Thursday, October 14, 2010

Did you read the bill?

Congressman Tom Perriello touts his vote for ObamaCare as a good one. He’s proud the new law covers children to age 26, has no lifetime coverage limits and nobody can be denied health insurance because of a precondition. Oh yeah, it supposedly reduces the deficit. But truly, Congressman Perriello, did you read the bill?

If you had, you would have discovered that the administration costs weren’t included and will have to be paid with future appropriations. This has already eliminated any deficit reduction, and ObamaCare’s mandates have forced health insurance companies to raise premiums by double-digits just to stay in business.

President Obama promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” ObamaCare gives employers punitive mandates, half a trillion dollars in new taxes, and a burdensome regulatory compliance regime which is already thwarting economic recovery. Former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin argues that as many as 43 million people covered by employer-sponsored insurance may lose their current coverage.

The fast-food restaurant chain McDonalds has already announced that its mini-med plan can’t meet a 2011 requirement to spend at least 85% of its premium revenue on medical care because it’s simply unrealistic. So, that’s another 30000 to be added to the oft quoted millions of uninsured with another 1.4 million in jeopardy. Congressman Perriello, did you read the bill?

ObamaCare also drastically curtails health savings account (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs). According to the New York Times, “Flexible Spending, a Little Less So,” in 2011 OTC medicines won’t be reimbursable without a prescription. In 2013, ObamaCare will also reduce contribution limits to $2500.

In order to make this trillion dollar new entitlement (with $38 trillion in unfunded liabilities) look deficit neutral, Obamacare pretended to cut doctors’ Medicare reimbursement payments by 23%. Congress has already delayed these cuts to December and probably will delay them again in the lame duck session after the election exasperating the growing deficit.

If the cuts do go through, it will only accelerate the dropping of Medicare patients. For example, after Obama touted the Mayo Clinic as a national model for efficient healthcare, they stopped accepting Medicare patients in 2010 at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the government’s reimbursements were simply insufficient.

ObamaCare will also make it next to impossible for doctors to establish their own hospitals and will burden them with thousands of hours of new reporting requirements along with overburden emergency rooms. The massive expansion of Medicaid, which reimburses doctors at only 56% of the private practice rate, will result in a shortage of 300,000 nurses and 100,000 doctors by 2020. Congressman Perriello, did you read the bill?

Obamacare imposes a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices (like powered wheelchairs, hearing aids, breast-milk pumps, prosthetics, replacement joints, and diagnostic tools like MRI and CT scanners) as well as additional annual fees on health insurance providers. And these fees only increase every year. Only the cruel and heartless would hike taxes on much needed medical devices. Congressman Perriello, did you read the bill?

Medicaid spending already is about 21% of the typical state budget. Obamacare will significantly increase that. Of the 34 million Americans who gain health insurance through Obamacare, over half (18 million) will receive it through Medicaid. Only a state with a “Cornhusker Kickback” will avoid the looming budget crisis, and neither Virginian senator was smart enough to hold his vote until he got it.

Obamacare gives states bailouts through 2016. But in 2017, state taxpayers will have to shell out for Medicaid’s ever-expanding expense. If Medicaid spending increases by the projected 41%, in 2011 it could consume nearly 30% of the average state budget.44 states report that they’ve already exceeded projected Medicaid enrollment and spending targets for this year, and Obamacare will only make that worse. Congressman Perriello, did you read the bill?

The President’s own Medicare Actuary projects that the record-breaking payment reductions will hit hospitals, home health agencies and nursing homes. ObamaCare will make 15% of these providers unprofitable and possibly “jeopardize” seniors’ access to care.

On top of that, payment cuts to Medicare Advantage plans will hit seniors especially hard. Enrollment in these plans is expected to drop from 14.8 to 7.4 million. By 2017, the average annual per-capita cuts for Medicare Advantage enrollees will be about $3,700, a 27% reduction from today’s levels.

Congressman Perriello, did you ever read this bill? You probably didn’t and just accepted without question the lies like a good little Poodle of Pelosi, who actually said, “The bill must be passed before we can know what’s in it.” But even if Perriello had read the bill that would be worse since he would have been well aware of the horror being wrought upon America that’s fast becoming an ObamaMare.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hillary on the Hunt

Recently, “Secret-ary of State” Hillary Clinton, former predestined candidate for the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination, uttered in a question and answer session that the burgeoning debt was detrimental to national defense. Apparently, America can’t attack another nation and still expect that country to continue lending us money. Still, Hillary’s “lapse into reasoning” leads some to suspect that if Obama continues dropping in the polls, she may be positioning herself for another run for the office she covets most.

One of Obama’s smartest decisions (and it is probably his only one) was choosing for Vice President, Joe Biden. Biden is a true “gaffe-omatic” and a total nut-zoid who nobody in his right mind would ever want to be president. Even Democrats aren’t that crazy… Maybe? To be more precise, Obama’s VP decision is truly fateful in that he didn’t pick Hillary Clinton.

Some speculated that Hillary wasn’t chosen because she didn’t get along with Michele “my belle” Obama. Obama chose Biden even though Hillary on the ticket would have better unified the party. Well, it might have made those “birthers” happy. That’s right. Those pesky people who want to see Obama birth certificate (not necessarily on his forehead though) were all originally Democrats who strongly supported Hillary Clinton.

Hillary supporters were the original “birthers” who wanted to win regardless of repercussions. People like Attorney Phil Berg, who has tried to have his case heard in the US Supreme Court. Coincidentally, Justice Clarence Thomas admitted in congressional testimony that the court was evading the issue of presidential eligibility of non-naturally born citizens.

But, getting back to Obama’s forehead for a moment, dropping poll numbers and if Democrats lose big this November, Obama will be the first president to be a lame duck in his first term. Many Democrats would be out for the kill politically speaking that is, but some might want a kill literally especially if Hillary were the VP.

Oh, they’d never say it out loud, and if it ever happened, they’d reflexively blame some racist right wing tea partier without any proof whatsoever. Yet, secretly they’d thank whoever did it, for as Vice Hillary would immediately assume the mantel of leadership.

Since she’d be serving only the last half of Obama’s first term, she could be “officially” elected for another two full terms or the maximum of 10 years. At her age, that would practically make her dictator for life. And Democrats sure do love dictators like Cuba’s Fidel Castro and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and otherwise hate leaders who support liberty and freedom.

Obama could also have learned a lesson from Bill Clinton who chose Al Gore as his VP. When Bill was impeached by House Republicans, Senate Republicans became squeamish on his trial. They never even called one witness to testify against then President Clinton. Many pundits speculate that the reason was because polls showed Americans were against the impeachment. So, Senate Republicans were just trying to do the minimum constitutionally to dispatch what had become a political albatross.

But it also could have been Clinton’s VP, Al Gore, who had a reputation of being a global warming zealot. For Gore is also a nut with a mansion in Tennessee that not only used 20 times the national average in power consumption but also was made to look like the White House after his loss to George W in 2000. Senate Republicans had they convicted President Clinton would have made Gore President, and that possibility probably scared them to death.

Chris Matthews, Mr. “Obama Puts a Thrill Up My Leg” MSNBC host, postulated that the reason why women tea party candidates like Sharon Angle (R-NV) and Christine O’Donnell (R-DE) are doing well is that women are angry over Hilary’s loss to Obama and are “going genitally gung ho.” (Notice didn’t write “going ho” which would only have caused even more trouble genitally speaking.)

In his words, “There are an awful a lot of women that felt frustrated by Hillary Clinton's failure two years ago and I'm telling you it’s popping up, I'm hearing it anecdotally, I admit … these are women and they may be conservative women, but they are women nonetheless.” But, it’s a stretch that they’re voting for women who are Hillary’s polar opposite politically speaking.

Finally, there is a real reason for Hillary supporters to be angry. A website called with an associated documentary by Gigi Gaston details the many way that the Obama campaign did dirty tricks in the Democrat primaries to disenfranchise potential Hillary voters.

The website’s homepage claims that they are “Americans, not [just] angry liberals.” But, there’s this feeling from the site that they aren’t very happy, and they don’t plan on going away. Who knows, maybe they’ll become a “tea party” like movement in 2012.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


What a difference two years can make. During the 2008 presidential campaign, the slogans were “Hope,” “Change” and “Yes, we can.” But, after almost two years as president, Obama is having difficulty actually governing. With poll numbers dropping, Obama has put into overdrive what will be his strategy to win in 2010. Hence, his new campaign slogans are “Hope we can still blame Republicans” and “No, we can’t because of Republicans.”

This Labor Day, Obama stood in front of his union buddies and called for a $50 billion investment in long term infrastructure projects. This expenditure is finally the one we’ve been waiting for. The administration claims that this will finally “stimulate the flailing economy, create jobs and refill the exhausted highway trust fund.”

If the original $814 billion “Stick it to us” stimulus package didn’t do the trick, why should another $50 billion i.e. “son of stimulus” work. The administration claims that 3.5 million (or was that billion) jobs were either created and/or saved. Yet, the unemployment rate still exceeded the 8% that Obama promised would never go above if his “going deeper in debt” stimulus plan were passed.

What never seems to occur to Obama and his most non-business administration in history is maybe the stimulus caused more jobs to be lost than it gained. Even if it were one step forward, it has definitely been two steps back. Hence, that’s why people, who call themselves progressives, are really “pro-regressives.” It isn’t what you believe and how it makes you feel good that matters. It’s the results of those beliefs.

Undoubtedly, Government doesn’t spend money as efficiently as the private sector. If the government creates a job, it removes resources that could have created more jobs. One example is a recent Los Angeles audit where $111 million of stimulus money only created 55 jobs. It perfectly demonstrates that more government always results in less “real economy,” which is why another $50 billion will buy a cheap thrill but never a recovery.

Still, Obama will blame Republicans for not going with his ideas like a ham sandwich. Obama has to find a villain for his failures because blaming Bush no longer works. So, he’s trying to blame any Republican leader he can. House Minority Leader “Boogeyman” Boehner (R-OH), who hardly anybody knows, is now Obama’s bad guy who’s stopping Obama’s new stimulus that even Obama won’t call a stimulus. Only problem, Democrats have the majority in the House and not one Republican there can stop it.

Other Obama loser ideas include a $100 billion research and development tax credit, a hiring incentives package for small- and medium-sized business and a $42 billion small business package. Ron Bonjean, former communications director to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, says Obama is attempting a “hail Mary” pass.

Bonjean believes that Obama is throwing out ideas just to change the subject from his own failure. Obama knows that Congress has no appetite to enact a second stimulus. So, it’s all talk, a sham.

It’s not like Obama hasn’t perpetrated a few of those in his short tenure. One just occurred in Iraq. Obama made this big announcement that, despite Iraqis having difficulty forming a new government, the US has on time ended combat missions, and its forces have entered into an “advisory” role.

Yet, “former” combat solders are reporting that despite the name change, they’re going on the same old missions and doing the same “combat like” actions that they did before. Obama has the audacity to complain that his critics wouldn’t believe him even if he said the sky was blue or that there were fish in the sea. I have to admit I’d doubt those statements too given his record of “truth-less-ness.”

And most of Obama’s new stimulus isn’t even for the average American worker. Instead it’s for his union buddies. Just like a lot of things Obama does. In ObamaCare, unions with Cadillac healthcare plans are exempt from taxation while the rest of America will have to pay on top of their gross salary.

That’s what billions of dollars buys with Obama, for he has said, “I owe these unions.” But payback won’t be just jobs. It’s also filling up their coffers from all their campaign donations to Democrats. That’s right. They begged, borrowed and stole to get Democrats elected, and in return Democrats borrow and steal from taxpayers to reward unions. Obama wants another $50 billion for “union” infrastructure.

However, very little of the original $814 billion actually went to so-called shovel ready projects. Apparently, the only thing ready to shovel was manure. Yet, Obama complains that keeping Bush’s tax cuts will cost $700 billion, but that’s just letting the people who will do more real economic stimulus than the government could do even with 10 times that amount.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

To ACTA or Not To ACTA

That is the question this September where 27 nations including the US will try to enact the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). ACTA deals with “piracy over the Internet,” which includes counterfeit goods, generic medicines, censorship and downloading. This treaty would create a global organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, to control globally copyright and intellectual property rights.

President Obama earlier this year has already expressed support for the agreement, saying it was necessary to protect American businesses and technologies. If that’s the case, Obama is justified for it’s his job to protect American interests. When intellectual property is copied by foreign entities it’s means lost jobs for American workers.

U.S. movie, music, software and other copyright-based industries calculate a loss of more than $16 billion in sales every year from pirated versions of their products. Many of these counterfeit and pirated goods are made in China.

Unfortunately, China, where in 2006 the US filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization for inadequate enforcement of copyright protections, is not part of ACTA. In fact, China just might use ACTA to justify their “great firewall” of censorship, and many ACTA critics here fear that any signatory nation could use it to justify censorship as well.

But, ACTA critics also fear far worse. According to, ACTA would overrule any law in a signatory country, and deal harsher, unfair and ineffective punishment to anyone suspected of piracy, all without a court trial. And it could be anyone who is just suspected of listening or uploading a song illegally. Watch out teenagers. It’d be better to be a stopped as an illegal on his way to getting an ice cream cone in Arizona.

But, ACTA doesn’t just go after an errant urchin or two. It also makes Internet Service Providers (ISP) legally responsible for their user’s downloaded content. ISPs could become worse than Windows Vista, but instead of the constant, “Did you initiate that action?” Questioning instead would be, “Do you own this song’s legal copyright?” Or worse still, “Are you the artist formally known as Prince?”

If not, an otherwise innocent Internet interloper could quickly find himself a criminal and incur a huge fine. Recently, the RIAA (Recording Industries Association of America) sued a 12 year old girl for downloading. And RIAA only seeks $150,000 per song violation.

International negotiations on ACTA have largely been done secretly. It’s another ObamaCare moment. We’ll only find out what’s in the treaty after it’s be ratified. Luckily, the agreement has been leaked and already several European privacy organizations have wrote an open letter that stated, “The current draft of ACTA would profoundly restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of European citizens, most notably the freedom of expression and communication privacy.”

One organization went further arguing, “ACTA will create a culture of surveillance and suspicion.” Aaron Shaw, Research Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, argues that “ACTA would create unduly harsh legal standards that do not reflect contemporary principles of democratic government, free market exchange, or civil liberties.”

For its part the European Commission in 2008 denied that negotiations were undertaken in secret. Their explanation was, “For reasons of efficiency, it is only natural that intergovernmental negotiations dealing with issues that have an economic impact, do not take place in public.” In other words, it’s not secrecy; it’s efficiency that things are done without public scrutiny.

Their idea of public disclosure is simply announcing negotiations are taking place but not the results. Now that’s where Democrats got the idea on how to pass ObamaCare. However, it’s not like ACTA is the war plans for the D-day invasion. Secrecy only breeds distrust, and from the agreement’s leak now we see why.

Terms like piracy use too broad of a definition, which could be interpreted as any “willful large scale infringements.” Legitimate entrepreneurs and civilians can be criminalized with excessive penalties. The following are examples of such infringements:

  • a newspaper, whistle blower or blogger revealing a document,
  • ambiguous cases of trademark confusion,
  • parallel importation buying and selling of genuine products,
  • making a product or medicine where patents have unclear scope and validity
  • same with unexamined design right on the production of spare parts,
  • an office worker emailing a copy of a market research report to another coworker,
  • emailing a list of people violating an unexamined database right,
  • a library, preserving digital sound recordings for posterity, unlawfully breaking technical protection each time it lawfully receives a sound recording,
  • Youngsters enthusiastically sharing their favorite music with friends.

The end result may be a total shutdown of the Internet, one of the last vestiges of liberty on this planet. And that may very well be the true intent of ACTA.


Leaked documents reveal draft text of top-secret global copyright deal ^ |

That Anomalous Arctic

The stories have been in the news but not necessarily on the front page nor been the newspaper headlines, and they’ve not been the lead stories on television news. But make no mistake. These stories have been around and have become the counter attack to ClimateGate and the not all too surprising follow-up to 2009, currently the supposed warmest year on record.

Now the alarmists claim that since March each successive month has been the warmest ever. And if this trend continues, then without a doubt 2010 will eclipse 2009 and become the new banner record year for global warming. In fact, they already claim 2010 will be unless a deep La Nina develops quickly. But, questions remain. Were they truly the warmest months?

Both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in conjunction with the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claim that. But, as of late these scientific as well as governmental organizations have lost much of their credibility. GISS under the command of its director, Dr. James Hansen, has become more “govern-mental” than anything else.

In 2008, Hansen had proudly announced that particular October to be the warmest ever. Yet, quickly afterwards busybody bloggers discovered that Russian September’s temperature data had been copied to October’s verbatim. Since temperatures in this Northern region are rapidly cooling, this little “trick,” as alarmists are apt to do, produced the desired results as well as the headlines except those blasted bloggers botched it.

Hansen still claimed that October 2008 was the hottest. He just managed to find hotspots over the Hudson Bay in Canada that conveniently nobody especially busybody bloggers could verify. Hansen apparently seems to be at it again only the part of the planet in question is different.

Many Americans probably believe that it was the temperature in the Eastern and Southern United States as well as Russia that are the climate chaos culprits. While they were indeed hot, they weren’t the fault. One place on the planet was just sizzling, well maybe just a little less chilly, the Arctic. The high Artic that is, specifically the area north of eighty degrees latitude, was according to GISS this June up to four degrees warmer than its long-term average.

The so-called normal global temperature for June is 59.9°F, but because of the high Artic heat it was 1.22° above or 61.1°F. It was so hot, that from space steam could be seen rising over the North Pole. It was so hot, that polar bears were seen sunning themselves on floating icebergs naked. Who knew they could just take off their fur coats.

What’s interesting is that there aren’t any thermometers there. That’s right in the high Arctic GISS just guesses. So, the warming is entirely fabricated. Now, there are lies. There are damn lies. There’s statistics. But in the advent of the computer age, there are computer algorithms that can lie at over a billion calculations a second. In the end as will be seen, a lie is a lie is a lie.

To determine the temperatures of the Arctic, GISS takes measured temperature data from lower latitudes. A mathematical method known as extrapolation can be used to determine values outside a known range. But GISS isn’t just guesstimating here. Instead it’s data manipulation to the extreme. They literally take it to the point of “ex-CRAP-olation.”

GISS smoothes the temperature data using a box that can be as much as 1,200 kilometers in length. Where there are more temperature stations, actual readings overlap, and the weight of any one station is averaged with others around it. So, the effect of any one station is mitigated.

But in areas where stations are sparse, i.e. the high Arctic, one thermometer can really skew the calculations. Using a 250 degree smoothing factor to generate the Arctic temperature “data,” the truth is shocking as well as appalling. GISS has very little actual data above 60 degrees and none above 80 degrees latitude. That four degree temperature Artic anomaly that’s driving this banner year of warming is based on data that simply doesn’t exist.

In fact, Hansen admits that Arctic warming is the main factor in driving global warming. One would think as a scientist he would want to verify that the estimated data was accurate by placing more temperature stations in the region, but Hansen has shown it only the result that counts not whether it’s real. It seems that the alarmists aren’t giving up their old tricks.

Incidentally, Artic ice over the last three years has been returning despite the “warming.” It’s probably because all that extra CO2 is somehow raising the freezing point of water. And while the Arctic ice is still below average, Antarctica’s has been way above normal. Wasn’t global warming supposed to melt both polar icecaps?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Recovery, What Recovery?

Obama and his many mighty minions are convinced that Americans will believe there’s an economic recovery if they just say it’s coming back often enough. Obama constantly insists that his $862 billion “Stick It to Us” stimulus plan has yet to make its biggest impact and that we’ve “turned the corner” economically speaking. VP Joe Biden always good for a gaffe that’s a laugh called this “The Summer of Recovery. ” Well, that’s only true for people who were chronic workaholics.

Meanwhile, the oft-quoted unemployment number continues to hover at almost 10% while real unemployment is more like 19%. The “official” rate has dropped but mainly because many are giving up what has become a futile search.

In addition to dismal unemployment, housing starts rose 1. 7%, but at a much weaker rate than expected in July, and that figure will more than likely be revised downward. Permits for future home construction plummeted 3. 1% to the lowest level in more than a year. Home sales have dropped 27% much worse than expected, the worst in 15 years.

According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, food stamps recipients hit a record high in May 2010 with 40. 8 million Americans receiving subsidies. That is more than one in eight citizens of this once great nation even though many receivers are probably illegal, i. e. “Undocumented on the dole. ” And, the USDA projects the number of people using food stamps will reach 43. 3 million in 2011.

Now there’s the second quarter GNP growth that has been revised down from a not-so-great 2. 4% to an anemic 1. 6%. Housing starts in June, which were originally reported to have dropped 5%, were revised to a fall of 8. 7%. Interestingly, the numbers are always revised downward, which leads to a conspiracy theory that they are manipulated in an attempt to make Obama look better. The DNC sycophant media dutifully reports the initial better numbers, but the worse revised ones are either barely reported or just sort of forgotten.

Still, the “recovery” what little there’s been has apparently sputtered. Economists have begun to utter that dreadful phrase “double dip,” and unfortunately they aren’t referring to ice cream, which would not have melted away as quickly as the recovery even in this summer’s sweltering heat.

Recently, the UK Guardian reported, “Even the criminals have fallen on hard times in America’s poorest city as the long-term unemployed struggle to keep a grasp on normality. ” The British newspaper continued which even more somber news. Over the past three months alone more than a million Americans have effectively lost hope in finding a job.

They join the already 4. 9 million disparaged unemployed who are likely to grow many millions more as “their jobless status becoming a permanent state of hopelessness. ” Surveys show that with every passing week the unemployed chances of finding a job only get slimmer and dimmer.

It’s amazing to listen to Democrats still complain about Bush taking Clinton’s budget surplus into deficit. But, Clinton didn’t achieve a balanced budget. Congress did because they control spending. The Republican controlled congress under Newt Gingrich briefly achieved this milestone unless pro-regressives want to believe Republicans were just a rubberstamp for Slick Willy. That would be the very Republicans who impeached him.

And while deficits under Bush weren’t good, they were a result in part to two simultaneous wars, both initially supported by Democrats. Yet, Obama in 18 months has super sized the deficits to over $1. 4 trillion, and he is on track to more than double the total debt he inherited in 10 years. It took Obama to make America realize that Bush’s deficits weren’t so bad.

Except for spending trillions on useless stimulus and passing so-called entitlement with trillions of unfunded liabilities with hidden tax increases on the middle class, what are Democrats proposing now to lift America out of this Jimmy Carter like malaise? Why the “The Americans Want to Work Act (S. 3706). ” Leave it to pro-regressives to come up with a bill title to disguise what are basically their same old, failed ideas.

One old idea is extending unemployment insurance another 20 weeks to the already 99 weeks (almost two years) that a layoff worker is eligible in states with 7. 5% or higher unemployment. Republicans have balked at that notion not because they hate the unemployed as the DNC sycophant media tries to portray.

Instead they wanted Democrats to follow their promise of PayGo, cutting spending elsewhere to pay for any new proposed benefits. Not many remember them making that promise that they have yet to follow even once. And as far as unemployment benefits go, they should probably just be extended until Obama exits office because that’s how long before Bush’s tax cuts get extended and ObamaCare’s massive tax increases get repealed. Then, the economy can truly recover.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Curse Those Camels

Much ado has been made on the “Ground Zero Mosque” (GZM) to be built just two blocks from the World Trade Center (WTC) memorial. The issue was just a smoldering sore spot for many, but then Obama entered the fray coming out in support of its construction.

Leave it to Obama to throw gasoline on the fire igniting to only his surprise a firestorm. Of course, it’s Bush’s fault. On the positive side, property rights, a freedom Obama has only been undermining for the last 18 months, he seems to have rediscovered if only for a moment.

Compounding the issue and making sure it’s in the headlines for weeks to come, not to be outdone Squeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that all opposition to the GZM should be investigated. Only a complete idiot would think that then suggesting that investigating where the $100 million for building the mosque is coming from (actually a good idea) would then quell Pelosi’s initial idiocy. She’s someone who could even make a camel seem incredibly intelligent.

Of course, Democrats blame everyone else but themselves for the problems they create. The GZM was a local issue of the New York Port Authority. They apparently had no problem giving a mosque a green light while at the same time denying a Greek Orthodox Church a rebuilding permit. The church was damaged on 9/11 and has been waiting nine years for approval.

Yet, the Port Authority complained that the church, 24,000 square feet and topped with a grand dome, would be too large and the height of the proposed dome too high. They said it couldn’t rise higher than the WTC memorial. The proposed mosque will be 13 stories, far above the height of the WTC memorial. Interestingly, how they chose not to impose any height restrictions on it.

Because Obama stepped in camel’s crap again (another beer summit?), Democrats and their media operatives went into the usual attack mode, name calling. Opponents of the GZM are not only racist but also “intolerant.” The New York al Timezerra published an article, “Obama’s Mosque Tolerance Upsets Those Who Want a 'White and Largely Christian’ America.”

Leave it to the obsolete media, who in their minds are the only ones who understand journalism, to ratchet up the racist rhetoric instead of just reporting the news. Well, Islam is not a race, and as a religion many of its adherents are the most intolerant followers on the planet.

The “Ass-ociated” Press (AP) released an advisory memo ordering its journalists that they must immediately stop calling the controversy “The Ground Zero Mosque Story.” Instead AP recommends these possible titles “mosque 2 blocks from WTC site,” “Muslim (or Islamic) center near WTC site,” “mosque near ground zero,” or simply “mosque near WTC site.” Why not “Magnificent Muslims Just Want To Build Meek Mosque near WTC Yet Fear Massive Infidel Intolerance?”

What’s intolerant is that this mosque will be called the “Cordoba House.” For historically challenged pro-regressives, that’s the Spanish city where Muslims established their caliphate conquest in Europe. It would be like building in Mecca or Medina, Islam’s most holy sites, a “Crusader Church.”

Oh wait, Christians and Jews are forbidden to enter these cities and can be murdered by Muslims for doing so. Saudi Arabian road signs warn infidels of this overwhelming tolerance. But, it takes two for tolerance. In other words, tolerance is a two way street. If they aren’t going to tolerate America, then in no way should Americans tolerate them.

According to recent polls, one in five Americans believes Obama is a Muslim, and the numbers who believe he’s a Christian are dropping. Obama constantly praises Islam while at the same time denigrating Christianity. Still, many in the media portray “Muslim-ers” like the “Birth-ers” as being just one hump short of a full camel.

Even over four in ten Americans are uncertain what religion Obama is. Making incredulous the White House assertion, “The president is obviously a Christian. He prays every day.” Yeah, but to who? Himself? Is Obama just another modern day Mohammad?

The president may be professing faith in Christ to cover his true beliefs, an allowable offense for Muslims under certain circumstances. It’s called “Taqiyya,” lying to advance the agenda of Islam. In fact, the Quran, the Hadith, Islam’s holy books, as well as Shariah law permit a Muslim to falsify his identity to non-Muslims a.k.a. those wacky intolerant infidels.

Finally, Obama had a Muslim father and attended an Islamic school in Indonesia. In Islam, the father determines the religion. Once a Muslim, conversion to another religion is punishable by death which is another “tolerant” aspect of Islam. Undoubtedly, Obama is either a Muslim or an Islamic apostate, and nothing can change that camel’s nose under the proverbial tent.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just Too Cushy For Their Tushies

Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello, who hopefully only has five more months in his job, claims that he’s the hardest working man in congress. Well, nobody will ever accuse Perriello of being overly modest. And while he’s down in the polls in his re-election bid against Republican opponent John Hurt, he seems to be very up on the Internet that is.

With ads, ads everywhere many “Perriello for Congress” ads are saying “Tom Creates Jobs,” “Tom Means Jobs” and “Jobs for Southside Virginia. No One Works Harder. Guaranteed.” He almost sounds like a hair loss product. The only thing he didn’t promise was a money back guarantee. Coming from a congressman, that statement is automatically guaranteed to be “too good to be true.”

Click on the ad and a video appears where Tom literally gets dirty. At one point, he even spills coffee on himself. At the end, he’s in a soiled shirt and a stained face. It’s a wonder that he didn’t have sweat beading down from his brow.

So, after almost two years of passing bills furthering the greatest takeover of the private sector by government, Tom has finally got to the point of trying to save only one job, his own. But, Tom isn’t the only Democrat congressman working hard on that front. New York congressman Charles Rangel seems to have gotten himself into a bit of a tangle.

Income tax evasion in the form of not reporting income along with many other ethic charges is the highest hypocrisy for the former chairman of the Ways and Means committee, which just writes the tax laws. If even the chairman can’t even get his IRS taxes right, who can? It’s not like he’s the Treasury Secretary. Oh, wait that guy can’t his taxes right either.

After years of pointless investigation, mainly because Democrats were hoping the charges would go away, Rangel has decided to fight them as well as for his seat leading to a juicy trial right before the 2010 elections. Because of Rangel’s tenacity, Democrats are now hoping that just Rangel goes away. When even the president says it’s time to “end his career with dignity,” Rangel is getting a clear signal from the powers that be that they want him, a 40 year veteran politician, to be a power that’s gone.

Yet, Rangel won’t be alone in his troubles. He’ll have a fellow Democrat traveler who herself has her own ethics charges. Congresswoman Maxine Walters (D-CA), considered one of the most corrupt congressional members in the Democrat caucus, has conflict-of-interest charges because she urged federal aid for a bank where her husband had not only served on the board but also had substantial stock holdings.

And although not charged, Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. a.k.a. “Senate Candidate #5” in the Blago affair, through third parties he attempted to buy Obama’s senate office. It’s a wonder that Democrats just didn’t use Ebay to sell the seat.

It should be noted although it should be totally irrelevant that all three congressional members are black. But in America today, which should be in the most racially unified period of its existence having abolished slavery and segregation, it is not. Now anytime a pro-regressive black politician (note conservative blacks need not apply) is in political hot water, the counter charges of racism always fly rampant.

Since these three CBC members, the congressional black caucus (no racism here), are in deep doodoo simultaneously, it’s a racist conspiracy. So much so, that Walters had to issue this warning, “We got to say to folks in leadership whether it’s the White House or anybody else, don’t be so afraid of white folks that you treat black people bad. Whether it is the White House or the NAACP, you cannot live in the moment of responding to the right wing press.”

One thing Walters apparently is very good at is working her mouth and putting her foot in it, but many in congress also work their mouths excessively hard. Congressman Barney Frank always a sputter (spitting while uttering) has been second to none in that regard. But lately, other Democrats have been working hard to dethrone the queen.

At a town hall meeting, Congressman Pete Stark was asked how he could declare health care a right when it forces others to render slavishly their services, and such government could do anything. He responded, “The Federal government, yes, can do most anything in this country.” This caused an immediate raucous uproar.

Ole' Pete has unwittingly admitted what was always suspected. Democrats are working feverishly hard to dismantle that yoke on power known as the US Constitution. In the final analysis, what is unquestionably true about congress is that none works harder than one trying to save his own derriere.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

No Right to Rewrite

With Obama’s poll numbers dropping faster than BP’s stock lately, it’s highly likely that “Obama, the None,” will fulfill his prophecy of being a one term president. But his lasting effect on what’s left of the American republic could be decades especially on the judicial system. The decision on Arizona’s new immigration law demonstrates Bill Clinton’s effect even after being “out of orifice” for a decade.

One of the president’s greatest powers is filling federal judicial positions. Often these jobs are for life, and except for impeachment, which is rarely done, there’s nothing the electorate can do when a judge assumes unprecedented powers, and pro-regressives tend to do that because they believe they’re better than everyone else.

They’re better than the founders of this nation who wrote that silly document called the US Constitution. When they rule, the laws legislators wrote and the people support also don’t matter. That explains Susan Bolton’s decision to exclude major parts of Arizona’s law and for the most ludicrous of reasons.

First, she’s a Clinton appointment, which shouldn’t be a factor, but unfortunately it is. Currently, America’s judicial system is clogged with Carter, Clinton and now Obama judges that are for the most part the most partisan of people. Pro-regressives will always say these judges are impartial, but that’s because they agree with most of their decisions.

In Boltan’s case, she struck down three major parts of Arizona’s law. Specifically, sections that required officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws, the requirement that immigrants carry their papers at all times and the section banning illegals from soliciting employment in public places.

She essentially has forced Arizona to be a sanctuary state where it’s legal to basically be illegal. Four-term Arizona sheriff Larry Dever said, ”States have a right to protect themselves.” Unfortunately, the feds have allowed Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate at least 70 miles into Arizona territory. In one national park, a hiker will likely be observed by these Mexican invaders.

In her ruling, Boltan wrote, “The court by no means disregards Arizona’s interests in controlling illegal immigration and addressing the concurrent problems with crime including the trafficking of humans, drugs, guns, and money [That’s bull]. Even though Arizona’s interests may be consistent with those of the federal government [Unfortunately, it’s not], it is not in the public interest for Arizona to enforce preempted laws. [Again, that’s bull]” At this point a “what” is entirely an appropriate response.

Essentially, her reasons was that Arizona’s law would somehow interfere with the federal government’s ability to enforce its immigration law, which it’s not enforcing at all because the open borders crowd claims that government doesn’t have the resources. What’s more ridiculous is that they don’t even want a state’s help.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, much maligned, anti-illegal advocate, reasonably questions, “Why don’t they just say, Thank you, sheriff. Let’s join forces? We cannot do this job alone. We need local law enforcement to work together.” Obama cooperates more with Mexico than he does with US states because he sees illegals as a Democrat voter registration drive. “Get ‘em legal, get ‘em on welfare, then get ‘em voting for Democrats!”

Yet, wacky decisions like Prop 8 being declared unconstitutional when voters approved amending it to California’s constitution are to be expected from pro-regressive judges. Even after the 2010 election, Obama has two more years to select nominees hostile to the republic. In the case of Elena Kagan, who no doubt is a pro-regressive despite her testimony, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) still voted in favor of her confirmation

He was criticized for a diatribe he gave explaining why he supported her. In it he said she wouldn’t be his choice because she’s pro-choice, but still Obama had made a wise choice. There were many other incoherent points. No doubt Graham is a RINO, “Republican in Name Only,” but he did make one valid point. Elections have consequences. Even if Kagan were prevented from getting on the highest court by a Republican filibuster, Obama would have just chosen another unappealing candidate.

The recent 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court affirming that the 2nd Amendment does give the right to bear arms is nice, but it demonstrates that only a slim majority is upholding the republic. Yet, if pro-regressives are in power long enough, it’s only a matter of time before they eventually replace one crucial conservative vote with a pro-regressive one. Then, the highest court will rule the contrary.

Gun owners will probably have the same reaction as the Arizona’s sheriffs. Sheriff Arpaio plans his 17th crime and immigration sweep. He plans to hold it despite Boltan’s ruling. Likewise, gun owners will still cling to their guns, and the Supreme Court would no longer have the right to determine our rights

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

From Obama, the One, to “Obama, the None”

Remember when then VP candidate Joe Biden after the market crash of 2008 in one of his many gaffes said that Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) “got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He [FDR that is] said, “Look, here’s what happened.”

Well, that didn’t happen. FDR never said any of what Biden quoted. FDR wasn’t president in 1929, and television being a novelty wasn’t generally available. While Biden’s memory can be termed faulty at best, there’s no doubt that Biden and Obama revere a man who not only presided over the Great Depression, but did much to make it worse.

Biden has called this season the “Summer of Recovery.” But, the economy isn’t cooperating. Lately, he’s reverted to his Bush’s recession rhetoric. But, it’s totally laughable to hear Democrats criticize Bush while at the same time laud FDR. Unfortunately, what many were taught about the period from 1929 to 1941 was wrong. First was that Herbert Hoover, Republican president in 1929, practiced laissez-faire economics.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Hoover rejected the Coolidge-Mellon dictum that kept government from active participation in the economy. Ignoring the protests of more than 1,000 economists, Hoover signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act in June 1930 the highest protective tariff measure in U.S. history. Widespread reciprocation followed as other nations retaliated against American protectionism.

However, Hoover did adhere to the tradition of not providing direct assistance to individuals in providing many early relief efforts. In 1932 he created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to maintain the economic health of major banks and industries. It was eerily similar to the bailout bills of today.

There was also the Federal Home Loan Bank Act an effort to slow foreclosures and increase homeownership. It and many other puny governmental measures did little to stop the depression. Obama’s plan to stop foreclosures also isn’t working because they are up 75%.

Still, one act by Hoover turned what would have been a short recession into the calamity remembered today. Specifically, Hoover raised taxes. The Revenue Act of 1932 raised income tax rates across the board, with the top rate rising from 25 to 63%.

The 1929 stock market crash began an economic contraction that caused tax revenues to fall. Hoover reasoned that deficits would create uncertainty in the business community, so he necessitated a balanced budget to maintain business confidence. What a difference to the politicians of today!

But, Hoover’s tax hike failed because revenue continued to drop. The $462 million deficit of 1931 became the $2.7 billion of 1932 largely because revenue fell from $1.15 billion in 1930 to $834 million in 1931, $427 million in 1932, and just $353 million in 1933. With already a large deficit of $1.4 trillion and major tax increases from ObamaCare and Bush tax cuts expiring in 2011, it would be nice if this administration would take note of these statistics. But, they won’t.

Like Obama’s, FDR’s campaign was short on specifics, but long on optimism. He didn’t need the “Yes we can” slogan. His campaign just played “Happy Days Are Here Again” over and over at each rally. And Like 2008, voters in 1932 voted overwhelmingly for change.

While FDR criticized Hoover’s tax increase, once in office he did nothing to repeal it. Instead he pushed for even higher taxes on the rich. In 1935, he raised the upper rate to 79%. Interestingly, only $250 million was collected from that tax hike and only one person, John D. Rockefeller, ever paid the top rate.

FDR was too enamored with his “New Deal” and believed government could spend the nation into prosperity just as Obama is doing now. FDR call it “priming the pump” creating various ABC programs that did create million of jobs, but by 1938 unemployment was over 20% indicating that many more jobs were lost. The economic pump wasn’t being primed, instead it was being purged.

Likewise, Obama and his minions continue making counter factual claims about the billions of jobs being saved and created while actual unemployment increases. Oh, the official rate drops, but it’s a joke because workers who stopped looking aren’t counted.

Recently, Obama celebrated 300 new jobs created by his “Stick It to Us” stimulus plan at a battery plant in Michigan. Spending $150 million to build and staff its production that comes to only $500000 per job. The private sector would have done better. However, government planning always does worse than just letting the free market work, but that’s blasphemous to pro-regressives who can’t help themselves into believing they can manipulate the economy to cure all ills. There’s no doubt that Obama like FDR is creating millions of jobs. He’s just eliminating many more millions to do it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Politicizing Professions

Just imagine if other professions were like politics. Let’s go beyond just comparisons to prostitution because currently there aren’t many differences of note between those two except that in politics the ones getting screwed i.e. the taxpayers really don’t enjoy it. However, what if engineers were like politicians making many promises with their products yet don’t keep a single one of them?

The typical electronic product would advertise the most incredible list of capabilities. There wouldn’t be anything that this device couldn’t do, but once the product is bought, taken home and opened only then is it revealed the severe limitations. Not many of the desired functions work properly, and there are numerous anomalous features i.e. bugs that were not advertised.

The website “The Onion” has a spoof on just such a product. It’s the “Sony Stupid Piece of ‘place appropriate expletive for excrement here.’” Buyers purchase the product because they like spending big money on the latest gizmo that can just utterly frustrate them, and Sony is proud to create a product that is so successful at driving their customers totally crazy. Supposedly, it’s just a spoof.

Some would argue that the new “iPhone4” could be such a product. It has a severe problem with reception if it’s held the wrong way. Like in politics it’s a scandal that’s already been called Antenna-Gate. And like a politician, the company’s CEO gave a press conference where he defiantly defended his new baby.

Even though it has problems, its design is not flawed the CEO proclaimed. “This has been blown so out of proportion, it’s incredible,” he told reporters. He even accused the media of trying to “tear down” a company that’s been so successful. There the media goes again on an agenda against success and anything big, like “Big iPhone.”

The company’s value lost more than $16 billion since its gizmo’s debut, but shares climbed 1.4 percent after a free case is offered. A case is a good place for a product that has problems. Yet, frustrated users would have probably appreciated more being able to flush their non-functional devices with “iToilet.” No doubt, there’s a crap for that.

While the CEO admits that his iPhone is “not perfect,” he had only heard about the antenna problems just days ago. He called a Bloomberg report that he had been warned about the problems well before its debut a “total crock.” It’s a political “What did he know and when did he know it” scenario.

He then accused the New York Times of “making stuff up.” That’s something the New York al Timezerra has only done millions of times. Could it be that this liberal CEO is finally getting the conservative treatment? Well liberal CEO, welcome to the world of prize winning pro-regressive New York journalism.

What if the product were an important energy source like oil? This company would have the worst safety record far worse than any other of its competitors. But it wouldn’t matter because this company would have bought off many politicians including the US president who received more money than anyone else.

Then, after receiving a “categorical exclusion,” in other words, “a license to spill” from that very president, this company goes about its business to have the worst accident in what was previously the safest aspect of the oil industry not having a oil rig explosion for over 60 years. Oil tankers have spilled the most oil historically, but this company in one oil rig explosion managed to change all that in just 90 days.

But, don’t worry the president grants a get out of jail free card for only $20 billion. Then the president’s wife wears a white shirt on an oil soaked beach that looked like she rolled around on that very same oil soaked beach. After she recommends that everyone should come and vacation on an oil soaked beach, she goes and vacations with the president and their children on another beach that is not oil soaked.
But what if the hero of the whole oily story was a plumber? Yeah, just an ordinary guy who looks at an extraordinary problem and designs a cap that finally plugs the hole. And he doesn’t even have a daughter who had to ask him to accomplish that task while he was shaving. But if one thinks this could never happen, he obviously hasn’t been paying attention lately.

Disclaimer: Anything or anyone portrayed in this article is in no way meant to be a representation of actual events, persons or companies. If readers do get an eerie feeling that an actual something or somebody has been portrayed, it is entirely coincidental and accidental and should be immediately disregarded, i.e. no lawyers need be consulted, which incidentally is another profession but for another article.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Communism that’s Contra Crackers

Many voters chose Obama because they believed he was a racial reuniter. Never mind his membership to the Trinity United Church (and church is used loosely here). It practiced BLT, not the famous sandwich, but “Black Liberation Theology.” BLT is one of the most racist religions on the planet, and Obama not only called the Reverend Wright, the pastor there, his mentor, but also sat below his pulpit for 20 year

Yet, the “Look the other way” media gave him a pass even claiming that critics were taking Wright out of context on his America bashing. But, when Wright made a speech at the National Press Club and pretty much reiterated the same radicalism, then presidential candidate Obama was forced to essentially disavow any connection to his extremist pastor.

Still, Obama didn’t have to do much for the “tickle going up their legs” media. Just one speech was all it took, and they immediately called Obama another Abe Lincoln. Soon afterwards, they went right back to praising the One.

Essentially, all Obama said was that he was unaware of Wright’s radical beliefs. That admission was actually worst than the truth because if Obama really didn’t know, then it demonstrated how naïve as a president he would be and is. Just imagine if Wright were a foreign leader, he could dupe Obama sort of like how Iran and Russia are doing now.

If Obama does agree with Wright, why does he, and more importantly how will his hatred effect America? Certainly, Islam plays an important role in Obama’s family including his father, step-father, an uncle and a grandfather where Obama’s got his name “Hussein.” Yet, in one of his many memoirs, “Dreams of my Father,” Obama revealed that it was the political views of his mother, who had become an Islamophile who hated America which influenced him the most.

According to his friends and classmates, Obama was a devout Muslim until he married Michelle where he promptly changed his religion. Yet, belonging to Wright’s church was just a natural extension of his Islamic upbringing. Wright formally belonged to the Nation of Islam.

If Obama’s conversion were true, Obama would be a Muslim apostate and subject to death. It’s a wonder that a fatwa hasn’t been issued commanding every Muslim to kill him. Unless Muslims worldwide believe that he really hasn’t converted. In June, an Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that he had had a one-on-one meeting with Obama who then professed, “I am still a Muslim.”

That could explain why Obama uses “bow-boy” diplomacy when interacting with the Muslim world bowing and apologizing everywhere he goes in the Middle East. He also charged Charles Bolden, NASA’s administrator, to reach out to the Muslims to show our appreciation for their contribution to science and space travel.

Not that Muslims have done a whole lot of space travel, but since the shuttle fleet is being retired, maybe radical Muslims could turn them into “Suicide Shuttles” where it wouldn’t matter whether they completed their missions intact. And NASA doesn’t need space vehicles anymore since their primary mission now is pushing the hoax of global warming.

Obama hasn’t only been very partisan but also very racial. His ObamaCare has a panel specifically dedicated to race. No doubt it will distribute healthcare along racial lines because as Obama believes and his wife Michelle professed recently at an NAACP meeting, the black community still is downtrodden compared to whites. That’s even after decades of affirmative action and trillions in great society spending.

It would not be surprising that Obama with his new dictatorial powers from ObamaCare and “Financial Reform” (i.e. takeover) could construct an Anti-American Apartheid. Pro-regressives consider white privilege, their excuse for why minorities have never done well under their policies, a scourge of America that they now have a chance to eliminate.

So, it’s not surprising that Obama dropped the New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case. One defendant, King Samir Shabazz, on video said, “I hate white people, all of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate...” In the same diatribe, he continued, “You want freedom? You are going to have to kill some crackers.”

However, the NAACP only has resolutions condemning the Tea Party for racism even though in March they had a speaker from the Obama administration who admitted reluctance to help a white farmer. Recent testimony also suggests the NAACP may have used their clout to get the Panthers’ case dismissed.

Unfortunately, the “Obamaton” media covers only Mel Gibson’s racist outbursts, which won’t affect average Americans. But, Gibson fits the pro-regressive racist template. The New Black Panthers don’t, and Obama’s pass on their crimes will only increase the chance that intimidation in some form could be coming to a polling place near you.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nothing Noble about Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986 from deep within the USSR, a place no American had ever heard of before, began what would become the “Battle of Chernobyl.” Born from complacency, fed by an attitude of “bad events can’t happen because they’re never mentioned,” and a test on a poisoned reactor that should have waited for another day, 500000 Soviets, citizens of the first socialist state, would soon face deadly radiation.

After the initial explosion, nobody knew the damage or the radiation level because no dosimeter could read it accurately. So, officials assumed 50 Roentgens (R), which was a laugh. Eventually, 500R dosimeters were acquired. Still, they pegged. 250R is good enough to kill any human.

A reactor fire was releasing radioactive smoke coming from white hot magma, what once was 195 tons of nuclear fuel and graphite. 600 helicopter pilots flew multiple sorties to extinguish the fire dropping by hand sand and boric acid. Each sortie gave individuals including the pilots 8R, more if the pilot flew slowly. All these pilots eventually received a lethal dose of radiation and died.

But the sand and boric acid only caused the temperature to rise possibly causing another explosion. Finally, lead was dropped into the reactor remnants, and the temperature dropped immediately. Unfortunately, the initial lead vaporized and created a cloud that contaminated kids who eventually became the “Children of Chernobyl.”

Water was under the magma coming not only from the initial firemen, who all died fighting a strange fire they could never extinguish, but also the plant operators, who continued feeding water through pipes intact no longer. If this magma cracked through the concrete and reached that water, a 4 megaton explosion could have occured completely razing the nearby city of Minsk. So, another battalion of firemen were exploited to drain the water and soon join their comrades in a radioactive death.

Soviet authorities wanted to get under the magma because they were afraid it would melt through to an aquifer that supplied the whole country. Under the reactor was only sandy subsoil. Only government could build a nuclear plant is such a stupid place.

10000 miners, in their 20’s, were employed to build a tunnel, the only path not deadly radioactive. The idea was to build a room under the magma to install refrigeration units to cool it. These miners had to work quickly because of the high radiation in a tunnel with no ventilation. Temperatures reached 120 degrees. The miners didn’t were protection or masks because of the heat. They even drank water from open containers.

But, the refrigeration was never installed. No surprise here, if the Soviets could have accomplished that, they would have been able to at least provide ventilation to their miners. The decision to not install refrigeration was probably reached while these miners were suffering the most.

Just nobody was willing to tell them that their sacrifices were being rendered moot. In the end, they fill the room with concrete that had already failed the test. In a battle between concrete and 5000 degree radioactive magma, magma will eventually win. As evidence that it had already worked through some of the concrete under the initial reactor location. Still, it’s better than subsoil.

A sarcophagus had to be built to contain the disaster, but first debris had to be eliminated from the roof. Robots were initially deployed to remove the ruble, which was at 15000R/hr. Radiation usually invisible was so high color pictures showed it. Negatives were totally black.

Eventually, even reliable robots died a radioactive death. The Soviets could have just bought more robots. One robot that died right at the roof’s edge could have been easily pushed off by its replacement. But, the technologically challenged Soviets chose to use “bio-robots” their cutesy name for humans.

Reservists were called up. Their mission was to wear about 50 pounds of lead, take two shovels full of debris and throw them over the edge in 45 seconds. Curiously, they were given shovels, which were small spades good for planting flowers, but not for shoveling debris off a flat roof. Seeing those poor soldiers, taking precious seconds to fill one small spade was pitiful.

Then, they’d attempt to run over ruble keeping as much of it from falling off. The USSR being very cold climatically should have at least given their soldiers some snow shovels capable of quickly sweeping up huge swaths. Or symbolically, these reservists could have been given pitch forks since their lives were literally being “forked” by the deadly duty.

But, in socialism humans are expendable. Instead of buying more robots, Soviet authorities saved money and just cooked some humans who would never need to eat because afterwards they just vomit anyway. No other disaster better demonstrates that socialism is simply collective stupidity.