Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh, “Da” Propagan-“Da”

The sycophant DNC media seems enthralled in all that Barrack Obama “da’s.” He says a lot of ahs too, but it ultimately what he’s been doing that will fun-“da”-mentally change the American republic. When Bush was president, Democrats attacked him for “da”-ficits of a mere $455 billion. Obama will have over a trillion-dollar deficit in his first budget and $12 trillion more than doubling the current debt in just 10 years. America, is this “da” change you were looking for?

But, what’s really amazing is the con-“da”-scension of this administration especially in foreign policy matters. According to Democrats, Obama was going to be this interlocutor extraordinaire.

Recently, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown visited Obama in Washington. Afterwards, a joint press conference is traditionally done involving both leaders. Instead, Obama snubbed Brown giving his press conference alone (but not without his teleprompter, of course). Only the British press complained.

Then, there was Brown’s gift to Obama. A penholder carved from the timbers of a British ship used to thwart the slave trade and a first edition biography of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill. These were thoughtful gifts as well as unique. What did Obama give Brown?

Why, Obama gave Brown a “special collector's box” of 25 DVDs of American favorites such as “The Godfather” and “Star Wars.” Why, this movie package can only be purchased in select locales like Walmart. Whoops, don’t tell Obama’s union buddies! Oh, and the DVDs were NTSC the wrong video format, for Britain uses PAL.

Several British media outlets citing anonymous aides reported that the gift left many puzzled. The London Evening Standard wrote: "One reason for the secrecy might be that the gift seems markedly less generous and thoughtful than the presents taken to Washington by the prime minister."

However, Obama’s ignorance extends to areas that could have much more serious consequences. Recently, a letter was revealed where Obama promised to forgo the missile shield in Poland if Russia agreed to negotiate with the Iranians to give up their ambitions for nukes. Apparently, the Russians released this letter to rebuff Obama in his clumsy overture. Yet, since Russians were adamant with Bush not to put the shield in Eastern Europe, why didn’t they jump at Obama’s offer?

After all, they could have made a half-hearted attempt to convince the Iranians to surrender their centrifuges, but anyone who isn’t a loony liberal (redundancy of terms here) knows that Iran is never nixing their nukes. And it’s insane to expect Russia to help because they’re building a nuclear reactor in Iran. Yet, after the Russians fail, they still could have demanded that the shield be dropped anyway. Again, why didn’t they accept Obama’s offer?

Well, they must believe that Obama is such a foreign policy goof that they can get so much more. Why just get the missile shield stopped, when they can get Obama to look the other way while they swallow up all of Eastern Europe again. Why not, Obama didn’t even care to inform Poland, an important US ally, of his offer to the Russians. And, he didn’t support Georgia, another key ally, after Russia invaded it.

Still, the DNC media reported that Obama’s move was bold, something Ronald Reagan would have done. Are they kidding? Reagan commanded respect from the Russians. Obama only makes them laugh and shake their heads. Like Secretary of State “Hilarious” Clinton giving the Russians a reset button because Bush ruined America’s wonderful relationship with KGB man, Vladimir Putin.

Only the button, which was supposed to be labeled in Russian with “reset,” was instead labeled “overcharged.” This little foreign policy faux pas still happened after the smartest woman in the world supposedly “da”-ble-checked saying, “We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” “You got it wrong,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded.

Maybe, the button should have read, “We will nuke you,” instead.

Yet, it wasn’t just a word Clinton got wrong. It’s her understanding of the Russian regime. Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov, now a prominent leader of the Russian opposition, said it succinctly, “Treat this regime the way it deserves to be treated. They are criminals, and we expect you to stand up to them as Ronald Reagan did.”

Lastly, Obama has just completed another globetrotting trip around the world. For a foreign policy novice, he’s really racking up the Air Force One frequent flyer miles more than any other president. Apologizing profusely for America’s wrongs while simultaneously embarrassing this nation including in Russia, he even apologized for the Cold War.

A recent Quinnipiac poll in Ohio has Obama’s approval below 50%. It seems some of the 52% of voters who were caught up in his color and “da”-finitely not his abilities now want change again.

Weapons of Mass Diversion

Well, Vice of Mice Joe Biden has done it again. Like a child he says the darnedest things. Recently, he admitted that the Obama administration “mis-underestimated” the badness of the economy. On ThisWeek, when asked about the wonderful 9.5% unemployment rate, the worst in 26 years, he said, “The economy was worse than we thought.” Wait, wasn’t this the dynamic duo that told America it was the worst economy in 50 years?

Of course, that’s what “Commie-crats” always say when a Republican is president. It doesn’t matter whether the Dow Jones is a record 14000, or unemployment is a record low at 4.6%.

Biden also said that all we need to keep from going bankrupt was to spend money. This comes from a guy who criticized Bush on the economy mercilessly, and his attacks haven’t abated either, for he added, “And so the truth is, there was a misreading of just how bad an economy we inherited.”

Conversely, Obama said, “In a little over 100 days, this recovery act has worked as intended.” Yet, he predicted that with its passage unemployment wouldn’t go above 8%. It’s 9.5% and still climbing. Some claim that Obama’s “stimulus” plan, the one “the One” told us was absolutely necessary, isn’t working. Actually, it’s working perfectly because it was never intended as stimulus. For it’s always been “Stick It To Us.”

Even though out of almost $800 billion, only $60 billion has been spent, Obama claims that this mere pittance has saved America from the brink while her economy could be about to sink. Normally, if a Republican administration had such a mixed message, the DNC sycophant media would have droned endlessly about the incompetence.

But, if Democrat rhetoric is to be believed that incurring massive debt and spending inefficiently on mostly useless pork barrel projects really stimulates an economy, then why has so little been spent. The fact is Democrats don’t plan to spend the money until 2010 or later. So, if they really cared about the unfortunate unemployed, wouldn’t it be better to spend now?

What America has now is a party totally into buying and stealing elections. 2010 is another election year, and Democrats will use “stimulus” to employ an army to basically canvas for votes helping Democrats. And with ACORN creating non-existent voters, and Holder’s “injustice department” giving the racist group, Black Panthers, a pass to intimidate at the polls, 2010 will definitely be tough for the opposition despite an electorate turning against the change of “Cap and Trade” and outrageously expensive “Health Care Reform.”

Naturally, these bills should have 24/7 coverage as well as rigorous debate, but instead it is barely mentioned. Instead Michael Jackson’s death gets total attention. But as that story wanes, Democrats already have another story to divert the attention for those only casually involved in politics.

For Democrats are really good at diversion especially using their sycophant media. Sometimes it’s a natural event like Jackson. Now it’s a scandal involving Dick Cheney, a.k.a. Darth Vader to liberals, who was investigating the possibility of assassinating Al Qaeda leaders, oh no.

Now this program was authorized by congress back in 2002. It had a budget of a whooping $1 million, and it never amounted too much not even to the level where the president was briefed.

Anyway, Predator Drone missions, that Democrats somehow still permit, accomplish the same mission albeit with more collateral damage. With assignations, targets are limited to a specific person. Bombs tend to hurt those around the target, and I thought the Democrats cared about terrorists and their families.

Yet, congress wasn’t briefed until Leon Penatta, CIA director, did so in supposedly a classified meeting. Where congress killed it immediately, though they theoretically didn’t disagree with its mission. Afterwards someone or some party released the classified information to the press for the sole purpose of creating another pseudo scandal.

Americans losing their jobs in droves are supposed to get upset over a program that didn’t spend much, didn’t do much, wasn’t controversial at all, but only because congress wasn’t briefed! Give me a break! They want Americans to mind the millions while trillion get undermined.

Some theorize that Democrats are just creating this smoke screen to protect Nancy Pelosi after she made unsubstantiated charges that the CIA lied to congress. But Democrats are fairly certain that her quick, unplanned jaunt to China was all that was needed to solve that little peccadillo, out of sight no longer a blight.

Had Squeaker Pelosi been a Republican, the sycophant DNC media would have had her for lunch and then some. Alas, she’s a Democrat, and they’ll only cover the story as long as her stupidity, or in other words, her sticking her foot in her month forces them to report it.