Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Copenhagen Cartoon: “Climate Chasers”
A foreshadowing of hyper hypocrisy, a.k.a. the Climate Conference in Copenhagen a cartoon it should be. Participants flew so many private jets that not all could be kept at the airport and after dropping off their elite passengers had to fly elsewhere. One Limousine provider had 1400 vehicles deployed. This conference’s CO2 footprint was so large I actually felt the trapped heat even as the 2009 East coast blizzard passed by.
And Maybe, God was continuing his joke that wherever “Warm Mongers” meet, it snows. Obama was not only greeted by 4 inches of snow in Copenhagen, uncommon for that maritime climate, but also had to leave early because of a record setting snowfall in Washington.
In fact, Europe was gripped by paralyzing snow and cold. Germans experienced frigid temperatures of -27°F. Football (i.e. soccer) matches were canceled as far south as Italy. Thousands of Europeans were stranded including more than 2,000 passengers trapped in the “Chunnel,” some without anything to eat or drink. The undersea trains were hampered by subzero temperatures in Northern France. Even down under on the southern coast of Australia it snowed almost at the beginning of the Aussie summer.
Still, in a recent Fox News Sunday interview Congressman “Full of malarkey” Markey (D-MA) of “Crap and Tax” bill fame held a climate doomsday book written in 2007. Though ClimateGate proves that everything in it is false, Markey clutched it like it was a Bible. He then accused doubters of running a “tree ring circus.” Actually, that’s exactly what the hoaxers do creating headlines that scare from data that’s not totally there.
The latest example is the UN World Meteorological Organization announcement made conveniently at Copenhagen that 2009 will be the fifth hottest year on record even before the year is over. Oh, and 2010 is going to be even hotter. That year hasn’t even happened yet.
The warm mongering magicians have made the dramatic drop measured in 2007 disappear and like pulling a rabbit from a hat claim record warmth setting headlines that never quite get explained and are definitely not peer reviewed. One headline in particular made this year was that oceans temperatures were the hottest ever recorded.
Now in “Cheese Chasers” the mice won’t eat cheese, the cat doesn’t want to eat the mice, and the dog, after being asked by the cat to massacre him, tabulates it all out finally declares, “It just don’t add up.” Then, he proceeds to chase a dogcatcher.
Adding it up cyclonically speaking, hurricanes like warm water; hurricanes like favorable winds, but Atlantic storms, one in particular, Bill, got weaker instead of the forecasted strengthening. Obviously, something doesn’t smell quite right. Either hurricanes have changed how they swirl, or dogs suddenly love being caught by dogcatchers.
So, since hoaxers no longer use good science to make their assertions, new Nobel prizes should be created just for them. The first, the Nobel Prize in Prestidigitation (magic) should be awarded to Michael Mann and Phil Jones, two men who’ve done more to hide past climate change, exaggerate the current warming and make data just disappear especially when deniers want to review it.
“Don’t come any closer buddy with that freedom of information request. I swear; I’ll delete!”
The second new Nobel Prize could be for “Snake Oil Salesman” science and should be awarded to Al Gore who received the Peace Prize even though what he’s peddling has nothing to do with peace. Obviously, the committee couldn’t come up with anything better.
But, Gore should be recognized for pushing a worthless product, carbon credits, based on scare science into millions of dollars. Of course, nobody ever asks him especially in the sycophant media how he did it, which could help Gore give seminars on his get rich scheme.
“You too could be making millions on fear, and I, Al Gore, will show you how. Send money or else.”
No doubt, climate change alarmists and their government benefactors are getting desperate. The ClimateGate e-mails prove that there’s nothing they won’t do to preserve their myth. So, let Copenhagen’s epitaph be that it was their hoax’s last great gasp. Or maybe not, hoaxers just might start chasing the cooling claiming it only proves the certainty of their warming theory.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
“Afghanis-nam:” Another Vietnam
Even Obama’s ardent supporters on the fringe left were complaining. Michael Moore, 2004 Academy Award “Fakomentary” winner, whined that Obama didn’t decide for an immediate pullout. For Moron Moore, Afghanistan isn’t even the good war.
As far as he’s concerned, the Taliban should be put back in power. Al Queda terrorist training camps should be reopened, and America should pay for restitution and compensatory damages. Yes, it was that evil Bush who made up the 9/11 lie where people died.
Other lefties, like CBS commentator, Bob Schieffer, had a problem with Obama’s timetable for withdrawal. This is from someone who only attacked Bush for never setting one in Iraq. Only now does Schieffer question the wisdom of timetables.
He should even if doesn’t fully understand the reasons. It’s not just that the mission probably wouldn’t be accomplished in 18 months, or the Islamo-fascists would just be dormant for that time. It’s that they probably wouldn’t and instead threaten anyone who dared to collaborate with the infidels.
Then after the Americans left and returned to relative safety, the terrorists would just massacre with extreme malice all those collaborators. So, setting an arbitrary timetable not only encourages the terrorists, but also discourages any Afghanis yearning for freedom.
And, they wouldn’t be dithering as Democrats like Senator Durbin “the Turban” blather. It’s just wonderful how former VP Dick Cheney has found one word “dither,” that accurately described Obama’s indecisiveness on Afghanistan, to get under many a Democrats’ skins.
Also, Democrats only complain about open ended commitments as well as the costs involved when it comes to fighting wars of liberation in foreign lands. Yet, they fret not when it concerns the “War on Poverty” that’s been an open ended commitment for over 40 years here in the US.
This “war” has only cost the American taxpayer over $8 trillion. Of course, Democrats don’t mind spending money when it’s buying them votes from their faux compassion, or in a better word, “crap-passion.” Maybe, if Afghanis and Iraqis voted in US elections, Democrats i.e. Commie-crats would finally support these open ended commitments like the ones the US made after WWII with troops still in Japan, Germany and South Korea.
Democrats don’t complain about troops in those countries, but Afghanis and Iraqis need to know that America will not leave even if the situation gets rough. They know the terrorists won’t leave. Al Queda and the Taliban aren’t discussing any timetable for themselves. Osama bin Laden won’t ever say, “Fellow jahadis if we don’t have a radical Islamic state here in 18 months, we be outta here.”
In fact, terrorists will stay as long as it takes until their jihad is won. Even Afghanis who live in the stone-age know that. So, why can’t Democrats? Lately, Democrats seem to have forgotten even how to win a war. Let’s not forget that Vietnam’s fate was pretty much sealed under the Democrat presidency of Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ).
He along with his Democrat cohorts forced US troops to use rules of engagement with the enemy that practically made it impossible to fight them effectively. For example, if US troops were fired upon, instead of just returning fire, they had to call headquarters to get permission to fire back. No other war required this inanity, and no other war did the US lose.
Unfortunately, Afghanistan under Obama’s command is heading to exactly the same fate. US troops routinely come under fire and are refused America’s superior air firepower if they just happen to be too close to civilians. Terrorists can pin American GIs down to slaughter them while they must read captured terrorists their Miranda rights. These rules are the main reasons why US casualties have risen dramatically on Obama tenure who only blames Bush for Afghanistan’s backward slide.
Another recently incorporated rule restricts night raids on Afghanis. Now the terrorists are safe when the sun goes down. These rules are turning what Democrats called “The Necessary War” into just another meat grinder that will destroy the lives of many soldiers as in Vietnam.
So, I was wrong about Obama. During the election, I stated that he would be another Jimmy “the Peanut” Carter. In fact, I said he would be Carter’s second term, which America was fortunate enough to have never experienced. Unfortunately, Obama is far worse. He has become the second term of LBJ that Johnson himself, who chose not to run for re-election, didn’t even want to impose on America.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Audacity of Hoaxers
In the AP analysis, the 1°F drop measured in 2007 by four meteorological agencies including NOAA was only 0.1°F. Not only did they undo that big dip, they discovered that 2005 was warmer than 1998, previously the alarmists’ banner hottest year. Apparently, the AP is so climatically clever that they never felt the need to verify their “anal-ysis” with even one scientist.
For how the AP’s statisticians crunched the data, their article didn’t exactly specify. But they had the audacity to accuse MGW deniers of cherry picking, a technique used often by alarmists to produce their fear mongering result. Since the AP didn’t release their method, then it’s probably “Climate Rectally-oriented Alarmist Propaganda” or in one word C.R.A.P.
And, while the AP demonstrates that it’s superb at junk journalism, their real talent lies in fantastic fudging. Perhaps, NASA’s Head Honcho Hoaxer, Jim Hansen, should employ their skills. Recently, he got caught manipulating temperature statistics to get his “October 2008 hottest on record” result. But, busybody bloggers quickly bared his bumbling where he merely copied Russia’s September temperature data verbatim to October’s.
But the grand prize for the “Charlatanry of the Century” goes to (drum roll please) Professor Phil Jones, the head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU), and Professor Michael E. Mann at Pennsylvania State University. Recently, a hacker released their private e-mails and posted them on the Internet. This bombshell has exploded into what many have dubbed “Climategate.”
So, what’s the big deal? Jones and Mann were instrumental in perpetuating the MGW hoax. First, in their e-mails they admit to using tricks to not only hide cooling, but also misusing paleoclimatology, the scientific reconstruction of climate history. By claiming that past temperature variations were lower, they assert that only man can be causing the temperature increases of today.
A flimsy argument at best, but these hoaxers were downplaying past climate like the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), which may in fact have been warmer than today. The MWP was when the Viking settled Greenland. In 2003, Mann wrote, “It would be nice to try to ‘contain’ the putative ‘MWP,’ even if we don’t yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction available that far back.”
Mann was instrumental is created the infamous hockey stick graph. Using tree rings, a proxy for temperature data, Mann eliminated not only the MWP, but also the Little Ice Age where the Vikings abandoned Greenland and London’s river, the Thymes, froze regularly during summer. Gotcha, actually twas winter it was.
Mann managed to create a temperature plot that showed nice, small variations before 1900, then a dramatic up tick starting in the 20th century. Now here’s where cherry picking is transformed into art form. Apparently, he whittled down the tree rings to just three. Out of thousands, that’s all that conformed to his hokey hockey stick.
However, tree rings are a poor temperature proxy because they don’t even match today’s climate. Still, Mann and Jones did every thing they could to avoid releasing their data even deleting it as well as not having their worthless work peer reviewed. For scientists, peer review is the mother’s milk of prominence and respectability.
In one e-mail, Jones wrote Mann concerning revealing data, “If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone” and, “We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.” When a scientist is afraid of freedom of information, he’s probably peddling fraud.
Jones then urged Mann to delete e-mails. One was about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) controversial assessment report. Jones wrote, “Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re [the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report]?” Finally, Jones was right about something because these e-mails were eventually hacked.
Another CRU professor, Tim Osborn, discussed in e-mails how manipulating data can hide a cooling trend. Mann responded that these results should never be shown because why it’ll only support critics of MGW. And on several occasions these hoaxers discussed methods on preventing skeptical papers from being published.
So, what’s been the reaction of AP since Climategate’s revelation? Publish more in favor of MGW, of course. AP just released (Nov. 22) “Warming’s impacts sped up, worsened since Kyoto” complete with photo of a cute polar bear. Undoubtedly, the alarmists will persist in their “Keep Hoax Alive.”
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
ChristCare for Christmas?
One of the features of this “gift” is that it requires every American to buy health insurance. When asked about her “un-constitution-atrocity” mandate, the Squeaker twice squeaked, “Are you serious?” Yes, the question is even if the one questioned isn’t. Pro-regressive Pelosi has apparently perverted the constitutional phrase “Promote the General Welfare” to its maximum perversion.
And the bill doesn’t just stipulate that failure to comply is to pay a penalty to the IRS. No, it has a fine of up to $250000 but also jail up to 5 years. Now, pro-regressives complain that prisons are already overcrowded. One of their ridiculous claims is that legalizing marijuana would practical empty all the jails.
Hey, but don’t worry. They’ll let out enough murderers, rapists and, of course, all the Islamofascist terrorists they somehow manage to convict to make room for all those tea party people who just can’t accept Pelosi’s present. Just think of it as a free vacation package to Club Fed, complete with room, board and a big, hunk of a bunk mate named Bubba.
However, if what Pelosi passed is so good, it’s a wonder she needs to push the prison angle at all. According to her and her cohorts, the dirty 220, they passed an enchanted healthcare bill. It will create an angelic apparatus, that’ll cure merely by faith sort of like the miracles performed by Jesus Christ. Just touch that government issued plastic card like Christ’s cloak and your faith in it will heal you, yes virtual ChristCare just 2000 years after the fact.
However, Jesus never had to threaten incarceration to heal people. Instead, Jesus opened the prison door and said, “The truth will set you free.” All one had to do is get up and leave. PelosiCare, on the other hand, not only threatens to put you in jail, but it also has little chance of healing you as well.
While Jesus never accepted any money for His healing services, Pelosi claims that her healthcare not only will save lives but loads of money over the long run. Yes, ChristCare cost nothing, but PelosiCare saves. Yet, government has never created a program that has ever saved money in its entire existence. That would be a miracle beyond even what Jesus could do.
Also, it’ll be a miracle if this healthcare plan doesn’t lead to what socialized medicine always results in: rationing. With the change in mammogram guidelines from 40 years old to 50, some claim that’s an example of government rationing albeit a recommendation today but a ironclad policy under PelosiCare, which will only increase the require age as time passes. However, PelosiCare will eventually offer unlimited mammograms. With only one stipulation, a person will have to be dead.
But, Jesus never rationed his miracles. He seemed to have no limit whether it was water into wine or loaves for lots of people like 5000. With ChristCare a person could even be deceased, for three days, and still be resuscitated.
Jesus brought back from the great beyond like brand-new and most importantly revived leaving no Democrat voting pattern so often observed in the dead. Lazarus never voted Democrat for the remainder of his life. It’s only mere coincidence that there weren’t any Democrats back then.
Conversely, PelosiCare would force everyone to be a Democrat because anyone who wasn’t would somehow be denied care except, of course, assisted suicide, which could be considered just ChristCare in reverse. Democrats would scoff at such a suggestion, but they under Obama have already acted in a partisan manner closing car dealerships that were mostly Republican except one that supported Hillary Clinton.
And, Democrats act like that passing this debt laden loser will cement their grip on power. Some believe because it will be superior to what America has now even though it won’t go into effect until 2013. Unlike ChristCare, nobody had to wait when Jesus was around. His care and cure were immediate.
But, Pelosi has reportedly said she’s willing to squander her squeaker-ship to pass her blessed plan. In other words, she’s willing to sacrifice many so-called moderate Democrats. Wonder if the blue dogs know that. Anyway, if it’s going to be so great, why wait so long to implement? And why would voters go against the wonderful Democrats who blessed America with this PelosiCare utterly un-ChristCare like gift.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Day Diversity (Should Have) Died
But in this age of PC, many segments of society had an almost comical reaction to this atrocity. In the sycophant media, Chris Matthews, MSNBC Hardball, should actually be called “Oddball” after its host, wondered whether Nidal Hasan contacting Al Queda should be considered dangerous. At one point, Matthews emphatically questioned, “It’s not a crime to contact Al Queda, is it?”
Bob Shaffer, CBS Morning News, speculated, “It’s looking more and more like he [Hasan] was sort of a religious nut. Islam doesn’t have a majority [of religious nuts]. The Christian religion has its full helping of nuts, too.” Note, this quote of Shaffer’s isn’t exactly what he uttered. Removed are all the repeating of words, “er’s” and “you know’s” that every high paid professional pundit puts in his pontifications.
Now to the idiocy of what Shaffer actually said. First, Hasan isn’t just a religious nut. He’s a deliberate terrorist just like the ones who perpetrated 9/11. Not only did Hasan allegedly yell “Allahu Akbar” before commencing his slaughter fest, but he also had on his medical business card the letters SOA, which means “Soldiers of Allah.” Apparently, every aspiring jihadi has this on his stationary.
He even gave a PowerPoint presentation at an environmental health seminar just a year ago titled, “Why the War on Terror Is a War on Islam.” Okay, many liberals i.e. pro-regressives believe exactly the same. But, Hasan argued that Muslims should “stand up and fight the aggressor,” and he didn’t mean Al Queda or the Taliban. Instead he meant America. Okay, many liberals believe exactly the same.
But back to Shaffer for a moment, it’s his reference to all those jihadi Christians, yeah the ones that fly airplanes into abortion clinics, that’s most offensive. Actually, one guy kills an abortion doctor and the media treats it like the messiah’s been murdered. It’s interesting that Christianity get tarred whenever one Christian acts out of line, but when a Muslim kills, liberals worry profusely that Christians will act out of line.
When it comes to the radically religious, Islam has an estimated 10% that can go jihad with 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide that’s easily over 100 million potential Hasans. But, the sycophant media isn’t worried about them. Instead, they worry about Christians going jihad.
Newsweek Editor, Evan Thomas, cringes that Hasan is a Muslim because it just inflames all those fears. What fears? Did murderous riots by Christians become common place after the Fort Hood massacre? After 9/11?
And when a Muslim murders en masse, he’s reflexively forgiven. Also, it’s non-Muslims that are at fault. CBS Anchor John Roberts has supposedly heard stories that when a Muslim joins the military he’s harassed, pressured and made to feel un-welcomed.
Supposedly, Hasan’s car was keyed. Many non-Muslims have enjoyed this unsolicited car art, but there’s no Koranic verse commanding Muslims, “Allah say-eth that if car be marked ill, then okay infidels to kill.” Yet, Hasan did suffer severe discrimination. Why, the army promoted him to major even after he reportedly was proselytizing to patients, a big no-no for any other denominational mental health professional.
While Hasan never served in any war, some still argue that he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a form that’s “pre.” Maybe, PTSD is contagious, and Hasan caught it from his non-Muslim war weary patients. Another curse of the infidels! It certainly wouldn’t be that he sympathized with the terrorists and professed often how he worried being deployed.
Speaking of vexation, most worrisome was the reaction of those in power. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said that the 3500 Muslims in the military serve proudly. Really, how does he know this? Shouldn’t they be investigated to determine their true allegiance?
If America declared war on Canada (don’t laugh Obama is still president), it’d only make sense to review all soldiers of Canadian descent to discover those that might have a problem fighting in their native land.
Finally, the scariest quote of them all was from General Casey who worried that a greater tragedy than the Fort Hood deaths would be the loss of diversity. Well, what about diversity of thought? Not every Muslim will commit an atrocity, but not every Muslim won’t. General Casey, be open-minded enough to find out, “How many potential Hasans could there be.”
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Socialism: Up Close and Very Personal
He also said that seniors wouldn’t get the care they might need because they were too old. Again, the audience applauded. Apparently, not many vocal codgers were in attendance. All in all, Reich gave for a pro-regressive not just an honest homily but a rather stirring speech.
Yes, inspirational not to actually agree with his idea of creating a nightmarish healthcare system that would essentially reduce every human being from a citizen to a subject. No, instead I’m inspired to write a speech of what I would want a presidential candidate to say especially to the pompous people who although rich still want to impose socialism on the rest of us…
Thank you so much for coming this afternoon. I’m so glad to see you, and I would like to be president. Let me tell you a few things about pompous people who truly peeve me because they want socialism for everyone but themselves. Although I’m a conservative through and through, I have heard the other side. Now, I agree with them, and if elected, I will diligently work to give them personally what they preach.
Michael Moore, truly I tell you. Your love affair of capitalism will end as soon as I enter the Oval Office. As president, you won’t just be wondering where your country went. You’ll also be wondering where your wealth went, dude. But, don’t worry. Your wonderful centralized government will be taking care of your money.
It’s from each according to his ability, right? We’ll be seizing all your assets. Unfortunately, your butt is another matter. Let’s face it dude, you haven’t missed a buffet since 1984, and space is especially scarce on this over populated planet. You got to slim it down, and there’s nothing like the socialist starvation diet to get you to skin and bones in no time. There’ll be no more fat farms for you, besides you won’t be able to afford them anyway.
Sean Penn, you’re so enamored with communism that you were all smiles at the 81st Academy Awards telling everyone how cool it was. Yeah, you actually cooed to the audience how they were “commie lovin’ homo sons ‘a’ guns” just for choosing you.
You often remark that people have to give up the hate card when it comes to your pro-regressive politics, but you yourself just can’t stop pounding on the paparazzi. Recently, another victim of your violence filed a complaint after allegedly being kicked by you. In fact you have a history of violence. In 1987 you spent 32 days in jail for beating up an extra just trying to take your picture. Where’s the love, man?
Recently, you were schmoozing with your buddy Fidel down in his prison state of Cuba. It’s a wonder you just didn’t stay there, but fret not my friend Castro’s Cuba will be brought right to you. Your wealth will be seized including that bodacious abode in Marin County, CA.
And there’ll be no more eating at fine restaurants not that you’ll be able to afford them. It won’t matter how many Academy Awards you win or how many block buster hits you make because all of it I’ll take. No instead, you will receive what is the average staple for Cubans. That would be one whole chicken per month. Why, that works out to be 12 chickens a year not that you could ever do the math.
And Sean, you seem to support every dictator around, from Iraq’s Saddam Hussein who ruthlessly tortured and murdered many to Chavez in Venezuela who shut down private media that criticized him while impoverishing his nation. You stated, “He’s much more positive for Venezuela than he is negative.”
Sean, Sweetie, you bring a whole new meaning to the term “useful idiot.” When you open your mouth and speak off the cuff, you make Bush sound like a genius.
Barbara Streisand, well Babs what can I say. You use over 10000 gallons of water each month for your lawn. Honey, we got to do something about you just to save Los Angeles let alone the planet. And your suggestion that everyone use clothespins is laughable considering you would never employ such a suggestion.
Finally, Robert Reich, I would implement your healthcare plan immediately, for it would automatically consider you too old to ever receive any care.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ObamaCare: From Debt to Death
Yet, while COLA is zero, the Medicare deducted for social security checks will still increase. So, seniors will be worse off next year paying more for the one health insurance “company” that refuses more healthcare than any other. Yeah, evil capitalists fueled by corporate greed are better to their customers than the government’s Medicare.
But, America needs that public option, which will become the only option if House Squeaker Princess Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader “Seedy Reidy” and Obama get their way. And the absolutely underhanded ways they’ve employed in selling their socialized slavery is despicable.
The CBO estimated that one bill, actually just a concept since it isn’t formal legislation, will supposedly decrease the deficit $81 billion over 10 years. Well, that’s a line of manure that could copiously supply every farm in this nation. This plan, which still won’t insure everybody when fully implemented, will cost $800 billion not over 10 years, but only four and a half since it doesn’t fully take effect until 2016.
Yes, this is how pompous politicians make something costly seem affordable like an unscrupulous used car dealer that conveniently forgets to mention that balloon payment. The true cost over 10 years would be at least double or $1.6 trillion. So, instead of a surplus, it’s $720 billion in the hole.
But wait, there’s even more shenanigans because those same politicians are promising a $400 billion cut in Medicare. Now, if seniors were mad before, just imagine what they’ll do once they discover this slash in services. Of course, politicians know seniors vote, and not enough Alzheimer’s will kick in come election time.
But the messiah will make it all better with a $250 check. “Dr. Chicago” hopes bribery is his “senior-itis” sure cure. However, if Medicare cuts don’t happen, and most likely they won’t, that would make a $1.1 trillion deficit. And that’s only one piece of so-called legislation, which doesn’t include a public option. There’s at least two more “virtual bills” in the pipeline, and it’s a sure bet that a public option will be included in one of them.
Which is why, Democrats meet in private and don’t include Republicans. Remember when Obama told America that bills would be posted on the Internet at least 5 days before a vote. Has that happened even once? That promise went to the same pigeon hole as the one where Obama promised bipartisanship.
Yes, evil Republicans want everyone to die. That’s according to Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson who thinks he’s finally figured out the GOP’s healthcare plan. Got to hand it to him, at least he admits there is a GOP plan. Most Democrats pretend Republicans are the party of “No!”
But, did Grayson find any of the 34 healthcare bills introduced by Republicans that were based on free market principals? How about tort reform? Apparently, he’s unaware of ideas like expanded Health Saving Accounts, or simply the elimination of restrictions on insurance companies offering plans across state lines. “Pro-regressives” pretend that health insurance companies abhor competition when it’s their wacky regulations preventing it.
Grayson in typical Democrat Demagoguery said that the “Republican Plan” was simply, “Don’t Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!” Seems the dishonorable Grayson is confusing his pathetic pro-regressive party with the GOP. If there’s any party that would put in place healthcare that amounts to the imposition of death panels, it would be his.
Just listen to Robert Reich, former Clinton Labor Secretary and Obama economic advisor. In 2007, he spoke at Berkley, CA describing what he would like a presidential candidate to say about healthcare. In it, he explained that young people will just have to pay while old people should understand that their time is over and they won’t be getting any care especially expensive or innovative. So, Reich would just let them die.
Then, there’s John Holdren another one of the many un-confirmed czars. He’s the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. He wrote the book “Ecoscience.” It stated that the elderly should be euthanized as well as other wonderful ideas like forced sterilization and government population control.
Finally, if you’re still not convinced, there’s Obama himself who said a 90-year woman’s spirit shouldn’t be taken into consideration in giving her a pacemaker. Instead he said painkillers ought to do the trick. It’s only a matter of time until Democrats say to undesirables in society that’s it’s their patriotic duty to just die, and that’ll be just sick.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Loony Liberalism
Liberals just love to create fanciful concepts and assign value to them even when there is absolutely no evidence of that worth. Now, it’s “transparency,” which until recently was a bad thing when fighting a war.
Liberals profess with an unshakable belief that since America revealed all, our enemies will stop hating us. Liberals claim that our “torture” was a terrorist recruiting tool while never considering that releasing our techniques could incense them even more.
Actually, Al Queda instructs its recruits that if captured to lie about being brutally beaten. So, it wouldn’t matter whether interrogators used harsh language or spoke in gentle cooing sounds. Once released, they’ll still tell fanciful tales of infidel mistreatment.
Transparency won’t stop that, and the information will be used to better train terrorists to withstand questioning. Former VP “Darth Vader” Cheney claims that the redacted parts of the released documents demonstrated clearly that the enhanced techniques prevented attacks. But, Obama doesn’t want that side to be revealed.
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden along with other officials echoed Cheney’s assertion and added nothing was gained from releasing interrogation policy. It would be like FDR deciding for transparency sake to reveal to the Germans America’s plans for the invasion of Europe.
Maybe, transparency would have made Germans less likely to shoot American soldiers on the Normandy beaches. Hardly, instead the Nazis would have used the information to mount an effective counter attack rendering D-day a grand failure. In fact, General Eisenhower had two speeches. One for a successful invasion, the other in case it failed. For even Eisenhower great general that he was couldn’t guarantee victory.
Last spring Obama sent 21000 more troops to Afghanistan. He should have had a solid strategic plan for them to win there. Like when Bush sent his troop surge to Iraq.
General Petreus was implementing a new Iraq War strategy. It worked despite liberal prognostication to the contrary. Yet, Obama for the sake of transparency should reveal any strategic plan he has for Afghanistan. Maybe, the terrorists won’t become offended because more infidels are defiling a Muslim country. Hardly!
In all reality, Obama’s Afghanistan plan has already failed because he prematurely let the Afghanis alone run their elections. His hands-off policy instead resulted in widespread fraud that could eventually undermine the civilian government. Of course, what else could be expected from an ACORN acolyte?
Now, Obama doesn’t want to follow his hand picked general’s plan. General McChrystal is pleading for 40000 additional troops. Until recently, Obama has only met with McChrystal once. Kind of reminds of another national security challenged president Bill Clinton who only saw` his CIA director James Woosley twice during his tenure.
Obama did meet with McChrystal while in Denmark for a whooping 25 minutes taking valuable time from his failed Olympic bid. Whatever happened wasn’t good because they’ve been trashing each other ever since. McChrystal actually started criticizing Obama before that meeting.
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) recently uttered something reasonable, which is rare for a Democrat. She said, “I don’t know how you put somebody in, who is as 'cracker jack' as General McChrystal who gives the president very solid recommendations and not take those recommendations if you are not going to pull out.”
However, Obama isn’t comfortable with “victory” in Afghanistan, the supposedly good war. He said it wouldn’t be “like Emperor Hirohito … signing a surrender [sic] to General MacArthur.” Incidentally, neither Hirohito nor MacArthur participated in the Japanese signing.
But, the media doesn’t care that Obama is historically challenged. It also oblivious to his indecisiveness in sending enough troops and his silly rules of engagement that are jeopardizing the lives of troops stationed there.
Don’t worry though for Obama has identified the real enemy, Fox News, the only network not worshiping him. His administration whines it’s too conservative. No doubt liberals hate conservatives while revering Islamofascists. This seems really loony. And, it is!
Unfortunately, their misplaced hatred threatens every American. Maybe, in order to get liberals to hate terrorists, “right-wingers” should recruit jihadis to run for elective office. Liberals hate conservatives precisely because sometimes they win elections, keeping liberals from their divine right to power.
But if jihadis won elections, then liberals would start loathing terrorists instead of conservatives. The ultimate objective is to get an American hating jihadi as president who would then do irreparable damage to this nation of infidels. Oh wait, that appears to have already happened. Never mind.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Going Gruesomely Green
While this ad uses freaks to illuminate the public of oil heat’s eco-friendliness, on the CBS Morning Show co-host Harry Smith recently interviewed two real freaks who chose to live without electricity and toilet paper for one year. What is it with eco-whackos and their obsession against toilet paper?
For toilet paper is the greatest invention of all time. In fact, the phrase the best thing “since sliced bread” should be “since 3-ply” instead. Toilet paper is such a great leap for mankind, actually a great clean behind for mankind, it was featured on the History channel’s program, “Modern Marvels.”
But, Colin and Michelle Beavan, possible ancestral relatives to Beavis and Butthead, gave up these comforts. So eco-whacked is this couple that Smith just had to gush, “This is an amazing saga....when the lights were switched back on, Colin and Michelle clearly saw a year that meant so much more than living without toilet paper.” Also, the cockroaches were seen scrambling in all directions.
When asked what their inspiration was, they said, “Concern for the planet. I mean, we were reading so much about global warming happening and we were just frustrated because what can any one person do? So we thought we’d try to do what we could.”
Michelle added, “I had just seen the movie An Inconvenient Truth.” How many others have been ruined by a movie where an English court ruled there are at least nine egregious errors? But, a better question would be, “Should Al Gore be sued if this couple ever dies of an e-coli infection?”
Near the end of the interview, Colin, again citing the global warming hysteria, said “And we discovered that, you know, there is a climate emergency happening and it is possible for us as citizens to actually take care.” Where then, Smith readily agreed and added, “You just have to get 300 million people to do it.”
Now, if a conservative decided to give up using electricity and toilet paper, he would choose only for himself this loony lifestyle. But, liberals aren’t happy unless everyone gives up these comforts as well. Of course, if the truth be told, no conservative would ever surrender his toilet paper.
So, what did the Beavan’s use instead of toilet paper? Maybe, their hands! While concluding the segment, Smith made reference to the lack of toilet paper: “Okay, and the last question, is the answer newspaper?” But, Colin instead dodged the potentially odorous question and replied, “What we want to talk about here is that we have a big emergency.”
Speaking of which, a big emergency is when after doing one’s business, the discovery is made that there’s nothing left on the roll.
And, the Beavan’s even believe in eating only fresh unpackaged food. Where then Smith claimed, “The cost of what the wheat is in a box of cereal that costs $4? It’s a couple of pennies, you know, versus all of this stuff that’s around it.” That’s especially hard to swallow. Farmers couldn’t stay in business if they were getting so little for their produce.
So, what’s next for this progressive, actually if the truth be known, pro-regressive partnership? Living in a cave, going homeless. It seams urban outdoorsmen could be way ahead of their time. These original “No Impact Men” have the ultimate green lifestyle.
But, a better idea would be instead of apartment buildings or skyscrapers level them all and build “crust-scrapers,” buildings that go down, not up. This would eliminate urban heat islands and building enhanced wind effect, and those bad hair days that it causes.
Crust-scrapers would also be natural bomb shelters in the case of a nuclear attack. With Obama, the likelihood of which only increases as he ineptly deals with nuclear proliferation which he’ll be pursuing even more after getting his Nobel Appeasement Prize.
Finally, crust-scrapers would be greener than buildings certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). These regulations developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) are on the books in 45 states and more than 100 cities. LEED was supposed to create more energy efficient buildings.
But according to Henry Gifford in a study commissioned by USGBC, LEED certified buildings actually use more energy. Which is not surprising, so often in this eco-debate being green not only isn’t clean, it costs “more green.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Russian Reset, Nyet!
Being a US senator for only 141 days before announcing his presidential bid, Obama’s foreign policy experience was iffy at best. But, couple that with a socialist mentality that has an absolute distain for the free market and a hatred for America’s projection of freedom (a.k.a. that darn Yankee imperialism), Obama acts as if America deserves every punishment that he can possibly muster.
For example, much has been said about Obama’s about face on the missile defense shield in Poland and Czechoslovakia. The fact that he reversed the policy on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland in 1939 either indicates he’s the most dense politician ever or he just likes to rub it raw to American allies.
Whatever the reason, Polish president Donald Tusk wouldn’t return Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s phone call, which actually gave him something in common with another previous world leader, Ex-Pres. Bill Clinton. He supposedly never took calls from his lovely betrothed especially when he was involved in heavy dictation with an intern in the oval office.
But a ship based missile system while maybe being cheaper and more mobile than a land base system, will also be further away from Iran and Russia. So to protect Poland and Czechoslovakia, it will have to respond sooner. One senator said that the Ground-Based Missile Defense system in Alaska must be fully deployed and properly maintained just to protect America from attacks by rogue states.
Let alone Eastern Europe, and a ship based system will have to depend on a land based radar system sophisticated enough to facilitate missile interception. Yet, Obama did promise the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective against the threat of Iranian missiles. Of course, he makes those very same promises when it comes to healthcare as well. Yes, ObamaCare will be so good it’ll cure those radiation burns from Iranian nukes --- using assisted suicide, of course!
Both the Czech and Polish republics went out on a limb to house a missile defense shield. Their large neighbor, Russia was against it from the beginning which is rather strange. Since being a defense shield, it wouldn’t be a threat to Russia unless they were planning to invade someday. The bear attack unprovoked, who would ever think Russia do anything like that?
Promising at most some useless Iranian sanctions, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was just lovey-dovey afterwards. While attending the G20 summit, he told University of Pittsburgh students that love was the most important thing in life. He actually said, “Love is the closest thing that surrounds you.” It wouldn’t have been all that surprising had he started singing that Beatle’s song, “All you need is love. Love is all around…”
But, Medvedev, Putin’s puppet, isn’t the only dictatorship that’s been clicking his heels lately. Obama gave his UN speech that had a foreign leader given it just 10 years earlier; the American delegation would have walked out in protest. Instead, Obama impressed the world’s dictators.
Libya’s leader Colonel Gaddafi (pronounced What-a-Quack-is-he) called him his son. Last year, he referred to Obama as a Muslim, which makes him a rightwing kook in the left’s lexicon. Of course, Gaddafi is so loony in his logic that the translator during his 90 minute diatribe just up and quit because of the erratic sentence structure.
Then, there’s Iran’s leader who denies the Holocaust, but wants to nuke Israel out of existence. He told everyone afterwards that Obama agrees with him on America’s transgressions. Unfortunately, one can’t disagree with that especially when Obama accuses America of acting unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others.
It’s true that America sometimes acts solely in it own self interests. What country hasn’t? Yet, no other nation has been more selfless in promoting worldwide liberty. But, that doesn’t stop progressives from believing that America deserves the terrible atrocities done to her.
Normally, a president would distance himself from the praise of despotic dictators, but not Obama. He’s so narcissistic, he actually believes that they will love him, and he can achieve a world without nukes merely by pronouncing it.
Just months ago, Hillary Clinton gave a mistranslated “reset” button (it’s instead read “overcharge”) to Russia signaling supposedly a new era in relations. Unfortunately, what Obama really meant was “Reckless Empty-headed Surrendering and with Egotistical Temerity.”
Doodoo-ology: The Science of Sheer Stupidity
For example, progressives believe in socialism, which requires total economic ignorance because it’s never worked. They also fall hook, line and sinker for manmade global warming. They completely miss the terminology switch from “global warming” to “climate change” because temperatures have been dropping instead.
Progressivism also epitomizes ignorance is bliss. It doesn’t understand the law of unintended consequences, nor does it consider the other side of the coin. Obamatons, a highly deranged variant of progressivism, also believe everything Obama does is just “wunderbar.” He’s supposedly returning us back to science. These individuals would probably praise Obama giving a school speech asking kids to go home and kill their parents.
Interestingly, Obama’s failed escapade to Copenhagen is a perfect example of their “sicko fancy.” Obama and his wife actually took separate planes to Denmark to convince the IOC to give Chicago the 2016 Olympic Games. Incidentally, progressives never complained about the Obamas’ lack of “jet pooling” even though they profess CO2 is destroying the planet.
But, when Chicago was rejected, progressives blamed Bush because he supposedly so alienated the world that not even Obama, the one, could overcome the animosity. Progressives conveniently forget that Chicago somehow managed to become an Olympic finalist while Bush was president. Still, after Obama’s Olympic blunder, progressives think that Obama’s inept dialogue will actually convince Iran to surrender its nuclear ambitions.
Then, there’s Obama’s stimulus plan that’s failed keeping unemployment below his predicted maximum of 8%. His administration pronounces its success even as joblessness has reached 9.8%. It would have been 10.2%, but many unemployed workers have simply stopped looking for work.
Nevertheless, Obama claims that millions of jobs have been saved presenting no proof whatsoever. So, here’s a simple way to know if your job has been saved. If it still exists, then apparently it’s been saved. Obama’s “Stick It to Us” plan hasn’t eliminated it … yet.
Still, the sycophant media falls in lockstep declaring the worst is over even though the economy continues contracting. According to economists, it takes two consecutive quarters of GNP growth for a recession to be “officially” over. So far, there hasn’t even been one.
Obama, consumed with passing ObamaCare, has taken an Emperor Nero approach to this recession, playing his harp nude while the economy burns. Job loses mount while Obama nonchalantly demands another trillion dollar increase in the national debt. Well, what’s another trillion among friends?
But, where’s all that money going? Democrats are probably amassing it to flood the economy with government spending causing an economic boom that won’t bust until after the 2010 midterm election. Many Americans will probably be fooled into thinking that Obama has actually “fixed” the economy only to find out too late, they’re wrong.
Many progressives lionize the late Ted Kennedy, another classic example of “What’s wrong with Washington?” Chappaquiddick would have jailed anyone but a connected Kennedy who only cared about his political career after dunking his car allowing Mary Jo Kopechne to drown.
Kennedy, never having to work a day in his life, had about a much in common with the working man as a prince has to a pauper. Still, progressives expect socialized medicine opponents to rollover and allow them to pass his dream, “Ted’s you’re better off Dead” health-mare.
It’s not a debate when someone especially a leader isn’t honest, and this healthcare issue has become one big “Lie Fest.” When Obama said “Shovel Ready” projects, what he apparently meant was bull ready to shovel. During Obama’s speech to congress, the untruths got so deep that one congressman, Joe Wilson (R-SC) just had to shout, “You lie.” For instance, Obama said illegals weren’t covered under any bill in consideration. The truth: out of three bills only one even forbade illegals getting care, but it had no enforcement.
Of course, the DNC sycophant media tried to make Wilson out to be a racist. Progressives, usually devoid of intellectual counter arguments, always resort to applying an ism to their opponents. In Wilson’s outburst, there was an ism alright, but it wasn’t racism. It was anti-Marxism.
Finally, despite polls showing Americans are against ObamaCare, Democrats will attempt to pass their medical monstrosity anyway because after all progressives “expert doodoo-ologists” know it all. Unfortunately, Washington has too many of them. They’re changing America’s government from “of the people by the people for the people,” to one that lies to the people, ignores the people and soon could jail the people.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
“No-Good Deeds” Shouldn’t Go Unpunished
Indeed, Deeds has voted numerous times for gas tax increases even when gas was over $4/gallon. When asked to explain this apparent contradiction, Deeds said he would not raise taxes for the general fund. However, since a gas tax would go to a transportation trust fund, it apparently doesn’t count.
However, taxes isn’t the only issue Deeds does a little dance. In describing the angst against ObamaCare, Deeds said that protesters have a “hint” of racism. How does one be just a bit of a racist? One either believes his race is superior or not. Well, if opposition to ObamaCare is because of racism, the question for Deeds is, “How does one oppose it and not be considered a racist?”
Like a typical politician, Deeds wants to play both sides of the issues. Indeed, Deeds was good all summer telling voters why McDonnell shouldn’t be governor, but as a man without a message he gave no reason why he should be.
And Deeds is good at throwing political supporters overboard. While he accepted President Obama’s help in fundraising, Deeds recently declared he’s not an “Obamacrat.” He apparently became a “Deeds-ocrat” as Obama poll numbers dropped.
Deeds was also good at avoiding telling voters whether he supported “Cap and Trade.” He probably saw polls showing many are against it, so now he is too. Deeds is a candidate that epitomizes what’s wrong with most politicians today. Vague answers saying only what he believes will get him elected.
In Virginia, state legislators are forbidden to be employed alongside lobbyists of law firms. This rule prevents conflicts of interests for lawmakers. In 2007, the Virginia Bar considered removing this restriction. But the outrage was so great, they didn’t. Still, Deeds, who initiated the effort to eliminate the rule, went ahead and joined the law firm of Hirschler Fleischer that does lobbying in the Virginian legislature anyway.
Deeds, who fortunately lost his election bid to be Virginia’s Attorney General in 2005, blatantly violated state ethic rules. His reason in his own words was, “For me to be able to continue the political journey, I had to find some stability. I had to do something. If I thought I were doing anything unethical, I would step away from it.” In other words, if he needs the money, he’ll do anything. It’s just part of his political journey, which hopefully will never include the governor’s mansion.
But what Deeds is really good at is making false accusations. Like a recent Deeds’ ad accusing McDonnell of helping Appalachian Power Co. win rate increases totaling $180 million. The ad accuses McDonnell of supporting them when in fact Appalachian Power was due increases according to the law, which Deeds himself voted in favor. McDonnell was just upholding that law.
McDonnell had a substantial lead until the DNC media outlet, The Washington Post, dug up a 20 year old thesis written by McDonnell that claimed working women harmed families. It’s clear that McDonnell’s political life as well as his personal life that he doesn’t subscribe to what he wrote in that thesis. In fact, he has strongly encouraged his daughters to be working, independent women.
However, Deeds has made much about women being paid equally to men. So, he’s accused McDonnell of being against SB 1025. This bill, which passed in 1995, stated that “No employer employing more than five but less than fifteen persons shall discharge any such employee on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex, or of age if the employee is forty years or older.”
The fact is the McDonnell voted for the law, which goes against the left’s lie that McDonnell only believes that women should be barefoot and pregnant. And what is Deeds’ record on women’s pay? Well, from 1994 through 2009, Senator Deeds didn’t propose even one bill concerning equal pay for equal work. Apparently, Deeds believes that no deeds ever need be done to claim moral superiority.
But in these difficult times voters are supposed to use McDonnell’s thesis as the sole point in deciding who will be better to meet the needs of Virginians for new energy and jobs. Of course, this is from the media that made the “macaca” moment the most important issue in the 2006 US Senate race and now ignores Obama and all his radical czars.
Now they want voters to ignore Deeds’ dirty deeds as well. Instead, voters shouldn’t let “good ole Deeds” go unpunished.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Right, What Right?
So, if healthcare were a right, then doctors, nurses, healthcare providers and innovators would be slaves under ObamaCare. Their master would be, of course, the single decider, the government, who as the sole payer would determine exactly what they would get for their services. And if they don’t like those measly Medicare reimbursements, well they could just quit, and some would.
But, many others would steer away from the healthcare field, and that would decrease the supply of needed personnel. As such a shortage of doctors would be created like in England, Canada and New Zealand. England, for example, has been importing doctors from India and Pakistan. They come because it’s still better than in their native countries.
But, that’s changing as India, moving away from socialism, reaches a higher standard of living. So, fewer doctors will emigrate from there. Canada has such a shortage of doctors that some use a lottery to choose their patients. Lose that lottery and a patient could lose their life if they need medical treatment. And, there are more doctors (as well as MRI machines) in Orange County, CA than all of Canada.
But, ObamaCare Obamatons (individuals who support his plan regardless of whether it’ll work), believe that healthcare is a right like abortion and privacy. Well, in that case shouldn’t food be a right? Most people can live longer without healthcare than without food.
So, I’ll take this pledge. I’ll give up healthcare for 60 days, if Obamatons will give up food for 60 days. Let’s see who lasts longer. Food is much more important than healthcare. Why doesn’t Obama first nationalize the food industry? If everything a person needs is a right, then it would be moral to enter a farmer’s field and take his produce without compensating him.
After all, humans have to eat. It’s at this point where I wished that I had a liberal neighbor with a vegetable garden. After arguing with me that healthcare was a right, I would walk over to his garden and just start picking. When he complained about what I was doing, I’d just explain that I was just exercising my right to eat.
It wouldn’t matter that he has done all the work of planting, weeding and cultivating. His effort should not impede nor have any bearing on my “right.” And if everyone in my neighborhood started raiding his garden, he’d either stop planting altogether or switch to growing flowers. Then, the question would be. “Do people have a right to pretty bouquets?”
But, a farmer trying to make a living might mind a little taking of his cash crop, and if it became prolific enough, he would eventually be forced out of business. This is the reason why socialism always amounts to less and never more of a commodity deemed a “right” for the vast majority of subjected citizens.
In the Soviet Union, tens of millions of people died of starvation after the communists collectivized their agricultural system. Yes, they fixed the exploitation of the wealthy landowners, but to tell the truth I’d rather eat and be taken advantage of. Under communism food was supposed to be practically free, and it was. There just was never enough to go around.
It is interesting how liberals consider things that have a cost to produce a right, but on the other hand, want to place a cost on something that should be free: like exhaling air. Well, government was always looking for a way to tax air. Here’s the next best thing, taxing each breathe out. That’s essentially what “Cap and Trade” would accomplish. It’ll place a price on producing CO2 which is nothing more than a by-product of living.
Now to make nationalized healthcare otherwise known as ObamaCare distasteful even to liberals. Imagine ObamaCare as a “single decider” system where the decider will not be the Mensch in the mirror or even his doctor. Instead, it could be someone like George “Dubya” Bush, or worse yet, Darth Vader’s brother, Dick Cheney. Liberals, do you want either of them deciding your healthcare? Well, neither do I.
Finally, if Obama does succeed, the inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness will eventually be replaced with iffy healthcare, a spreading the wealth nightmare and a civilian national defense force scare.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
“Sick-O Fancy”
When “Lord Obama” establishes his dictatorship, and make no mistake, he is. Surrounding himself with radicals, one in particular is Czar Mark Lloyd, “Chief Diversity Officer” at the FCC who recently praised Hugo Chavez’s media takeover in Venezuela.
In his 2006 book, “Prologue to a Farce,” Lloyd called for an all-out “confrontational movement” against the private media. Hello, anybody awake at the DNC media, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN? Oh wait, they already bow to the messiah. It’s Fox News and talk radio that need to worry.
Another now “ex” Green Jobs Czar Van Jones is an avowed communist, anarchist and black nationalist who blamed America for 9/11, believes Bush was behind 9/11, actually signed a “truther” petition and called Republicans “A-holes.” What a great choice for bi-partisanship!
But, it’s his racist radicalism that takes the cake. Jones recently said that white polluters “steered” poison into minority communities. And illegals were sprayed with pesticides while working in the white farmers’ fields. Again, reviving the KKK one racist quip at a time.
And, let’s not forget Cass Sunstein, “Internet Czar,” who just wants the government to have the power to shutdown private computers.
Then, there’s Obama’s pledge to create a “Civilian National Defense Force.” (CNDF) According to a liberal SanDoggy10, it’s “not a police force here in the U.S.” Instead, it will be various specialists that accompany the military to dangerous areas. But, here’s Obama’s full quote in context at least according to SanDoggy10.
“And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Even in context, he’s scary. Yes, Obama is increasing the Foreign Service and the Peace Corps, but the CNDF is an entirely new entity. What’s even scarier were all the people cheering as Obama proposed his CNDF. Undoubtedly, they’re the ones who would be dialing his healthcare snitch line.
Where anything anti-ObamaCare is mindlessly reported. Failing with adults though, Obama must speak to the children at school. He’d actually proposed an assignment asking them what they’d do to help the “Dear Leader.” Would spying on recalcitrant parents have received an A+?
But, who are the extremists? Tea partiers, “birth-ers,” anti-ObamaCare mobsters, and anyone else challenging Obama. For example, the media is all too happy to smear Catherine Crabill, candidate for Virginia’s House of Delegates. What did she say so horrifying?
She said, “We have a chance to fight this battle at the ballot box, before we have to resort to the bullet box.” What did she mean by “bullet box?” According to the media, that completely ignores every Obamaton outburst, “if she and her forces of darkness are not successful through fair elections at the ballot box, she will resort to guns to get her way.”
But, there could just be another interpretation. This administration seems totally uninterested in fair elections. ACORN, which is under investigation/indictment for voter fraud in 14 states, is collaborating with the White House on the 2010 US census. And Black Panthers, who intimidated voters in Philadelphia, Obama had their convictions dropped.
According to Alan Keyes, former Republican presidential candidate, 2010 might be too late for redirection via the ballot box. What he and Crabill are saying only echoes what this nation founders would have said. Yet, when the media so readily labels anyone who speaks up against Obama’s agenda, it only shows how far they’ve gone in abandoning American ideals.
It’s unfortunate that the Republican Party has also abandoned Crabill, but they do because anyone who associates with her would immediately get tarred and feathered too.
Finally, Jesus may have foretold exactly who Satan is. In Luke 10:18 Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” While the New Testament was written in Greek, Jesus spoke Aramaic an ancient form of Hebrew. In Aramaic “lightning” is pronounced “Baraq” and “heaven” is “bama.” So, “lightning from heaven” in Aramaic would be “baraq o bama.”
It’s interesting that Obama took this name specifically. In high school he was Barry Satoro. Still, the “sick-O fancy” media will dismiss this satanic connection as just religious “kook-theory.” So, what will they call those who quote Luke 10:18? Probably, “Anti-Christ-ers.”
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Weather Gone Wild
For example, the New York Al Timezerra, in an article, “In New York, It’s the Summer That Isn’t,” bemoaned “this could be the coolest summer on record” and “this will have been the coolest June and July since either 1903 or 1881.”
However, it warned, “This summer’s unusually mild temperatures should not buoy global warming skeptics.” After all, it has already predetermined sans scientific explanation that cooler temperatures are just natural variability whereas all warming is without a doubt human caused.
Actually, it quoted William Solecki, a Hunter College geography professor. Now what geography has to do with climatology is questionable, but his expertise was still good enough for the New York rag. However, I too must agree that the current cooling is totally natural and not a result of the “Cash for Clunkers” program.
And, alarmists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center retreated from their preposterous prediction of an “ice free north pole” this summer and now predict “no record low ice extent in 2009.” Even Greenpeace’s outgoing leader, Gerd Leipold, had to admit that his organization’s recent claim of Arctic ice disappearing by 2030 was “a mistake.”
At this point, I could resort to alarmist like hyperbole and call them all “natural climate change deniers.” Instead, I’d rather believe that they’ve begun to accept the possibility of natural change even if only on downslides. To save face, they may eventually have to admit temperature increases could also be natural.
The current global cooling does present alarmists with quite a quandary to their “temperatures goes up but never comes down” certainty. While all their models predicted only increases missing completely this current cooling cornucopia, some alarmists are trying to claim that their models had predicted the cooling all along. Yeah, after the fact fudging really can work.
But, the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project (ICECAP), a non-profit corporation composed of various climate experts, demonstrated that all the climate models are seriously flawed. ICECAP also argues that climate models have drastically over-predicted what little warming there’s been.
In fact, in 2006 ICECAP calculated a 0.6C degree warming for the last century compared to the IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) forecast of 3.3C. ICECAP’s conclusion was that 45% of the increase was in fact spurious urban warming. Still, in 2007 the IPCC again predicted warming up to 0.8C/decade throughout this century, which has yet to materialize.
As a result Obama recently encouraged off-shore oil drilling, not off America’s coast mind you, but Brazil’s. $2 billion in loans were approved for Brazilian Petrobas to get oil for Brazilians. While the money isn’t from American taxpayers directly, they’ll guarantee those loans. Interestingly, Democrat Sugar Daddy, George Sorros, sold 22 million shares of Petrobras just days before the loan approval. Quid pro quo, anyone?
Renowned MIT meteorologist, Professor Richard Lindzen, in a recently published peer reviewed article (SPPI Monthly CO2 Report) stated, “We now know that the effect of CO2 on temperature is small, we know why it is small, and we know that it is having very little effect on the climate.” In other words, the science is in, the scare is out, and the UN is wrong.
So, CO2’s effect on climate is like “pissing in the Mississippi.” Yeah, the river gonna rise, but flooding not happening downstream. “Cap and Tax,” which will cost each family $4600/yr and do little to quell climate change only 0.11C by 2100, is akin to banning every toilet just to prevent “flush flooding.”
So, this August, another greenie weenie Arctic expedition got “ice stuck” requiring rescue. Eco-whackos keep getting trapped because they believe all the hype of disappearing ice. They erroneously think that “polar summers” have become downright cozy. When in reality, polar daily mean temperatures still hover around freezing.
Finally, AP reported that July oceans’ temperatures were the hottest ever on record despite global cooling and a quiescent sun. Yet, just last year NASA under “hack honcho” Jim Hansen announced October 2008 as the hottest ever. But, busybody bloggers quickly discovered that Russia’s September temperature data were mysteriously copied to October’s verbatim.
NASA though whined how they lack the money to properly verify the data; while bloggers did so for free proving how much can get done when getting dressed is optional. So, bloggers wearing only underwear are probably right now swimming the oceans of data to refute this latest alarmists’ claim. To finally answer that infernal question: is that a thermometer in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hold ‘Em or Holdup?
The rules of the game, for those who’ve managed to miss the many reruns of the “World Series of Poker” as well as the many Internet web sites that offer the game to play “live” with other people, begin with every player getting two cards. These cards are the only ones unique to each player. The rest are communal.
The betting requires two players, dubbed the big and little blinds, to ante into the pot before any cards are dealt. The other players can look at their cards for “free” and then decide whether to ante or raise the bet. After each player decides whether to be in or out on the only forced bet with a minimum in the game, then, three cards are dealt face up in what is known as the “flop.” Another round of betting ensues.
Two more cards are dealt face up, each one at a time in what are called the “turn” and the “river,” each with a round of betting. The winner gets the entire pot unless he’s playing at a casino, which can take as much as 15%. That may seem rather steep, and it is, but there seems to be another game emanating from the nation’s capital, which is far costlier than most could have imagined.
It could be called “Health Care Holdup.” In fact, for seniors it may very well be. But, Obama is arguing that government should enter the health insurance industry otherwise known as a public option to help promote “competition.” Something government was never needed for before. But let’s imagine for a moment what affect this would have on the health insurance industry by using “Texas Hold ‘Em” as a metaphoric example.
First, another “player” would be introduced into the game. In keeping with the sign of the times, he would be called the “Card Czar.” Like all government entities, he would have no money of his own, and he would not have the same risk as the other players. In fact, he’d have no risk at all. While other players could lose the money that they bet, the card czar would bet from an unlimited supply garnered from borrowing and printing when he wasn’t taking by taxing from the other players.
As such, he’d never have a reason to fold. This could be best represented in “Obama’s Hold ‘Em” with what is referred to as a “dead man’s hand.” It’s a hand that is dealt to no one, never bets or calls a bet but must be bested in order for any regular player to win. This also best reflects an administration that seems to select people who don’t pay their taxes.
Eventually, the card czar will have all the money as each player eventually loses or in real life quits the game. What kind of poker player would willingly play Hold ‘Em with these rules? Nobody, but if the game were already established, they wouldn’t have any choice.
This is the game the health insurance industry would be playing if ObamaCare gets enacted. With the public option, it’s a player in the game, which doesn’t have to play by the rules it sets for the other competitors. In fact, it can change the rules at any time, always skewing them more in its favor.
Because even though Obama says he doesn’t want a single payer system, he does. Recently, he said cryptically, “First of all, no one is talking about a government takeover health care plan … I tried to say this over and over again - if you are happy with your health care, if you are happy with your doctor, we are not going to force you to change.”
However, Obama said in 2003 that he was for a single-payer system, meaning as a government-controlled healthcare entity. In 2007, he said he believed that employer coverage could be eliminated over the course of several years in an effort to get to a single payer government program.
Then, Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) actually revealed the Democrats’ dastardly desire when asked about the public option recently. Frank stated plainly that the so-called public option in the House health reform bill was just step one in a strategy to create a single-payer, government monopoly health system.
So, “Obama’s Hold ‘Em” isn’t really a new game after all. Apparently, there’s already another poker game that’s actually been around for quite a while, and it’s “Liar’s Poker.”
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Assisted Suicide Anyone?
Of course, a panel would make this critical decision, and they’d never consider a person’s spirit. That would be too subjective. Better to stick with the cold reality, the patient even if a dear beloved mother or father is old and his/her usefulness to society exhausted.
Yes, they’ll have health insurance. They’ll have a plastic card stating so. But when life saving care is required, it’s instead denied in favor of “end of life” choices like hospice, “assisted suicide” or maybe just one good, strong dose of painkillers.
When my wife’s mother was alive suffering from Alzheimer’s, one doctor offered the “painkiller put away.” My wife rejected this option for she wanted her mother around a little longer albeit even in her diminish mental capacity. Under ObamaCare, his panel’s decision would be final.
Consider Oregonian citizen, Randy Stroup, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His Oregon state-run health plan told him that they wouldn’t pay for that pricey chemotherapy, but they’d shell out for physician assisted-suicide.
Yet, Stroup is only 53 years old, a little young for that “end of life” discussion. Don’t you think? However, he’s not the only one. It seems several Oregonians didn’t meet the formula for living, which is no life-prolonging treatment unless there’s at least a 5% chance of living five more years.
Another victim of Oregon’s health machine is Barbara Wagener who has lung cancer. She was told they wouldn’t cover her life-extending cancer drug Tarceva. Instead they approved palliative care, which included again physician assisted-suicide.
Remember that James Bond movie, when he asks Goldfinger, “Do you expect me to talk?” Goldfinger responded, “No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.” Oregon’s health system is solid Goldfinger, and it all started without that “Government Assisted Suicide (GAS),” which was conveniently added afterwards. Supposedly, “end of life” has been removed from ObamaCare. Obama, note to self, “Pass GAS later.”
And, from a bureaucrat’s perspective assisted suicide is the perfect healthcare option.
When successful, there are never complications, recurring conditions or required post-procedure therapy. In fact, afterwards the patient’s healthcare needs become absolute zero along with, of course, any social security payments.
Any board (It’s NICE in Britain) that dictates to doctors a patient’s treatment is a death panel especially in life threatening conditions. And when decisions are based on a patient’s contributions to society, that’s Euthanasia.
Still, ObamaCare proponents use a 2000 World Health Organization (WHO) study, which ranks America 37th out of 191 nations. Yet, WHO employed life expectancy as a primary factor, which is a terrible measure for healthcare systems. For when obesity, murder rates and fatal transportation accidents are subtracted, America’s life expectancy then ranks above most industrialized nations.
In fact, WHO placed America number one in patient care with the most timely, highest confidentiality and best efficiency. What really drops America’s ranking was its lack of socialism.
With a so-called gazillions uninsured, many non-citizens, the young, the rich and others who otherwise choose not to be insured, America doesn’t cover all including illegals with “free” healthcare. Well, I say assisted-suicide for everybody.
That government issued plastic could just be a “Get Out of Life Free” card. Assisted-suicide could even have a “green” choice. GASed humans could either become “food or fuel,” either Soylent Green or bio-diesel, thus saving the planet in even more ways.
Our free market system, what’s left of it, is patient centered while socialized medicine is always system centered. As long as the system survives, it doesn’t matter whether the patient lives or dies.
Finally, I again mourn TOTUS, Teleprompter of the United States. It’s untimely death was felt again as POTUS said something totally dim-witted at one of his staged town hall meetings. While Obama was dismissing that a government-run plan would drive private insurers out of business, he said that UPS and FedEx were doing fine, but “it’s the post office that’s always having problems.”
Obama apparently forgot that the US Postal Service is a government enterprise while UPS and FedEx are private. Update on TOTUS’s death: it was the Swine Flu, and government health insurance chose assisted-suicide for the sure cure.
In June 2009, Obama said that the “Public Option” is not your enemy. It’s your friend. But in March 2007, he said that he wanted a single payer system by the end of his first term. More and more Americans are realizing that ObamaCare won’t be their friend. As such, it’s on life support. Is it time for its assisted-suicide?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Terms of Non-Endearment
Who ever chose to use the term organic really wasn’t thinking about what it means. Non-organic food is still derived from organic sources. It is after all still food. But, organic foods are supposedly produced with certain standards. For instance, they’re grown without conventional pesticides and artificial fertilizers.
Other no-nos include ionizing radiation, food additives, human or industrial waste, antibiotics, growth hormones, and, of course, it cannot be genetically modified. But does “organic” best describe all these facets required for not necessarily healthier yet definitely more expensive cuisine?
A recent study conducted by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), an independent department of the British government, found no significant differences in the nutrition content of organic food compared with conventional. This study was a systematic review of dozens of studies on organic foods, published over the past 50 years.
FSA Director Gill Fine says the study does not mean that people shouldn’t eat organic food. She added, “The agency supports consumer choice and is neither pro nor anti organic food.” Still, some will argue that this government agency must be rightwing. Maybe, it’s behind those healthcare town-hall mobs.
However, FSA never looked at pesticide or herbicide residues, nor did it do any taste comparisons. So, probably many organic food groupies will dismiss the FSA’s conclusion as totally bogus because after all organic food is grown more primitively.
Maybe, a better term could be “caveman chow” since this food is as “au natural” as it can get. Other terms could be “fanciful fodder” or even “radical rations” since organic food is more exotic, expensive and bought by individuals who consider themselves extreme enlightened eaters.
Another term that’s falls into the not quite right category is the “greenhouse effect.” It supposedly refers to the earth’s atmosphere ability to retain solar radiation. And too much CO2 is about to undo all the natural climate stability that’s been the norm for at least the last 10 minutes.
But greenhouse is not the mechanism by which the atmosphere works. These horticulture enclosures do not trap any more solar energy than the surrounding outside air. Unlike what one grade school teacher told me the sun’s rays don’t just bounce around inside the glass. Yeah, those solar rays are only powerful enough to penetrate glass once. Then forever remains inside, not!
Greenhouses work by removing convection, the transfer of heat energy via circulation. It’s what allows a pot of water on a stove to boil, and, of course, not watching it helps as well. Greenhouses enclose air that’s not acquiring any more energy than the atmosphere outside. It just doesn’t allow it to mix with the cooler air.
Leave the door open and the air inside will quickly cool down. The same can be seen leaving the car windows slightly rolled down in the summertime. The auto, i.e. mobile greenhouse, will not be the hotbox it would have been with the windows totally up. And, no those little, squiggly solar rays aren’t sneaking out the window cracks.
In fact, “greenhouse effect” has become a misnomer, for it originally referred to the “loose confinement of warm nighttime air near ground level by cloud cover.” Still, the atmosphere can have convection and circulate hot air from hotspots, sort of like how private jets transport politicians or whiney auto industry execs. This phenomenon forms the pressure systems that drive the wind and apparently most of Washington.
But, atmospheric gases actually acquire kinetic energy directly from photons of solar energy, and temperature just measures the average speed of that kinetics. Even pavement can acquire energy in this way. It’s a fine example of the “greenhouse effect.” Sometimes pavement can get so hot in the summer sun, an egg can be fried. While an adjacent plot of grass, an egg will merely drip down in a gooey, uncooked mess. So maybe, all pavements should just be excavated.
A more detailed explanation of this phenomenon can be found in an article by Tom Kondis, “Greenhouse Gas Facts and Fantasies” available at junkscience.com. It debunks the fictitious “trapped heat” property as well as other fanciful misuses, myths and the downright denials of scientific principles specifically the first two laws of thermodynamics.
So, a better term for “greenhouse effect” would be “greenie weenie just plain full of beanie effect.” Or better yet, it could also be dubbed, “hooey phooey air of total baloney effect.”
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
NICE Isn’t So Nice
Actually, his lie was even bigger. His plan will lead to economic expansion as well as wouldn’t cost a dime in deficits. This is after racking up the largest deficit in history and he’s projected to more than double it by the time you finish reading this article.
However, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) basically blew his boat out of the water. In senate testimony, CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf warned that Obama’s proposed healthcare “legislation would significantly expand federal responsibility,” saddling America with at least $1.04 trillion in new debt.
But wait, there’s more. Everyone would have affordable healthcare. Obama wasn’t the first to make this promise, and unfortunately he won’t be the last to break it. True, everyone will get universal insurance that might eventually translate into treatment. Despite Obama’s belief that everyone deserves healthcare, I wouldn’t bank on it.
Why, healthcare should be free even if actual costs are great. Some slogans Obama should try in selling his takeover: No need to get off your duff to get free stuff. And, if you breathe, healthcare is free. But, he really should make food free first. Many can survive longer without healthcare than without food.
If healthcare were deserved, then fitness centers should have to offer their equipment without charge. Requiring gym membership is an intrusion into a right that somehow never made that inalienable list in America’s founding document.
Liberals argue that free markets just don’t work for healthcare, but let’s extend the same regulations to the food industry. If restaurants had to feed patrons who weren’t required to pay like hospitals do today, a $5 dollar hamburger might actually cost $500 in order to compensate for all the non-paying customers.
Then, liberals could say the food industry is “in crisis” needing nationalization. Don’t laugh, this may happen someday. Autos anyone? Ultimately, SDSMS is all about power. When government says, “No care for you,” it won’t matter what you do.
But, don’t worry; illegals will get free care. Democrats want to provide coverage for them even as they insist illegals won’t be eligible. Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus (D-MT), said in May, “We’re not going to cover undocumented aliens, undocumented workers. That’s too politically explosive.” Still, Democrats rejected the Heller amendment, which permitted health agencies to verify citizenship.
Pre-existing conditions are another bugabo since insurance companies resist patients who have them. But, isn’t that like asking for home insurance after the house in on fire. “Hi, I like my house insured. Can you issue my policy before the fire is out?” Forcing insurance providers to insure pre-existing conditions only forces those without them to pay for those who do.
Conservatives argue that SDSMS eventually leads to rationing. So, liberals are now countering that the current system already rations because some get denied. But, this argument is base on a false understanding of the free market, which explains why liberals are socialists, for healthcare is never rationed in this country.
Anyone can buy healthcare. Like Michael Jackson, who when alive, was always hiring “plastic sturgeons.” Yet, if a patient needs care, he can get it if he has the money. Liberals argue that’s rationing because not everybody has that cash in their stash.
In that case anything with a price tag is rationed like automobiles, which cost an amount not everybody’s got. But if a rich person decided to buy a fleet, no dealership would turn him away, unless of course, it’s GM. In fact, only government can ration and during WWII ours did on products considered critical to the war effort.
So, Democrats finally unveiled a plan, which was more Byzantine than a plate of linguini. Republicans actually created a chart outlining it with patients on one side, health providers on the other and many new bureaucracies with interesting acronyms in between. However, according to this complicated flowchart, Obama’s promise of keeping your doctor is true. The trick is getting past the many “Barrack-racies” to see him.
The British SDSMS has bureaucracies too. One is called the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, i.e. NICE. It determines Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) that measures treatments’ benefits. Compared with the Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER), expenditures compute into the Cost per Quality-adjusted life year Gained (CQG). Whew!
NICE’s job is simply to turn every life into a formula that frequently conflicts with patients’ interests to justify denial of potentially life-saving treatment, which is why NICE is often not so nice. To put it nicely, that’s rationing.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Obama O'Bias
Liberals wander around believing that they’re really enlightened people. They’re free of those nasty intolerances that have plagued so many in the past. Thus, they’re void of
Pushing his health reform at his latest national press conference, otherwise known as just another adoration society meeting, things went awry actually going from bad to worse when a question arose about a professor and his little incident with the police. Up until that point things really hadn’t been going all that well anyway because polls show Americans afterwards still weren’t buying into “Obamacare.”
It probably didn’t help that Obama accused doctors of taking out tonsils just to make a profit. According to Obama, when it comes to healthcare, everybody from providers to insurers appears to be a villain except for the actual villain, the government itself. Why, it can never do any wrong in his eyes.
As it may not be well known, but a national hero, TOTUS, has died. While the flags were never set to half-mast and parades down
At no time before has the loss of one machine been felt more, but Obama began his diatribe by informing all of his lack of information on what actually happened in
But no, without that gifted guidance, Obama continued speaking, and it was as close to a self inflicted political lynching as anyone has ever seen. It was as if Obama had tied himself to the back of a pickup truck and had his wife, Michelle, drive him down back alleys. I’m almost positive that had Obama been a Republican, liberals would have already been airing more James Byrd Jr. ads.
Byrd was a middle aged black man that in 1998 was sadistically murdered by three white men who beat and then tied him to the back of a pickup truck dragging him down rural roads until Byrd was decapitated. There’s no doubt this was a racially motivated crime, and the men involved got what they deserved. Two got the death penalty and the other life. But, Henry Gates in 2009 is a totally another matter.
First, Gates is friends with POTUS who affectionally refers to him as “Skip.” After returning from a trip, Gates forgot his keys and was actually attempting to jimmy his front door open. Where upon a neighbor who apparently wasn’t too neighborly failed to recognized him and instead call the cops.
When they came, Gates began almost immediately acting belligerent towards the white officer, Sergeant James Crowley, calling him a racist as confirmed by a neighbor and two other policemen, one black and one Hispanic. One couldn’t get a more racially diverse police trio, if he tried. Right?
Wrong! For Crowley actually teaches classes on racial profiling and for five years at the Lowell Police Academy being hand picked by former police Commissioner Ronny Watson, who just happens to be black. Crowley’s course, actually titled “Racial Profiling,” instructs officers on different cultures that they could encounter, and how not to single out anyone because of his/her ethnicity.
So, if there were anyone who wouldn’t have suffered from “A.S.S.”, “Acting Stupidly Syndrome,” as POTUS sans TOTUS has accused, it would be
Finally, some say that Gates precipitated his cop confrontation in order to generate publicity for himself. Some even say that the president was involved since they’re friends. Then, Gates was unlucky because the white officer couldn’t have been a worse choice to make his “I’m just another black man treated unfairly in
And, Obama was caught completely unaware of his friend’s missteps because he then wouldn’t have relied solely on his typical anti-white prejudice and accused the entire