Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Russian Reset, Nyet!

What if a cross between President Jimmy Carter and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain could be done and what would the result be? Given the recent actions of President Obama and a speech he gave to the UN recently, anyone with at least one functional neuron couldn’t help but notice that this man is encouraging dictatorships while at the same time disparaging American allies. And to what purpose, is Obama recklessly leading this world down a path to war?

Being a US senator for only 141 days before announcing his presidential bid, Obama’s foreign policy experience was iffy at best. But, couple that with a socialist mentality that has an absolute distain for the free market and a hatred for America’s projection of freedom (a.k.a. that darn Yankee imperialism), Obama acts as if America deserves every punishment that he can possibly muster.

For example, much has been said about Obama’s about face on the missile defense shield in Poland and Czechoslovakia. The fact that he reversed the policy on the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland in 1939 either indicates he’s the most dense politician ever or he just likes to rub it raw to American allies.

Whatever the reason, Polish president Donald Tusk wouldn’t return Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s phone call, which actually gave him something in common with another previous world leader, Ex-Pres. Bill Clinton. He supposedly never took calls from his lovely betrothed especially when he was involved in heavy dictation with an intern in the oval office.

But a ship based missile system while maybe being cheaper and more mobile than a land base system, will also be further away from Iran and Russia. So to protect Poland and Czechoslovakia, it will have to respond sooner. One senator said that the Ground-Based Missile Defense system in Alaska must be fully deployed and properly maintained just to protect America from attacks by rogue states.

Let alone Eastern Europe, and a ship based system will have to depend on a land based radar system sophisticated enough to facilitate missile interception. Yet, Obama did promise the new system would be quicker, cheaper and more effective against the threat of Iranian missiles. Of course, he makes those very same promises when it comes to healthcare as well. Yes, ObamaCare will be so good it’ll cure those radiation burns from Iranian nukes --- using assisted suicide, of course!

Both the Czech and Polish republics went out on a limb to house a missile defense shield. Their large neighbor, Russia was against it from the beginning which is rather strange. Since being a defense shield, it wouldn’t be a threat to Russia unless they were planning to invade someday. The bear attack unprovoked, who would ever think Russia do anything like that?

Promising at most some useless Iranian sanctions, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was just lovey-dovey afterwards. While attending the G20 summit, he told University of Pittsburgh students that love was the most important thing in life. He actually said, “Love is the closest thing that surrounds you.” It wouldn’t have been all that surprising had he started singing that Beatle’s song, “All you need is love. Love is all around…”

But, Medvedev, Putin’s puppet, isn’t the only dictatorship that’s been clicking his heels lately. Obama gave his UN speech that had a foreign leader given it just 10 years earlier; the American delegation would have walked out in protest. Instead, Obama impressed the world’s dictators.

Libya’s leader Colonel Gaddafi (pronounced What-a-Quack-is-he) called him his son. Last year, he referred to Obama as a Muslim, which makes him a rightwing kook in the left’s lexicon. Of course, Gaddafi is so loony in his logic that the translator during his 90 minute diatribe just up and quit because of the erratic sentence structure.

Then, there’s Iran’s leader who denies the Holocaust, but wants to nuke Israel out of existence. He told everyone afterwards that Obama agrees with him on America’s transgressions. Unfortunately, one can’t disagree with that especially when Obama accuses America of acting unilaterally, without regard for the interests of others.

It’s true that America sometimes acts solely in it own self interests. What country hasn’t? Yet, no other nation has been more selfless in promoting worldwide liberty. But, that doesn’t stop progressives from believing that America deserves the terrible atrocities done to her.

Normally, a president would distance himself from the praise of despotic dictators, but not Obama. He’s so narcissistic, he actually believes that they will love him, and he can achieve a world without nukes merely by pronouncing it.

Just months ago, Hillary Clinton gave a mistranslated “reset” button (it’s instead read “overcharge”) to Russia signaling supposedly a new era in relations. Unfortunately, what Obama really meant was “Reckless Empty-headed Surrendering and with Egotistical Temerity.”

Doodoo-ology: The Science of Sheer Stupidity

A good definition for progressivism would simply be “Educated Stupidity.” While many progressives believe everyone else is stupid, they’ve been taught to be stupider than stupid, for they go way beyond mere ignorance. Many have high muckety-muck degrees from prestigious universities, but what they’ve learned is pure crapola or in other words, just “Doodoo-ology.”

For example, progressives believe in socialism, which requires total economic ignorance because it’s never worked. They also fall hook, line and sinker for manmade global warming. They completely miss the terminology switch from “global warming” to “climate change” because temperatures have been dropping instead.

Progressivism also epitomizes ignorance is bliss. It doesn’t understand the law of unintended consequences, nor does it consider the other side of the coin. Obamatons, a highly deranged variant of progressivism, also believe everything Obama does is just “wunderbar.” He’s supposedly returning us back to science. These individuals would probably praise Obama giving a school speech asking kids to go home and kill their parents.

Interestingly, Obama’s failed escapade to Copenhagen is a perfect example of their “sicko fancy.” Obama and his wife actually took separate planes to Denmark to convince the IOC to give Chicago the 2016 Olympic Games. Incidentally, progressives never complained about the Obamas’ lack of “jet pooling” even though they profess CO2 is destroying the planet.

But, when Chicago was rejected, progressives blamed Bush because he supposedly so alienated the world that not even Obama, the one, could overcome the animosity. Progressives conveniently forget that Chicago somehow managed to become an Olympic finalist while Bush was president. Still, after Obama’s Olympic blunder, progressives think that Obama’s inept dialogue will actually convince Iran to surrender its nuclear ambitions.

Then, there’s Obama’s stimulus plan that’s failed keeping unemployment below his predicted maximum of 8%. His administration pronounces its success even as joblessness has reached 9.8%. It would have been 10.2%, but many unemployed workers have simply stopped looking for work.

Nevertheless, Obama claims that millions of jobs have been saved presenting no proof whatsoever. So, here’s a simple way to know if your job has been saved. If it still exists, then apparently it’s been saved. Obama’s “Stick It to Us” plan hasn’t eliminated it … yet.

Still, the sycophant media falls in lockstep declaring the worst is over even though the economy continues contracting. According to economists, it takes two consecutive quarters of GNP growth for a recession to be “officially” over. So far, there hasn’t even been one.

Obama, consumed with passing ObamaCare, has taken an Emperor Nero approach to this recession, playing his harp nude while the economy burns. Job loses mount while Obama nonchalantly demands another trillion dollar increase in the national debt. Well, what’s another trillion among friends?

But, where’s all that money going? Democrats are probably amassing it to flood the economy with government spending causing an economic boom that won’t bust until after the 2010 midterm election. Many Americans will probably be fooled into thinking that Obama has actually “fixed” the economy only to find out too late, they’re wrong.

Many progressives lionize the late Ted Kennedy, another classic example of “What’s wrong with Washington?” Chappaquiddick would have jailed anyone but a connected Kennedy who only cared about his political career after dunking his car allowing Mary Jo Kopechne to drown.

Kennedy, never having to work a day in his life, had about a much in common with the working man as a prince has to a pauper. Still, progressives expect socialized medicine opponents to rollover and allow them to pass his dream, “Ted’s you’re better off Dead” health-mare.

It’s not a debate when someone especially a leader isn’t honest, and this healthcare issue has become one big “Lie Fest.” When Obama said “Shovel Ready” projects, what he apparently meant was bull ready to shovel. During Obama’s speech to congress, the untruths got so deep that one congressman, Joe Wilson (R-SC) just had to shout, “You lie.” For instance, Obama said illegals weren’t covered under any bill in consideration. The truth: out of three bills only one even forbade illegals getting care, but it had no enforcement.

Of course, the DNC sycophant media tried to make Wilson out to be a racist. Progressives, usually devoid of intellectual counter arguments, always resort to applying an ism to their opponents. In Wilson’s outburst, there was an ism alright, but it wasn’t racism. It was anti-Marxism.

Finally, despite polls showing Americans are against ObamaCare, Democrats will attempt to pass their medical monstrosity anyway because after all progressives “expert doodoo-ologists” know it all. Unfortunately, Washington has too many of them. They’re changing America’s government from “of the people by the people for the people,” to one that lies to the people, ignores the people and soon could jail the people.