Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Communism that’s Contra Crackers

Many voters chose Obama because they believed he was a racial reuniter. Never mind his membership to the Trinity United Church (and church is used loosely here). It practiced BLT, not the famous sandwich, but “Black Liberation Theology.” BLT is one of the most racist religions on the planet, and Obama not only called the Reverend Wright, the pastor there, his mentor, but also sat below his pulpit for 20 year

Yet, the “Look the other way” media gave him a pass even claiming that critics were taking Wright out of context on his America bashing. But, when Wright made a speech at the National Press Club and pretty much reiterated the same radicalism, then presidential candidate Obama was forced to essentially disavow any connection to his extremist pastor.

Still, Obama didn’t have to do much for the “tickle going up their legs” media. Just one speech was all it took, and they immediately called Obama another Abe Lincoln. Soon afterwards, they went right back to praising the One.

Essentially, all Obama said was that he was unaware of Wright’s radical beliefs. That admission was actually worst than the truth because if Obama really didn’t know, then it demonstrated how naïve as a president he would be and is. Just imagine if Wright were a foreign leader, he could dupe Obama sort of like how Iran and Russia are doing now.

If Obama does agree with Wright, why does he, and more importantly how will his hatred effect America? Certainly, Islam plays an important role in Obama’s family including his father, step-father, an uncle and a grandfather where Obama’s got his name “Hussein.” Yet, in one of his many memoirs, “Dreams of my Father,” Obama revealed that it was the political views of his mother, who had become an Islamophile who hated America which influenced him the most.

According to his friends and classmates, Obama was a devout Muslim until he married Michelle where he promptly changed his religion. Yet, belonging to Wright’s church was just a natural extension of his Islamic upbringing. Wright formally belonged to the Nation of Islam.

If Obama’s conversion were true, Obama would be a Muslim apostate and subject to death. It’s a wonder that a fatwa hasn’t been issued commanding every Muslim to kill him. Unless Muslims worldwide believe that he really hasn’t converted. In June, an Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that he had had a one-on-one meeting with Obama who then professed, “I am still a Muslim.”

That could explain why Obama uses “bow-boy” diplomacy when interacting with the Muslim world bowing and apologizing everywhere he goes in the Middle East. He also charged Charles Bolden, NASA’s administrator, to reach out to the Muslims to show our appreciation for their contribution to science and space travel.

Not that Muslims have done a whole lot of space travel, but since the shuttle fleet is being retired, maybe radical Muslims could turn them into “Suicide Shuttles” where it wouldn’t matter whether they completed their missions intact. And NASA doesn’t need space vehicles anymore since their primary mission now is pushing the hoax of global warming.

Obama hasn’t only been very partisan but also very racial. His ObamaCare has a panel specifically dedicated to race. No doubt it will distribute healthcare along racial lines because as Obama believes and his wife Michelle professed recently at an NAACP meeting, the black community still is downtrodden compared to whites. That’s even after decades of affirmative action and trillions in great society spending.

It would not be surprising that Obama with his new dictatorial powers from ObamaCare and “Financial Reform” (i.e. takeover) could construct an Anti-American Apartheid. Pro-regressives consider white privilege, their excuse for why minorities have never done well under their policies, a scourge of America that they now have a chance to eliminate.

So, it’s not surprising that Obama dropped the New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case. One defendant, King Samir Shabazz, on video said, “I hate white people, all of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate...” In the same diatribe, he continued, “You want freedom? You are going to have to kill some crackers.”

However, the NAACP only has resolutions condemning the Tea Party for racism even though in March they had a speaker from the Obama administration who admitted reluctance to help a white farmer. Recent testimony also suggests the NAACP may have used their clout to get the Panthers’ case dismissed.

Unfortunately, the “Obamaton” media covers only Mel Gibson’s racist outbursts, which won’t affect average Americans. But, Gibson fits the pro-regressive racist template. The New Black Panthers don’t, and Obama’s pass on their crimes will only increase the chance that intimidation in some form could be coming to a polling place near you.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nothing Noble about Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986 from deep within the USSR, a place no American had ever heard of before, began what would become the “Battle of Chernobyl.” Born from complacency, fed by an attitude of “bad events can’t happen because they’re never mentioned,” and a test on a poisoned reactor that should have waited for another day, 500000 Soviets, citizens of the first socialist state, would soon face deadly radiation.

After the initial explosion, nobody knew the damage or the radiation level because no dosimeter could read it accurately. So, officials assumed 50 Roentgens (R), which was a laugh. Eventually, 500R dosimeters were acquired. Still, they pegged. 250R is good enough to kill any human.

A reactor fire was releasing radioactive smoke coming from white hot magma, what once was 195 tons of nuclear fuel and graphite. 600 helicopter pilots flew multiple sorties to extinguish the fire dropping by hand sand and boric acid. Each sortie gave individuals including the pilots 8R, more if the pilot flew slowly. All these pilots eventually received a lethal dose of radiation and died.

But the sand and boric acid only caused the temperature to rise possibly causing another explosion. Finally, lead was dropped into the reactor remnants, and the temperature dropped immediately. Unfortunately, the initial lead vaporized and created a cloud that contaminated kids who eventually became the “Children of Chernobyl.”

Water was under the magma coming not only from the initial firemen, who all died fighting a strange fire they could never extinguish, but also the plant operators, who continued feeding water through pipes intact no longer. If this magma cracked through the concrete and reached that water, a 4 megaton explosion could have occured completely razing the nearby city of Minsk. So, another battalion of firemen were exploited to drain the water and soon join their comrades in a radioactive death.

Soviet authorities wanted to get under the magma because they were afraid it would melt through to an aquifer that supplied the whole country. Under the reactor was only sandy subsoil. Only government could build a nuclear plant is such a stupid place.

10000 miners, in their 20’s, were employed to build a tunnel, the only path not deadly radioactive. The idea was to build a room under the magma to install refrigeration units to cool it. These miners had to work quickly because of the high radiation in a tunnel with no ventilation. Temperatures reached 120 degrees. The miners didn’t were protection or masks because of the heat. They even drank water from open containers.

But, the refrigeration was never installed. No surprise here, if the Soviets could have accomplished that, they would have been able to at least provide ventilation to their miners. The decision to not install refrigeration was probably reached while these miners were suffering the most.

Just nobody was willing to tell them that their sacrifices were being rendered moot. In the end, they fill the room with concrete that had already failed the test. In a battle between concrete and 5000 degree radioactive magma, magma will eventually win. As evidence that it had already worked through some of the concrete under the initial reactor location. Still, it’s better than subsoil.

A sarcophagus had to be built to contain the disaster, but first debris had to be eliminated from the roof. Robots were initially deployed to remove the ruble, which was at 15000R/hr. Radiation usually invisible was so high color pictures showed it. Negatives were totally black.

Eventually, even reliable robots died a radioactive death. The Soviets could have just bought more robots. One robot that died right at the roof’s edge could have been easily pushed off by its replacement. But, the technologically challenged Soviets chose to use “bio-robots” their cutesy name for humans.

Reservists were called up. Their mission was to wear about 50 pounds of lead, take two shovels full of debris and throw them over the edge in 45 seconds. Curiously, they were given shovels, which were small spades good for planting flowers, but not for shoveling debris off a flat roof. Seeing those poor soldiers, taking precious seconds to fill one small spade was pitiful.

Then, they’d attempt to run over ruble keeping as much of it from falling off. The USSR being very cold climatically should have at least given their soldiers some snow shovels capable of quickly sweeping up huge swaths. Or symbolically, these reservists could have been given pitch forks since their lives were literally being “forked” by the deadly duty.

But, in socialism humans are expendable. Instead of buying more robots, Soviet authorities saved money and just cooked some humans who would never need to eat because afterwards they just vomit anyway. No other disaster better demonstrates that socialism is simply collective stupidity.