.” Yet, that’s precisely how they got America into this one. It’s like an old tale of a squirrel that partied his days away instead of gathering nuts like his fastidious comrades.
But, when as cold weather came, he became distressed and began thinking maybe collecting nuts would actually be a good idea, but then a pack of donkeys surrounded him and said, “Silly squirrel, you can’t gather nuts to solve your coming winter hunger.” Unfortunately, Americans have allowed far too many “demo-nuts” to collect in congress.
And the greatest nut of them all is Squeaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi who literally extinguished the lights and cut power. Last month forcing a recess and taking a long vacation while many Americans had to curtail theirs, Pelosi wanted to not only stop debate but also prevent a vote on drilling for new oil.
Republicans for their part refused to stop debating even when the lights went out. But Pelosi probably believed that the CO2 saved from her imposition of darkened democracy is enough to offset her inappropriate military jet flight back to California. But, there’s really no need for concern because whatever the fuel price, Princess Pelosi will fly on the taxpayer’s dime as much as she wants. Pelosi thinks her job is to save the planet, while she lets Americans suffer from her repressive rule.
In reality, Democrats shouldn’t have recessed because their precious off shore oil drilling ban will be lifted automatically on September 30th. When President Bush removed the executive order banning drilling, oil futures dropped significantly. So much for those evil speculators Democrats accuse of driving up the price.
So, Bush has actually accomplished more to lower gas prices (already evident at the pumps) than anyone else in America, and more than releasing oil from the strategic reserve could ever do. Bush dropped gas prices even before one drop was drilled proving that energy costs are extremely dependent on the party in control.
No doubt, Democrats if they win will act fast after the election to continue their embargo. But to win the election, Barack Obama and his Democrat cohorts have accused that support for oil drilling is just being political. If so, then why has Obama proposed limited off shore drilling as well? So, is this just a political stunt?
Actually, it’s just more Democrat demagoguery. Say whatever to get elected, then turn around and continue the same failed policies that never work every time they’re tried. But unable to gain control of suburbia like they’ve done with the inner cities, they’re just going to starve suburbanites of energy. Like an out of control wrecking crew demolishing the American Dream wherever it manages to flourish.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
And because of those statements, Biden was probably a poor “veep” choice, but he was picked because Democrats are concerned with Obama’s inexperience, chosen because Biden adds that Washingtonian experience that Obama oh so lacks. Yet, when Obama was in Lynchburg, he claimed America has had an energy problem for 30 years, and McCain hadn’t solved it with his 25 years in Washington.
However, Biden with even more time in Washington than McCain hasn’t solved the energy crunch either. Biden though votes with the Democrats to deny America the energy it requires to have a growing economy. Going alternative would be great, but oil is what’s needed now.
And, Obama has been in Washington since 2004. Funny, he forgets that he never made that anti-war vote in 2003, but he has been there for four years. He too hasn’t solved the energy problem. Of course, how much can one accomplish when spending so little time there. In reality, Obama’s only accomplishments are two memoirs (already?) and being nominated.
At the DNC convention, Democrats did their customary whining of the disappearing middle class. If so, it’s happening where Democrats run amok. Per capita incomes are lowest in Miami, Buffalo, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Cleveland all democratically dominated cities. Obama would bring this Marxist economics to the nation as a whole. So, as Democrats dissed Bush, they were really just crying about being shutout of the White House.
In his acceptance speech, Obama argues inanely that everyone is now adopting “his” Iraqi withdrawal plan. Maliki, Iraq’s leader, General Petreaus, Bush and McCain have all mentioned removing US troops. But there’s a subtle difference between Obama’s plan and theirs. And it’s that subtlety that makes all the difference. Obama would leave even if Iraq weren’t ready. In fact, Obama’s plan would already have the terrorists in control of this oil rich nation and sending jihadis to America.
Obama also claimed that the surge was wrong and would never work. So, why is he proposing the same failed policy for Afghanistan? Proposing to send two battalions or was that two brigades, Biden got it wrong in his convention speech, but the militarily challenged Democrat delegates never even noticed.
And make no mistake Hillary was furious at the convention. Her speech was the minimum endorsement of Obama that she could give. Merely saying this, “I’m a Democrat; Barack’s a Democrat. He believes mainly what you believe. So, maybe he should be president. But, if he wins, I’ll be too old to run again. Unless McCain’s wins, and then I can argue that I should have really been the nominee in 2008.”
When Obama picked Biden, it came out fairly quickly that Hillary wasn’t even vetted for veep. Most likely, Hillary released that information to further alienate her voters from joining the Bi-Bama camp. Then, McCain made the excellent choice of Alaskan governor, Susan Palin, a woman with an 80% approval rating. Now, each ticket will make history.
Considering that women constitute over half the population and 90% of blacks will vote for the Democrat ticket anyway, women voters are the pivotal block in what has been a tight political race. The Democrats normally adept at group politics have really dropped the ball.
All the Bi-Bama campaign could do after McCain’s veep announcement was complain the Palin had no foreign policy experience. She doesn’t need it since she’s not the top of the ticket unlike Obama. Obama as president can just ignore Biden’s advice no matter how prudent. More importantly, Palin in her little finger has more experience and more accomplishment than Obama.
While Obama hasn’t passed one bill in the US Senate, Palin has passed landmark ethics reform, reformed the state's energy industry and rejected wasteful pork barrel spending including the infamous bridge to nowhere. When oil prices increased state revenues, she returned them to Alaskans instead of creating more wasteful programs. As Mayor of Juno, she cut property taxes. She’s the ideal candidate, a vice that’s nice, that will attract not only women but also conservatives, which McCain will need.
In his convention speech, Bill Clinton claimed that Republicans ridiculed his lack of experience in his 1992 presidential run, but Bill was Arkansas’ Governor for over a decade giving him executive experience, which Obama also lacks. Obama argues that Palin takes experience off the table, but serious voters won’t buy that and in November will hopefully be voting “Bye-Bye-Bama.”
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Putting Putin in Place
Apparently, it’s been a language difficulty that Europeans are having with their agreements with Mother Russia. But, that’s to be expected from Vladimir Putin, the great decider of a nation he’s no longer ruling. Supposedly, someone else is in charge, but he’s just a pretty face, kind of like John Edwards who only briefly comes out from a hotel bathroom.
Unsurprisingly, repressive regimes tend to misrepresent things both big and small. In other words, they lie about practically everything. So, when
In fact,
Curiously though, Russians invaded more than just those two provinces in question. Instead, grabbing a large swath like they were planning to occupy the entire Georgian republic and stay a long time.
The Russian invasion shows clearly that dialogue and agreements really don’t work to stop an aggressive power. French leader Nikola Sarkozi immediately dispatched to
However, it wouldn’t have mattered even if they hadn’t found a loophole. Finally,
The macaca media always against the side of true liberty immediately began arguing the Russian talking points. Nice to know they’re consistent in undermining not only freedom for Iraqis but also the Georgians. But comparing the Russian invasion as morally equivalent to
Yet, when
The reaction in
So, it was no surprise when Saakashvili didn’t acknowledge Obama for his statements while thanking McCain for his. Here’s one leader who isn’t mesmerized by the messiah. But then, the reality of war has a way of putting things into the proper perspective.
Finally, Putin with his authoritative rule and invasive foreign policy proves that you can take him out of the KGB, but you can’t take the KGB out of him. And Obama demonstrates why being only an ACORN organizer isn’t enough to be president. You can take him out of ACORN, but you can’t take the ACORN out of him. If Obama loses this election, it won’t be because of racism. It’ll be because many Americans realized his politics isn’t moderate. Instead, it’s undeniably Marxism.