Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Transparent, as Mud on Brown’s Truck

Well, congressional Democrats did it, passed ObamaCare as 58% of Americans are now against it being just months ago in favor. Democrats losing the debate whine that opponents are misleading when they’re the ones misleading. Secret meetings, backroom deals, no debates on C-Span even though Obama promised there would be. Squeaker Pelosi claimed that their thrusting healthcare down America’s throat was actually the most transparent throat thrusting in history.

Pelosi also claims that ObamaCare is a gift to the American people. Well, Massachusetts, one of America’s most liberal states, responded to this gift with a resounding no. State senator Scott Brown, just weeks ago down, was no clown, and took a Democrat down who thought the seat was her own simply because it had always been Kennedy’s crown.

Brown campaigned to be the 41st vote against ObamaCare. Former DNC chairman Howard Dean of scream fame argued on Hardball that Massachusetts voters were really angry over the fact that Democrats hadn’t passed ObamaCare fast enough. So, they voted for a Republican who campaigned to kill it. Voters supposedly have resorted to using reverse psychology.

Don’t laugh. Many Democrats believe exactly this lunacy like Pelosi who promised afterwards to pass ObamaCare anyway. Others like Obama think that the voters are just angry, and they’re voting out incumbents regardless of party. The same anger that propelled Obama into office is now jettisoning Democrats. Angry white males, and it’s always they who are creating mass political upheaval, voted for Brown and Obama because it’s an anti-incumbency thing.

Other Democrats are soul searching for excuses. Brown was male while Coakley (now “Croakley”) was female, and Massachusetts voters never electing a female US senator before obviously don’t like women in political office.

Maybe, Massachusetts voters really don’t care what a candidate says as long as he’s handsome because they have to look at him while in office. Voted most good looking, Brown, a reasonable “Kennedy facsimile,” was in Cosmopolitan long ago clad only in his underwear.

While this special election was only months in duration, Coakley took a week off from campaigning at Christmas. Why not, she was up 30 points. Then, the race changed quickly. A week before the election, she was up by only double digits.

But, Democrats were caught so off guard that they didn’t even effectively cheat and “find” votes for Coakley. Brown won beyond the margin of ACORN where it’s usually the “Daffy Duck” vote that puts the Democrat on top.

Democrats also blame Coakley for running a bad campaign not because she didn’t meet and greet with voters. She just didn’t ask Obama and ACORN soon enough to make a difference.

And, Democrats’ pants were caught so far below their knees that they couldn’t even effectively whine afterwards. Normally, Democrats would claim voters were confused by the ballot, and in this case there was also a Joe Kennedy in the race running as an independent. Democrats at their prime would have concocted a scenario where old biddies confused by this non Democrat Kennedy wanting to vote for Coakley saw the Kennedy name and accidentally voted for Brown instead.

Of course, the culprits of this “chicanery” would have been Republicans even if they had nothing to do with arranging the ballot. For Democrats are good at three things: propaganda (otherwise known as lying), campaigning for office and blaming others for the problems they cause.

In Brown’s election, Democrats even blamed their favorite scapegoat of them all, “Dubya.” According to Democrats, Bush so messed up the economy that Obama got blamed for not fixing it already. Some even believe that voters are so mad at Bush but voted Republican anyway.

Democrats can tell themselves it really wasn’t their arrogance. Just because a Republican senator hasn’t been elected in Massachusetts since 1972 doesn’t make Brown’s win there cataclysmic.

This arrogance can be best summed up in one debate where moderator David Gergen asked a question of Brown about his destined vote against ObamaCare. How could Brown dare to vote against ObamaCare when the seat he sought was Kennedy’s and socialized medicine was his lifelong dream.

Brown immediately rebuked Gergen saying the seat wasn’t Kennedy’s, not even Democrat, instead it’s the people’s seat. Yet, Democrats were so confident that Kennedy’s seat was already won especially from a little known state senator running around Massachusetts in his pickup truck.

In the end, Democrats derided Brown’s truck when it became apparent they couldn’t comprehend the candidate. Senator John Kerry, now Brown’s fellow Massachusetts senator, questioned how driving a truck qualified him to be a senator. Actually, the same qualification question could be asked of Kerry. Coakley and Obama also made fun of Brown’s transportation. Well, they better get the license plate of that truck because it just ran them over.