Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Renowned journalist, and that word is being loosely applied here, Helen Thomas finally came out of the closest so to speak. Oh, not her sexuality, it was her political orientation that she admitted in a Canadian Broadcast interview. And like the homosexual claim, she was born a “liberal.” That is “not educated,” which demonstrates that liberalism is the lack of knowledge for how much does someone know when just pooped from the womb into the world.

Then, Thomas claimed that the only requirement for a journalist was to be a liberal. Yeah, that’s right what other prerequisite could there be. When she was asked about objectivity like a conservative might ask (why would only the rightwing make that inquiry?), Thomas replied defensively and with air of arrogance, “You’re not asking me not to think or have any feeling, are you?”

Then she went off that she’s been a journalist for 57 years and has never been accused of not being objective. Helen, let’s be honest dear, you haven’t been objective for 57 seconds. Yes, your liberal friends may tell you all the time how great you are. Lest we forget that Thomas authored “BDS” (Bush Derangement Syndrome), basically a hatred for everything Bush.

Thomas in one interview has let the cat of the bag, revealing the inner workings of the liberal mind or rather the lack thereof. In a nutshell, liberals don’t think; they feel. Their whole perspective is to advocate positions that make them “feel good.” And it matters not whether their beliefs accomplish anything good.

For instance, liberals constantly push for universal health insurance under the belief that nobody should ever be denied care just because of poverty. In essence, healthcare should be a right, like free speech. Oh wait, that’s not a right because liberals want to outlaw anything they don’t like from ever being said.

It doesn’t matter that socialized medicine has never worked anywhere else in the world. It’s at this point a liberal might actually have some pride in America as a country. If anyone can make it work, this nation could because, well, we put a man on the moon. Of course, I always heard the contrast to that statement. For example, how could America land a man on the moon, yet still can’t find a cure for the common cold?

The answer is simple. Landing on the moon is easier than curing a cold. No doubt the manned moon missions were a difficult, technical challenge involving thousands of engineers, astronauts, and numerous other support personnel. While gravity’s cause is poorly understood, its effect is and can be utilized in a stable and useful way.

Engineers can calculate how much force is required to escape Earth’s gravity, be grabbed by the moon’s, land on it and then escape and return. Crafts providing what humans require for the duration of the flight can be built because after all, we understand what we need to live.

Conversely, the rhinovirus, which causes colds, is constantly mutating and then re-infecting humans. There’s no vaccine for it like polio and other viruses, which once developed keeps the disease basically at bay for a lifetime.

No cornucopia of cures was ever found in those returned moon rocks. Undoubtedly, healthcare will only become more affordable with incremental innovations that gradually drop prices, increase supply and develop new treatments. Eventually, one will be discovered for colds. Socialized medicine will only stifle this process.

But liberals feel it can be done, but in fact, they’ve already done much to damage America’s healthcare system putting it effectively in a “crisis.” While many Americans bitterly complain when gas reaches $4/gallon or more, few notice that an aspirin costs more than $10 a tablet at their local hospital!

But, nobody ever accuses hospitals of price gouging. At ”Big H” prices a bottle of 100 tablets of aspirin would cost $1000. So, why do hospitals charge such a price? Because government mandates that care be provided regardless of whether an individual can pay.

An un-funded mandate, liberals can feel good about. They care so much for the poor they force hospitals to treat the un-paying regardless of whether they’re US citizens. The strain has force some hospitals to close while other charge evil insurance companies whatever to make up the gap to basically stay in business.

For their part, insurance companies raise premiums, reduce coverage and create Byzantine rules to even deny healthcare. But, woe goes to the politician that proposes removing this un-funded mandate. Uppity liberals would immediately declare how he’s uncaring. The DNC media would continuously parade poor sick people on the screen to basically guilt trip. Yet, how many of these liberals would actually reach into their own pockets to pay for the healthcare of even one poor person themselves?